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Top 6 SEO and Marketing Strategies Every Blogger Needs to Know

There are people who have made blogging a hobby, and then there are bloggers who aspire to transform such hobbies into the profession. If you are the latter kind, then there are certain things to be considered in order to make a difference in your career. No creativity in the field of marketing is good creativity if it isn’t, at the end of the day, saleable. What you need is nothing but an SEO and marketing strategies that can help your blog gets the desired exposure in the long run.

And talking of online exposure, behind every successful online marketing campaign and website rankings, an appropriate implementation of SEO and marketing strategies plays the biggest role. Unless and until you are assured of the fact that SEO and marketing strategies for blogs are going hand in hand, chances are unlikely that you will be able to reach out to the target group of audience successfully. So, here are some of the most effective marketing and SEO techniques that be roped in and implemented in order to ensure successful blogging in today’s era of global digitization.

Focus on Mobile-friendly Blogging

Posted on, the number of Smartphone users is predicted to grow from 2.1 Billion (as of 2016) to a whopping 2.5 Billion by 2019. So, it goes without saying that the count of worldwide Smartphone users ever-increasing and is only likely to hit a new high sometime soon.

In addition to it, as a matter of fact, search engine giant Google prioritizes and displays those results at first which are mobile friendly in nature. So, why don’t you choose to write blogs and market some mobile-friendly content? You got to come up with mobile-friendly websites and responsive web designs for your blog.
images in the text

Blogging Isn’t Only About Texts, Add Some Alt Text Images Too

Even though blogging is largely based on the addition of interactive texts, you should also consider inserting a few images as well. It can really work for your blog and is considered to be on of the most effective SEO and marketing strategies. Accurate insertion of explanative images which are relevant to your blog topic is necessary for the matter of intriguing readers. But hold on! That’s not all. The mere addition of images won’t work well for your blog unless they are used in alt text format.

Talking of SEO friendly blogging, the context of alt images is absolutely important to be explained. Search engines cannot sense images the way we humans do. If you consider adding alt images then it will help Google identify and sense the image effectively.

SEO and marketing strategies

The URL Format and Site Structure Should Be User-friendly

This is yet another effective and recommended technique on the list of SEO and marketing strategies to be considered for successful and prosperous blogging. Every prospective reader or visitor of your blog site should be able to navigate and explore a seamless website experience while reading through the blog. This is the reason you should always consider concentrating on the structure of your website. It should be designed and executed in ways that are feasible for your target audience.

Search engines prefer websites that are user-friendly in nature, and allow it to understand the page content better.  So, alongside adding alt images and coming up with reader-friendly blogs, you should also consider working on the web structure aspect sincerely. There are some good sites such as EssayAssignmentHelp, The Verge, USA Today, Blik and AIGA which can be considered as some of the many good examples of a well-structured website. You may choose to take a look at these platforms and form an idea about how to place web contents, reposition images, and come up with responsive designs and the likes.

social media sharing

Social Media Sharing Is One Crucial Aspect to Consider

You must be well aware of the power of social media, especially in today’s world of digital communication. Thus, if you are missing out on the aspect of social media sharing for your blog, then you are actually missing out on a lot of things. Merely writing a blog and meeting all SEO priorities isn’t enough if you don’t consider promoting your write-ups among the social media crowd. Posted on, the number of social media users this year is some 3.196 Billion.

So, don’t you think that it would rather be an act of foolishness to ignore the impact and contribution of social media? Never forget to attach share buttons on every blog you publish. In addition to it, you may create a separate social media community dedicated to blogging. This would again help you to reach out to a healthy chunk of social media crowd and empower your online pr4esence using these SEO and marketing strategies.


Choose Your Focus Keyword Wisely for a Healthy SEO Blogging

If we are to talk about implementing SEO-friendly strategies for blogs, then this is one important point to be mentioned. You need to choose a focus keyword. For an example, you are planning to write a blog on the benefits of essay editing and proofreading, then what could possibly be your focus keyword? Either essay proofreading or essay editing, or both, for the matter of fact.

You can merge two separate words into one and use it as the primary keyword in your blog. The idea behind choosing a focus keyword is to look for words that are relevant to the context and distribute them all over the content by maintaining a decent uniformity. In addition to using the focus keyword in the body of your blog content, you should also consider using keywords in the Meta Title and Meta Description. This is one technique that is crucial for every blogger aiming to make their content SEO-friendly and saleable. Finally, it is one of the above-mentioned SEO and marketing strategies that you need to master immediately and see how your traffic grows.

facebook ads

Purchase Facebook and Google Adverts for Enhanced Exposure

There are some remarkable benefits to such SEO and marketing strategies as purchasing Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. These resources are beneficial for your blogging aspirations as they encourage a seamless and stable marketing message all across the web. In addition to it, Facebook Ads can help you in the matter of creating brand awareness. Yes, you read that right! Brand value for your blog is as important as it would be in case of any product to be sold via online platforms.

Moreover, Facebook advertising is one of the most affordable forms of advertising if we are to talk about ROIs. And it goes without saying that Facebook and Google Adwords are some of the most important elements to be considered when it comes to driving healthy web traffic, increasing sales and fetching global exposures for your creations at the end of the day.

Moreover, Facebook advertising is one of the most affordable forms of advertising if we are to talk about ROIs. And it goes without saying that Facebook tools and Google Adwords are some of the most important elements to be considered when it comes to driving healthy web traffic, increasing sales and fetching global exposures for your creations at the end of the day.

So, the next time you are turning on your laptop to compose another blog, try to avoid SEO Mistakes and never forget to count on these helpful marketing and SEO suggestions for a healthy and productive blogging. Now that the world is depending on marketing tactics and SEO tricks when it comes to generating sales, you can’t afford to be an exception, and especially when you’re aspiring to make a prosperous career out of blogging.

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