Blogs and bloggers exist to provide information about news, trending topics, technical subjects, and other topics. Most real estate companies that are seemingly doing well don’t have blogs, which has led many real estate investors and agencies to question the essence of blogging.
Blogging may not be the reason you succeed as a real estate investor, but it can give you the edge over your rivals. Here is why a blog is a must-have accessory for any real estate firm:
People Search Before Committing
A whopping 85% of Americans conduct online research before purchasing a product or service. A blog gives you more online visibility and provides a platform to direct prospects to your service or contact page. Any user who bumps into your blog content will likely end up on your main website if your content is good and has well-placed outbound links.
Blogging Enhances Your Reputation
Careful selection of topics and in-depth expounding of concepts are all essential in boosting your reputation through blogging. You can either do the writing yourself or find a professional blogger with expertise in the real estate field to update your blog. Most importantly, your blog should provide answers or solutions which prospective customers are looking for. Relevant topics like ‘How to Sell Your Gainesville Home Today’ and ‘Everything You Need to Know About Buying a New Home‘ will portray you as an industry expert.
Blogging is Good for SEO

Blogging is an easy and straightforward way to boost your search engine rankings. All major search engines use complex algorithms to determine the relevance of web and blog content to certain queries. A blog whose content revolves around the same topics and keywords will likely earn a higher ranking for searches within its niche.
Blogging keeps your website fresh and current. If a user comes across your website and realizes that it has not been updated for years, they are likely to lose interest and visit a competitor’s website that has fresh content. Keeping your website current also gives search engine algorithms a reason to index your real estate website more often.
Blogging Saves Time
Real estate is a complex field made up of a labyrinth of terms, procedures, and documents. Real estate businesses get bombarded by questions from clients and prospects looking to understand complex procedures and terms, and a blog gives you the platform to break down some of the most common topics and questions, so you don’t have to answer the same questions over and over.
Blogs Are Advertising Channels
Unlike standard websites, blogs are regularly updated, which gives you the chance to talk about your success in past projects. Some prospects will only hire a real estate firm to build their houses if they see your achievements.

We are living in the digital age, and potential clients are on the internet looking for services and information. Having a service website can greatly increase your visibility, but pairing it with a blog will put you above your competitors. It doesn’t matter how successful your business is; a blog will expand your reach and push you to the next level.