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WordPress Blog SEO and Monetization Tips

WordPress Blog SEO

For this simple SEO tips article, I wanted to look specifically at blog SEO and blog monetization.  Many people write blogs nowadays and most bloggers want their blog to be highly ranked by search engines such as Google.  Bloggers with blogs that are monetized are especially reliant on good SEO, as they need to generate website traffic to make money from their adverts. 

Types of Blog Regarding SEO and Monetization

Blog regarding SEO

The blogs that work best in terms of SEO and monetization are ones that are focused on a particular topic (often called a niche).  The success of how good they are at helping to increase internet traffic depends on the quality and quantity of the keywords associated with that particular niche. Niche blogs will tend to use similar keywords over and over again which will help with the blog SEO for search engines such as Google.

People searching the internet are often particularly interested in “how-to” information, or information that helps them resolve some sort of practical problem that they are having.  A niche blog might cover such things as how to play golf, home plumbing, where to buy golf bags, where to find the cheapest train tickets, give reviews of household cleaning products or suggest motorcycle safety products.

Blogs that log people’s lives and random opinions are usually very hard to help with blog SEO and any blog monetization of them often produces little or no earnings – if there is a success, it is often just with a handful of posts rather than the site as a whole.  Writing about how much you love your pet dog, or musing about spending a weekend away visiting your auntie is unlikely to have commercial value.

Don’t get me wrong, blogs of this type can sometimes attract direct views from followers if they are well-written in terms of being informative and/or entertaining, but realistically, whatever blog SEO tips I gave you, they would be unlikely to help this type of blog to attract a lot of Google traffic or earn much money through blog monetization.  One reason is that these types of blogs will tend to have a different set of keywords for each post, rather than using the same ones over and over, like with a niche blog.

How to Find Out How Much a Blog Can Earn?

Earn with your blog

The more valuable the keywords are that are associated with that niche are, the more valuable the blog is in relation to potential earnings.  If you are unsure of how valuable specific keywords, you can find out using the Google Keywords Tool.  Be aware that the more valuable keywords are often more strongly competed over, however, so it’s often better to go for mid-value ones with less competition, or even the low value ones if you think you can attract enough internet traffic and clicks.

There are plenty of keywords that can attract lots of traffic but earn you very little money if you are using blog monetization with a package such as Google Adsense, which depends on people clicking your adverts.  For instance, blogs on celebrities can sometimes attract massive amounts of internet traffic, but earn little, as people read the information then go away without clicking on the adverts.  As well as giving you values for keywords, the Google Keyword Tool also gives indications of how many clicks you might expect on your adverts with specific keywords.

Blog SEO Tips to Increase Your Internet Traffic

The actions that are needed to increase your internet traffic are similar to the actions needed for SEO on all websites, for instance, the main one being that creating backlinks will help you considerably in the medium to longterm.  

One method for increasing your views which is particularly applicable is guest blogging.  This is where you and another blogger who writes about the same or similar subject “swap places” for a post: you write a post for their blog and they write one for yours in the hope that you can both get extra followers and views.  You may also find that other bloggers link to your website, or blog posts too, which will also help with your blog SEO.

You should also look at using social media as a way of getting backlinks and promoting your site.  This includes social bookmarking sites and also the social networking ones such as Facebook and Twitter.  

What Effects the Blog SEO

The domain name will affect your blog SEO and where possible, it is good to have a domain name that uses keywords that you are likely to be using regularly. 

Usually, the title of your post will appear in your URL, this helps with the blog SEO.  Some websites, such as Google blogger, will limit the length of title that they will include in the URL (37 characters in the case of Google blogger) and so it is important to get your keywords in at the start of the title.

Some SEO experts advise bloggers to write longer posts, typically suggesting somewhere between 650 and 1,500 words, arguing that the Google search engine is more likely to interpret longer pieces as “quality” blog posts than shorter ones.  This opinion is not universally held, however.  What is certainly true though is that longer articles do often cover subject areas more thoroughly than shorter ones and there is also more scope for fitting in keywords without making the blog post difficult to read.

The layout of your blog and how it is written in HTML (the computer code that programmers use to make websites) will also affect how search engines such as Google see your blog and this will affect the blog SEO.  I don’t propose to go into the technicalities of this, as this is a simple SEO tips blog, but thought I would mention it for your information.

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