Over the last few years, e-commerce began to rise from the selling territory. Not only online sellers but also the physical sellers that have solid customer bases, now trying to enter the e-commerce world.
There is no doubt COVID 19 boosted the fire and sellers now try to become online sellers.
The question is that, is it easy to create an e-commerce site?
In this article, you will know about WooCommerce, The easiest way you can enter the e-commerce world. And I am sure you will try it.
Sometimes you will think is this true? Do we need to pay this much attention to e-commerce?
Ok, Don’t be in doubt, let’s check analytics.
Ecommercenews.eu says that:
51% of UK consumers favor shopping online rather than in-store
And if you check with emarketer.com you will clearly understand that global e-commerce is rising.

Before exploring WooCommerce let’s get some idea what are the alternatives we had. That knowledge will help you to understand why WooCommerce is so powerful and why it’s becoming a trend.
Yes, it’s famous and most e-commerce enthusiasts are interested in this. Shopify is a software as a service in other words SaaS application. The setup of Shopify is much straightforward. But it’s a prison, yes, the word is correct. Because the level of customization is much limited than WooCommerce’s customization options.
This is also a popular platform but it is for enterprise-level shops. It has a lot of customization and there are some open-source options. However, it’s not easy sometimes you will require some geek knowledge to handle this.
Are you finding solutions for these things? Here we have WooCommerce as a solution. And it is the most popular WordPress plugin that powers millions of e-commerce sites.
What is WooCommerce and Why is it so Popular?

- It’s Free
- You Can Sell Anything
- Has Plenty of Plugins
- And many of these are free too
- The Large Pool of Community
- The Powerful Analytics
- It is fast
- Works on all Devices
- Scalability

Finally, WooCommerce is a complete solution for eCommerce sellers. It is a smart pack that provides essential features free of charge. With a vast developer community, you can get a lot of features and help to develop your site. Not only those, but there are also plenty of security features that protect your site and your valuable information from hackers.
What do you think? Is this the future of eCommerce?