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Don’t update Elementor 3.0 for Now! When and How to Update[2021 news]?

Elementor 3.0 Update

Elementor has recently released their new major update Elementor 3.0. They’ve updated both free and pro version. As of the 3rd of September 2020 they’ve launched 16 additional updates to fix the issues occurred. See the changes at the end of this post.

Don’t hurry up to update Elementor on your site!

* Change Log for Free Elementor 3.0 released on 08/23/20

* Change log for Elementor Pro 3.0 released on 08/25/20

What is the problem with the Elementor 3.0 update?

In an admirable effort to clean up the DOM, Elementor 3.0 update ended up removing 3 major wrappers: .elementor-inner – main document wrapper, .elementor-row – section wrapper, and .elementor-column-wrap – column wrapper.

This dramatic change has been dubbed “potentially breaking”. Simply put, this Elementor 3.0 update may cause major problems with the styles of the elements made in Elementor.

Therefore, please don’t update your Elementor based site until your WordPress Theme gets a proper update. We currently have 100+ Elementor WordPress themes and we immediately proceed to update all of them one-by-one, so they are 100% compatible with the new version of this WordPress page builder.

When we recommend to update Elementor to version 3.0?

We recommend updating your page builder to version 3.0 or higher when your WordPress theme is updated. You will get a notification from ThemeForest via email when a new theme version is released. Once you see that your theme got an update related to compatibility:

1. Update the theme.
2. Update Elementor.
|  If you visit your theme’s page on ThemeForest and you see ANY update records after the 1st of September 2020 feel free to update your Elementor. 

What to do if you already updated Elementor to version 3.0?

If you updated your Elementor to 3.0 before your theme got a proper compatibility update, don’t panic.
You can roll your page builder version back in 2 steps.

Step 1: Navigate: Elementor -> Tools -> Version Control, choose version 2.9.9 and click re-install v2.9.9

roll back elementor version

Step 2Navigate: Elementor -> Tools -> General -> Regenerate CSS, click Regenerate Files.

regenerate css files

Free Elementor 3 Change Log

As of 2020-08-03 they’ve issued 5 updates and fixed most of the issues that may happen during the migration from Elementor version 2 to Elementor version 3.

Note! These are temporary fixes. It means that some time later they will still drop that support of old DOM elements. So, still don’t harry up to update your Elementor until your theme and plugins are fully compatible with the Elementor 3. Though, most of our clients report that 3.0.5 version is quite stable and they didn’t notice any bugs.

3.1.1 – 2021-01-31 Elementor Update

Tweak: Minor UI improvements in Compatibility tag
Fix: Async JS loading conflicted with wp.i18n (#13708, #13746, Topic)
Fix: Elementor loads unnecessary wp-polyfills.min.js script in Frontend (#13720)
Fix: Landing Pages experiment removes content in static blog pages (#13706, #13728, #13725, Topic)
Fix: Background Slideshow shifted if Section is stretched and has Full Width layout (#13750, Topic, Topic, Topic)
Fix: Entrance animation set to none caused a delay in the widget load
Fix: Navigator rearrangement glitches when Optimized DOM experiment is active
Fix: Keyboard navigation isn’t working in Tabs widget when Accessibility Improvements experiment is active
Fix: Minor UI glitches in Experiments screen
Fix: Wrong check of a deprecated method caused a notice when ELEMENTOR_DEBUG is enabled
Fix: Arrow keys navigation is not working in Finder
Fix: Theme Style overrides icon size when set in em in Social Icon widget

3.1.0 – 2021-01-24 Elementor Update

New: Elementor Experiments – Experience new features before they’re officially released (Developer Documentation)
New: Compatibility Tag – Make sure your website plugins are compatible with Elementor (Developer Documentation)
Experiment: Landing Pages – Create beautiful landing pages in a streamlined workflow
Experiment: Accessibility Improvements – Make Elementor widgets more accessible (may include markup changes) (#13191)
Experiment: Improved performance by loading JS and Swiper assets conditionally in frontend (#8572, Developer Documentation)
Tweak: Improved Tabs widget accessibility (#11779, #11561)
Tweak: Added alignment options for Tabs widget (#11997)
Tweak: Updated Font Awesome icons library to v5.15.1 (#12057)
Tweak: Added “Custom” Columns Gap option in Section element (#11978)
Tweak: Added Border Radius support in Google Maps widget (#11359)
Tweak: Added dynamic capabilities to Tab Title control in Tabs widget (#9710)
Tweak: Added dynamic capabilities to Toggle Content control in Toggle widget (#12405)
Tweak: Added em unit to Border Radius control in Button widget (#11561)
Tweak: Introduced a new method for attaching a JS handler to an element (Developer Documentation)
Tweak: Added the option to add custom menu items in Site Settings (Developer Documentation)
Tweak: Added an option to choose Text element HTML tag in Divider widget (#11499)
Tweak: Updated eicons library to v5.10.0
Tweak: Refactored YouTube source to use YouTube API in Video widget
Tweak: Added dynamic capabilities to Poster control in Video widget
Tweak: Global dropdown controls are now displayed for all user roles
Tweak: Improved browsers detection utility functionality
Tweak: Added “Find an Expert” link to the Admin Dashboard Overview widget
Tweak: Added the new Theme Builder as a Finder item
Tweak: Added + icon in multi-select control for better UX
Tweak: Improved Select2 controls load
Tweak: Added Elementor Beta (Developer Edition) promotion in WordPress dashboard
Tweak: Migrated DOM Improvements to Elementor Experiments
Tweak: Removed redundant extra padding in responsive controls
Tweak: Modified the Theme Builder app link UI in the Admin Bar menu
Fix: Some keyboards layout cannot open the keyboard shortcuts dialog (#6145)
Fix: Change Page Layout doesn’t update the preview on the first attempt (#13245)
Fix: Update Post Title via Site Settings removes style from Post Title widget (#12605)
Fix: Can’t rearrange items between sections in Navigator since WordPress 5.6 update (#12256)
Fix: Double click needed to play YouTube video when Poster image exists in Video widget
Fix: Autoplay option doesn’t work in mobile devices when YouTube source is muted in Video widget
Fix: YouTube End Time option doesn’t work when Loop option is active in Video widget
Fix: Incompatible variable names in Base Swiper class and Elementor Pro carousels
Fix: Landing Pages menu item directs to the wrong page
Fix: Redundant spacing is added to WYSIWYG control if rich editing is disabled
Fix: Editor Autoplay is not working consistently in Image Carousel widget
Fix: Console errors are thrown when entering the Revisions menu in edge cases
Fix: Column height is not correct when Optimized DOM experiment is inactive
Fix: Wrong translation function caused errors in the Revisions panel
Fix: Widgets empty state is not visible in WordPress 5.6
Deprecated: See all deprecations to this version in our Developers Deprecations Post

3.0.11 – 2020-09-30 Elementor Update

Tweak: Added “Loading” state for Global controls to reflect data loading state
Fix: Inaccurate height in Divider widget (#12569, #12630)
Fix: Global Colors and Fonts are not being generated on non Elementor pages (#12637)
Fix: Inactive “Delicious” social network from Social Icons widget
Fix: Can’t restore the Site Settings document revisions
Fix: Creating a new Global Color or Font won’t reflect in other dropdowns until the controls section init
Fix: Selecting a new Global Color or Font won’t be indicated in the dropdown until the controls section init

3.0.10 – 2020-09-23 Elementor Update

Fix: space_between_widgets is missing on upgrade in some cases (#12298)
Fix: Global Color does not apply to some patterns in Divider widget (#12501)
Fix: Users with “Access to edit content only” aren’t able to access the Editor (#12521)
Fix: If the default page layout is set to “Canvas” Headers and Footers cannot be edited (#12509)
Fix: Global Color and Fonts that were deleted might cause style removal from the same element
Fix: Opacity indication is missing in the Global Color control dropdown and in the creation prompt
Fix: Wrong placement of “Add New” section in a Popup when using Optimized DOM mode
Fix: “Edit with Elementor” button is not in the correct location
Fix: Global Dropdown scrollbar has redundant border in Chromium based browsers
Fix: Entrance animation isn’t working on edge cases in Tabs widget

3.0.9 – 2020-09-17 Elementor Update

Fix: Kit settings get deleted when modifying the Site Title or Tagline in WordPress Settings and Customizer screens (#12540, #12538, #12562) – 2020-09-14
Fix: Reverted Shape Dividers are in front other elements in Chrome 85 fix due to display glitches (#12393)
Fix: Auto Columns control setting causes layout to be displayed in one row in a Social icons (Topic, #12519)

3.0.8 – 2020-09-14 Elementor Update

Fix: Additional cases of Global Style inconsistencies in Editor and Frontend (#12363)
Fix: Edit with Elementor button is missing from the admin top bar in some cases since WordPress 5.4 (#11728, #12175)
Fix: Unexpected columns view when Inner Section is muted (#12376)
Fix: Some Shape Dividers are in front other elements in Chrome 85 (#12393)
Fix: JS error elementorCommon is undefined (#12323, Props @shimondoodkin)
Fix: Site description doesn’t get updated from the ‘Customizer’ screen
Fix: When Global values aren’t available don’t return an empty object
Fix: Message After Submit RTL icon spacing glitch
Fix: Select2 control dimensions adjustments

3.0.7 – 2020-09-09 Elementor Update

Fix: Additional cases of Global Style inconsistencies in Editor and Frontend (#12363)
Fix: Plugins conflict on non-admin login to the dashboard (#12383, #12388)
Fix: PHP error undefined method add_repeater_row caused data updater issues and server overload (#12305)
Fix: Global Colors and Fonts not being saved when created in Site Settings (#12272)
Fix: Shared link is attached to post text in Twitter Share Button widget (Props @LensDigitalUK)
Fix: “No route was found matching the URL and request method” error when using plain permalinks
Fix: Site favicon that was set from WordPress customizer is missing in Site Identity screen

3.0.6 – 2020-09-06 Elementor Update

Tweak: Added dismiss button for data updater notices
Fix: Global Colors and Fonts are missing on front-end (#12363)
Fix: Database update script causes unexpected errors (#12305)
Fix: Custom Breakpoints stopped working since v3.0 (#12320)
Fix: Shortcuts for Navigator is not correct (#12365)
Fix: Can’t close a Navigator since v3.0 (#11836)
Fix: Select field dropdown caret visibility issue in edge cases in Form widget (#12053)
Fix: Missing iFrame title attribute in Google Maps widget (#9955)
Fix: Missing default size unit selection in default Global Font properties font-size and line-height controls
Fix: Toggle widget title style missing in Editor
Fix: Exiting Site Settings menu after accessing it from “Manage Global Fonts/Colors” Global dropdown menu throws a JS error.

3.0.5 version – 2020-08-31 Elementor Update

Fix: Motion Effects not working when assigned to a column and throws JS error when DOM optimization is disabled (#12299, #12275)

Fix: Elements behave unexpectedly in the Editor when a custom repeater control is added to Column and Section elements (#12275, #12242)

Fix: Glitches in migration script for Gap Between Widgets global setting (#12298)

Fix: Console error elementorCommon is undefined (Props @shimondoodkin)

Fix: Missing translation string for ‘color_picker’ in the Color Picker title

Fix: Revisions won’t get updated to the correct one

3.0.4 version – 2020-08-30 Elementor Update

Tweak: Added Skype and Viber to the allowed URI protocols (#11619)

Tweak: Replaced WordPress “Learn More” links with dynamic links for better control over time (#12312)

Fix: Global Colors and Fonts inconsistencies between Editor and Frontend (#12245, #12235, #12303, #12249)

Fix: Global dropdown is not available for all users

Fix: Removed unused strings

3.0.3 version – 2020-08-27 Elementor Update

Tweak: Added option to re-migrate Global Colors and Fonts from earlier versions

Fix: Repeater controls doesn’t work in some edge cases

Fix: Load Theme Builder with relevant UI theme

Fix: Dialog texts are not center aligned in Theme Builder

Fix: Changes are not reflecting on frontend when CSS Print Method is set to Internal Embedding

Fix: Icon List widget does not use render attribute (Props @ibndawood)

3.0.2 version – 2020-08-26 Elementor Update

Tweak: Added Select2 And File Import Components to Theme Builder application

Tweak: Added default values as placeholders to the number inputs in the Breakpoints settings section

Tweak: Minor UI tweaks to Globals dropdown

Tweak: Updated video tutorials in Theme Builder

Fix: Column & Section Elements fires elementor/element/after_add_attributes early (#12185, Props @ibndawood)

Fix: hexdec() returns a deprecation notice (#12161)

Fix: Repeater controls issue after the moving to container.repeaters (#12239, #12221)

Fix: Column Widget Space is not working when DOM Improvement is disabled (#12256, Topic)

Fix: Resetting a style throws JS errors

Fix: Repeater controls backwards compatibility

Fix: Global Color dropdown shows Primary as marked when a custom value is added

Fix: Adding new Global Fonts won’t be added to the dropdown list until page reloads

Fix: Clicking on the Theme Builder Logo reopens it

Fix: Finder gets loaded in preview iframes

3.0.1 version – 2020-08-25 Elementor Update

Tweak: Changed “Exit to Dashboard” and “View Page” panel menu links to use tag

Fix: set-error-handler conflict with 3rd party addons that uses REST-API (#12219)

Fix: Conflict between responsive options and the Navigator “Hide” option (#12123)

Fix: Radio inputs layout breaks when using Multi-Step Form

Fix: Global typography popover glitch in RTL websites

3.0.0 version – 2020-08-23 Elementor Update

New: Introducing Site Settings – manage your entire site within the Editor

New: Meet Global Fonts – the smartest way to manage your text styles (#1553, #1863)

New: Meet Global Colors – manage your site colors more consistently (#1553, #1324)

Tweak: Improved Elementor’s frontend dynamic CSS rendering performance significantly (#8053)

Tweak: Removed .elementor-inner, .elementor-row and .elementor-column-wrap from DOM output to improve performance (#7351, #7817, Developers Blog Post –

Tweak: Added an option to set columns in Social Icons widget (#11295)

Tweak: Added Default Page Layout to Global Layout Settings (#4925)

Tweak: Made ‘z-index’ control responsive in widgets Advanced tab (#10918)

Tweak: Added rem unit support for Padding and Margins controls (#2810)

Tweak: Added control for setting link width in Icon List widget (#11945)

Tweak: Added image Border Radius control to Image Box widget (#9301)

Tweak: Added more Google Fonts subsets (#1630, #1915, #8186, Props @andrejm)

Tweak: Improved Lightbox accessibility (Props @ramiy)

Tweak: Added “Height” & “Object Fit” controls to Image Widget (#10962, Props @ramiy)

Tweak: Added a filter for allowing adding Google Fonts subsets (Props @andrejm)

Tweak: Changed Elementor grid to work with CSS Variables (Developers Blog Post)

Tweak: Updated eicons library to v5.9.1

Tweak: Updated e-gallery library to v1.2.0

Tweak: Updated Dialog library to v4.8.1

Tweak: Updated Google Fonts list to 07/2020

Tweak: Added lazyload to Lightbox slideshow images

Tweak: Removed unused elementor-edit-area-preview class

Tweak: Adding support to Vimeo external links structure

Tweak: Improved Masonry layout mechanism in Gallery widget

Tweak: Allow using Repeater control in page settings

Tweak: Save all Global settings to the Kit entity

Tweak: Converted schemes to Global variables

Tweak: Updated WeChat and Weibo social networks colors in Social Icons widget

Tweak: Added font-family property to text-area control for better readability

Tweak: Migrated Elementor Style settings from WP dashboard to the Global Settings menu

Tweak: Added real-time JS handling to prevent redundant renders in Image Carousel widget and Background Slideshow

Tweak: Moved “Stretch Section” control to the end of layout settings in Section element

Tweak: Color tweaks to editor panel elements

Tweak: Minor UI improvements in the editor panel

Tweak: Added backup warning before major version plugin upgrade

Tweak: Improved dialog a11y to support more accessible lightbox close button

Tweak: Added infrastructure support for the new Theme Builder

Tweak: Added an option to set the mobile browser header color in supported devices

Tweak: Changed panel behavior when switching document to prevent laggy behavior

Tweak: Added Improved DOM Output option in Elementor settings to allow legacy mode of HTML DOM prior to v3.0

Tweak: Removed v2.9 reference from the Dynamic promotions

Fix: Image block alignment broken by Elementor general figure styling (#11906, #9259, #7331)

Fix: Elementor posts aren’t properly imported with WordPress Importer v0.7 (#11466, #10744, #11927)

Fix: Divider can’t use EM font-size unit in Divider widget (#11352)

Fix: Theme Style overrides Icon List items typography values when list items are links in Icon List widget (#12021)

Fix: Responsive glitch in Range control (#11233)

Fix: Multiple repeater controls in the same panel causes JS errors (#11523)

Fix: Multiple repeater control types in same panel glitches

Fix: Dark mode UI glitches in Display Conditions modal

Fix: The wrong video being opened in Media Carousel widget

Fix: Dark mode UI glitch in Display conditions modal

Fix: Connect issues when using non-latin character domains

Deprecated: See all deprecations to this version in our Developers Deprecations Post

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