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20 Technical SEO Tips to Boost Google Rankings

SEO tips

If it was easy to figure out how to rank higher on Google, all businesses would have appeared on the first page of the results. But that’s not possible, is it? Every single competitor is aspiring to the same goal. That’s why we’re looking for more tips on how to beat the competition.

Most of the time, SEO tips are focused on content. You’re supposed to target the right keywords, write impressive long-form content, and hope that quality will get your pages high in the results.

Yes; that works!But there’s another aspect to SEO, which website owners often neglect: technicalities. Technical SEO is all about optimizing the website and the server, so you would enable Google’s spiders to see all the right things when they crawl the pages.

We’ll give you a checklist of the technicalities that you need to go through when wondering how to increase SEO ranking.

20 Technical Tips: How to Increase SEO on Google

SEO Tips
  •  Make the Site Faster
Did you know that 53% of mobile users will rather bounce off than give your site more than 3 seconds to load? Here’s what you can do to prevent that from happening:
  • Use lighter image formats 
  • Use your own content delivery network
  • Get rid of unnecessary plugins
  • Create caches
  • Abandon shared hosting 
  • Figure Out How Regular Expressions Work
SEO specialists use RegEx (regular expressions) to mathematically or logically measure words and symbols in the URL.  It’s a complex strategy that evaluates metacharacters, such as a backslash, dot, square brackets, and more. You want to make sure that your URLs are effective. That doesn’t mean that you’ll delete all pages with flawed addresses. You’ll only optimize them, and you’ll write code for redirecting.  
  • Improve the Site’s Structure
You always get that tip when wondering how to improve SEO: “make a XML sitemap.” But that’s not the only thing you should do.
  • Each page should belong to a clear category
  • Make sure to link between relevant pages within your site, so Google’s crawlers will see the connection
  • Provide Appropriate About and Contact Info
If you want people to trust you, you have to provide clear About and Contact info. Otherwise, they might start reporting the site. We all know what that means for your SEO efforts. 
  • Create a Mobile-Friendly Site
Everyone who deals with SEO knows this: Google has a “mobile first” approach to indexing web content.  Clearly, creating a mobile-responsive design is no longer a choice. It’s a necessity. 
  • Implement Schema
With this step, you will improve the information about your page that shows up in the search engine results. 
In the example above, you can see that the search results contain a publication date. That’s important to users who search for current information. The date can be added with Schema markup.  
  • Remove Duplicate Content
Duplicate content is not only confusing to the crawlers; it’s also a red flag for plagiarism. 
  • Google gives you clear instructions on how to consolidate duplicate URLs: you should define a canonical page.
  • Your content management system might be publishing multiple versions of a single post. TO prevent that, you should disable Session IDs. 
  • Help the Crawlers to Understand Your Language
In an attempt to attract international users, many webmasters offer various language versions of the same site. But that can be confusing to the crawlers. 
  • To improve Google rank, you should use hreflang tags, which identify the relevant language for a particular country. With this, you’ll solve the issue with duplicate content.
  • Connect the Site to Google Webmaster Tools
This suite gives you essential data about every single aspect of SEO. It will help you to find reliable keywords, make improvements in HTML, improve structured data, create effective sitemaps, and more. 
  • Don’t Forget Bing Webmaster Tools
A great SEO practitioner never forgets that Google is not the only search engine available.  Microsoft gives us its own tool, which gives you valuable search analytics. It’s free, so there’s no point in avoiding it. 
  • Security Is Essential
The best security practice is to implement HTTPS instead of HTTP. HyperText transfer protocol (http) focuses on the way your site presents information to the user. Secure HyperText transfer protocol (https) does something more: it focuses on the way data gets through different points. It uses SSL to guarantee data security. 
  • Get Rid of 404 Error Pages
Non-existing pages are annoying to users. It’s a fact: most websites have them, especially if they’ve been active for several years. Getting rid of them is an essential SEO optimization step.
  • Google’s search console allows you to detect all 404 pages on your site. All you need to do is delete them, or redirect them to a page that contains more current and relevant info.
  • Use the Robots.txt File
You want Google’s bots to crawl your site as you instruct them. That’s why you shouldn’t skip the robots.txt file under any circumstances. 
  • Enable AMP
AMP is Google’s web component framework that makes content delivery faster on mobile devices.  We already talked about the importance of speed on mobile. When you improve it, it’s more likely for your target audience to see your pages. Engaging your users is an important aspect of improving the Google Website ranking.
  • Set Up a Google Business Account
If your website presents a registered business, you’ll benefit from setting up a Google Business account. That’s a great (free!) way to focus on local SEO.
  • Use Different Links
Footer links, links to governmental and educational sites, links to the homepage or blog posts, links to influential sites… which ones should you use? You shouldn’t focus on a single type of link. Get them from different places!
  • Get Rid of All Unnecessary Code
From time to time, you need to go through your code and improve it. You’ve learned a lot since you developed that site. You’ve gotten better. You can use your current knowledge and skills to remove the excess code, which complicates things for Google’s crawlers. 
  • Make Social Media Sharing Easy
Don’t neglect the importance of social media buttons on each page! If a user wants to pin the content or share it on their profile, you should make it easy for them. 
  • Improve the Page Layout
There are a few things you can do:
  1. Add more visuals if you haven’t introduced enough of them
  2. If there are unnecessary visuals, remove them… it’s all about the balance
  3. Make sure there’s enough white space
  4. Make the paragraphs shorter
  • Don’t Forget the Header Tags
Many beginners think that using a different font and size is enough to clarify what the header is. That’s enough for the reader. But Google’s crawlers need actual header tags.

Get to Work!

SEO Tips to boost Google rankings

There’s a lot to do!

When it comes to improving your site’s Google ranking, hard work is always involved. 

We just listed the most important technical SEO improvements that you should make. Each point needs a detailed how-to post on its own. Single out the things that you haven’t done, and start focusing on them, one step at a time. 

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