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How to Accept Bitcoin Payments with WordPress


Even though Bitcoins are known to be dynamic and inconstant, it has definitely redefined the way of payments, and transactions. To put it simply, Bitcoin has gained a reputation as a suitable payment option, and that’s why businesses are exploring the possibility to make their WordPress website compatible for Bitcoin payments.

Speaking of possibilities, you can sell products and services, or ask the consumers for a donation in Bitcoin, and then you can also choose to cash it out immediately, or you can keep it as the value of that payment escalates with time.

Another solid reason to integrate Bitcoin on WordPress is that of the flexibility it offers in terms of continuing the transactions.

So now that we are acquainted a bit about Bitcoin. Let’s focus on the ways to accept Bitcoin payment in WordPress. Also recall, buy dogecoin can be found on the Paybis website.

Develop a bitcoin wallet

Bitcoin payments

A Bitcoin wallet is dedicated to helping you store your Bitcoins once you earn them. However, the technical definition of a Bitcoin wallet is a little different. It’s ideally known as a software program which consists of your private Bitcoin details/keys.

These wallets can be operated through your desktop, your mobile devices, or the hardware, and on the web. And you will find, there are numerous wallet options for different platforms, so conduct your research thoroughly before deciding on a suitable one.

Also, it must be pointed out that some digital payment services actually offer an online wallet service, while other payment gateways simply store the Bitcoin funds as a form of currency into your bank, which ultimately leads to you not needing a Bitcoin wallet at all.

Opt for a digital payment service

A digital payment service will allow you to accept Bitcoin payments on your WordPress website. Even though not pivotal, it is still the most convenient way to accept Bitcoin and other forms of digital currencies.

Once you make your site compatible to receive Bitcoin payments, a payment processor will then store the Bitcoin into your wallet. The payment processors also offer you with the option of converting your Bitcoin into your local currency and keep it into your bank account.

Now let’s look at some of the popular payment processor services that support Bitcoin payments.



Bitpay is a distinguished Bitcoin wallet and payment processor service. This payment processor functions by integrating the Bitcoin payments with WordPress. So you can send the payment directly to your Bitcoin wallet and/or your bank account in the currency of your choice.

Bitpay can send funds to the banks in nearly 40 countries, and in several different forms of currencies. It is also compatible with over 40 eCommerce platforms and services, supporting, Shopify, WooCommerce, Gravity Forms,  and many more.



CoinGate is a renowned digital payment processor service that supports many forms of cryptocurrencies. A Coingate WooCommerce plugin enables you to utilize Coingate’s service on your eCommerce store.

Once installed and integrated, CoinGate tends to function in a similar way like the Bitpay payment processor service. It lets you transfer funds from your website into your digital wallet or your bank account. However, CoinGate doesn’t have its own dedicated online wallet service. It prompts the users to integrate Digital wallet Electrum.



CoinBase is another worthy alternative as a digital payment system. This digital and online wallet service can handle the payments and transactions from your WordPress website in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. These cryptocurrencies can be transferred to your online wallet. Alternatively, it can be converted through CoinBase into your local currency and then transferred your specific bank account.

Integrating a WordPress plugin for Bitcoin payments

After you have opted for a digital wallet and integrated a particular payment processor service, the next step is to incorporate the Bitcoin payment option to your WordPress website. Speaking of which, there are quite a few plugins available that support this function. Let’s shed light on to some of those.

Coingate for WooCommerce

coingate for wordpress

CoinGate is often considered as a better fit for your WooCommerce site than Bitpay because it lets you collect the payments for products in multiple cryptocurrencies. In order to receive payments in Bitcoin via Coingate, you will have to integrate the CoinGate for WooCommerce plugin.

Then to connect the two systems, you need to follow the CoinGate instructions carefully. This is a rather simple process and once done you can freely accept Bitcoin and other forms of digital currencies on your WooCommerce site.

Mollie Payments for WooCommerce

Mollie Plugin

Mollie is another efficient payment gateway solution that businesses can consider. This service offers multiple cryptocurrency payment options, and Bitcoin is one of them. The Mollie Payments for WooCommerce plugin comes free of cost, which will make it easy for you to integrate all the prominent payment systems, with the help of WooCommerce.



GoURL is a Free Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for WordPress that ThemeREX Team used in Crypton – Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme. The plugin allows to get payments straight to your bitcoin/altcoin wallets and convert to USD/EUR/etc later automatically on your WordPress website. It is easy-to-use in order for developers to integrate Bitcoin payments to their own plugins.

Final Words

So it’s quite evident that there is a wide range of methods and plugins available that makes accepting or processing the payments with WordPress absolutely simple. Make sure the plugins you choose should fit your specific website requirements, and also the needs of your consumers. In this case, you test multiple tools to check what works for your website and see to it that you find the best Bitcoin payment system for your site.

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