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6 Must-Know Google Analytics Strategies of 2020 to Measure SEO Success

Google Analytics strategies

A famous saying indicates that ‘if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.’ Measuring Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital as it determines one’s level of success. Moreover, there are tons of tools like that helps a business measure their SEO efforts, and in turn increase their revenue. 

Concentrating on your keyword ranking is important, but not enough. When marketers go beyond keywords, they showcase different ways through which organic searches bring profits to a business. 

Fortunately, there is one freely available tool that helps in measuring SEO- Google Analytics. Although your website may be unique from the rest, here are some of the six ways to use Google Analytics strategies to measure SEO success of your business.

Verify the Quality of Your Website's Traffic

site traffic

Many at times, lots people are more concerned with getting quality results. These kinds of persons end up diminishing the value of measuring one’s SEO success. Fortunately, with Google Analytics, you can always be assured of successful operations. 

When it comes to quality, one can experience either an improvement or a decline in quality traffic. For this reason, there is a need to evaluate the Assisted Conversions report that is produced by Google analytics. One ought to compare the current report with the previous one to determine the decline or increase of traffic. 

Quality is determined in two ways. The first one indicates that if your search conversion shows a decline, whereas the traffic remains steady, your traffic is said to be of low quality. The second one dictates that if your search traffic shows a significant improvement, then your SEO traffic record high quality. 

Know Your Organic Search Traffic

The advantage of this is that it helps one in finding out the keywords or landing pages that are important in amassing quality traffic to your site. This data is obtained from the channel grouping report. 

To access it, one clicks on the acquisition, then all traffic, and finally on channels. Once you are in, you get a chance to find out all the traffic sources for your website. With this organic search channel, you get a vivid analysis of the organic search traffic metrics. 

Monitor Referral Traffic

google analytics

In business, one should keep track of all the referral traffic they get from their external sources. These sources could constitute those from social media platforms. 

With Google Analytics, one gets an opportunity to monitor the number of referrals obtained from a particular page. In so doing, businesses can optimize on the media platforms that bring in most referrals. 

This data can only be obtained from the referral traffic report. The report, therefore, helps one to determine the referral traffic strategies that work best for them.

Obtain Your Dashboard

Once you install Google Analytics for your website, it allows one to create their dashboard interface. 

There are many benefits to building a dashboard today. Some of these advantages include; increased visibility for your business, saves time, and gives improved results. Others are increased productivity, reduced stress, and increased profits. 

This dashboard makes one’s life more comfortable as it provides all personified reports in place. As a result, one does not have to go through every page. In addition to this, the reports are easy to share and print, thus making it easier for every business. 

Creating a personal dashboard is very easy. Here are the steps; click on dashboard > new dashboards. Next, click on ‘+add widget’. This is the stage that allows one to add all the relevant information that they want. 

Completing the process allows one to have a personal dashboard at all times.

Identify All the Pages Loading Slowly

page loading speed

At one time in our surfing routines, we have had to experience pages that take forever to load. This is not only upsetting but also exhausting to all. Often, very few people reload the same page. As a result, visitors to a website end up relocating to the next Google search results that appreciate our time and money. 

Some of the causes of slow pages are unoptimized images, too many ads, excessive HTTP requests, and JavaScript issues. Others are extreme flash content and not using caching techniques.  You can, therefore, use SEO to ensure that these issues are solved; this results in swift landing pages. 

Fortunately, you can use Google analytics to know if your landing pages are slow. Here are the steps; click on behavior > site speed > page timings. After this, click the middle button to ensure that your website is on ‘average page load time’ settings.  Moreover, click on the right button to ‘% Exit.’

Moreover, the app gives one a chance to add a ‘secondary dimension’ medium. This tool allows one to view only organic traffic. 

In case a problem is identified, this would be an opportunity to ask the development team to check on the issue. After all, a website must be optimized to ensure fast speed for the website or a specific page.

Adds Dollar Value to Keywords

Beyond having improved visibility, conversion rates, and traffic, SEO also brings in dollar value to a business. This is primarily a strategy that is used to explain to companies on other benefits of applying SEO traditionally.

For an individual to access this financial value, the first step is to ensure that one has access to the Google AdWords profile. Secondly, ensure that your Google analytics is synchronized with your website’s search console account. With these tools, go to the acquisition, then search engine optimization, and finally click on queries. 

Upon the successful steps, you are required to create a spreadsheet whereby all the keywords that bring traffic to your site are added. Moreover, add their respective CTR and also the cost-per-click (CPC).

To get the value of the keywords, one ought to add the value of the multiplication of CPC and that of the number of clicks. The results give the average organic value of each keyword that is used. 

With the above results, compare them with the cost of if one was to purchase the keywords from AdWords campaign. This method makes one realize the amount of money a business saves while using SEO strategies.  

SEO has had a considerable challenge, especially when it comes to proving its value in figures. This is because many people are still learning the concept. However, this piece has shown that there are myriads of ways through which one gets to measure their SEO’s success by only using Google Analytics. 

It is easy to show an improvement in numbers after using SEO. However, quantifying the same from a traffic or revenue’s point of view can be quite hectic. Fortunately, these six strategies have proven this value in many ways.

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