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Which One is Better for Blogging, WordPress or Blogger?

WordPress or Blogger

Blogging today is one of the most-loved and popular forms of activity, taken up both as a hobby and a profession in the writing field. You might be an escape room enthusiast who wants to share their opinion and adventure about the different escape rooms you have visited and played with or a food lover and wants to share your recipes and food experience with the world. In such cases, blogging is the perfect platform for you to connect with like-minded people and share your thoughts. 

But often, the bloggers come across a difficult choice in their lives, which blogging site is perfect for them. And most of the time, people finally land on the option of WordPress and Blogger. Users have been using both platforms for blogging and have found success and facilities in each case. But the doubt still stays at the end – which is better, WordPress or Blogger? 

To help you clear your doubts regarding which platform is better and which one you can choose if you plan to blog in the future, let us look at the pros of both websites first and what makes them stand out from the rest. 

Reasons Why WordPress is Better

It has a wider reputation. 

One of the prime reasons WordPress stands out in the blogging community is its reputation as a self-hosted blogging website. People collectively believe that since a person has their blog on WordPress, they must have paid to avail all of its services and worked hard to establish it in this way. It gives off the image of WordPress being a place for blogging with an aim and a professional intention, whereas many other blogging sites are for free and used by people who only want to use it as a non-serious hobby. 

You can fully control your blogs

WordPress is a self-hosted blog and protects your account from getting deleted without any prior notice. You have total control over its security, facilities, how you want to handle its themes, and the domain name and other options. Google owns Blogger or simply Blogspot, and they may remove your blogging account without giving you any prior notice if someone flags it as spam. This situation isn’t possible in the case of WordPress, where you are in charge of handling everything on your blog, and there’s no intervention of another party to take authority over it. 


AdSense is very useful for promoting and monetizing your blog on the internet. And WordPress lets you approve your AdSense account through your domain name and email address in simple steps, unlike the other blogging forums, where it is a tedious process and sometimes has unfavorable outcomes. 

More SEO Options 

SEO refers to optimizing your blogs to gain more traffic for your website and search results on the organic search page through search engines. Although WordPress does not support SEO, it provides plenty of offers and options to utilize optimizing techniques to generate more traffic and crowd for your blogs. It is one of the best and free blogging websites where you get plenty of settings to optimize your blog and gain higher ranks on the search engine. 

Various Plugins and support choices are available

It is easier to use support plugins and edit them in your blog on WordPress. There are also several WordPress support manuals and forums through which you can learn to implement and fully utilize these plugins in a hassle-free manner. Apart from these, you can also avail yourself of the facility to get custom codes for extending the abilities and features of your blog through WordPress info and instructions manual. 

Plenty of themes and templates

Since WordPress is a commercial blogging platform, you will find unlimited themes and templates to use in the premium WordPress option. You can use many templates and accordingly design your blog to appear unique and different depending on the topic and nature of your articles and posts. And you can even change the whole setup of your WordPress theme using your FTP (File Transfer Protocol) access on the website domain. 

Reasons Why Blogger is Better

It is perfect for hobby-blogging

If you want to blog just as a hobby and write your thoughts online, Blogger or Blogspot is the best choice. You can blog for free using the Blogger, as you don’t have to worry about understanding any technical know-how to set up your page or website. All you have to do is create your account, get it approved through your email, and you are free to start writing and sharing your ideas with the world. Also, you can create multiple blogs using your single account on Blogspot, and it is as simple as grabbing yourself a glass of water at home. 

Free from technical hassles and difficulties 

Often, WordPress or any other blogging site requires you to purchase a domain, install Plugins, set up your page, etc., which immediately puts off various writers because they only want to write down and share their words quietly on an online platform. Blogger lets you do just that. You need not have any prior technical instruction guide and manual knowledge to do anything on your blog page as everything is already set up and prepared for you. It is free of cost and from technical duties and obligations to follow before starting your blog. 

Easy and simple for beginners

Many of us start blogging to share our thoughts, interact with the outside world and similar-minded people on the internet. Therefore not all of us are ready and well-equipped with handling the complete details and technical aspects of a professional blog site. It might come off as confusing and scary in the beginning. Sites like WordPress require plenty of setup knowledge and a former guide on setting up our domain name and installing plugins to support our blog. But it is not the case in Blogger. It is devoid of SEO benefits, and you can use it as a learning ground during your initial years of blogging.  

Automatic updates

Another advantage of Blogger or BlogSpot is its automatic updates. The notifications are provided on your dashboard whenever the new updates are available, and they are installed and set up immediately without you needing to do anything in the process. But in WordPress, you need to manually install each of your updates and plugins after getting a message regarding new update features available on your dashboard.  

Domain link is FREE to link in your blog

In WordPress, you have to set your domain link in the blog using a custom domain feature. But in Blogger, you can easily link your domain to your blog for free. The default link is made visible to you, and you can share it with other people and on different social media platforms without much trouble and in easy steps. 



While Blogger and WordPress are both suitable for blogging, you can choose any of these due to their versatile nature and different facilities. When it comes to making money and earning more, you can go for WordPress, as it has several built-in plugins and features to boost your SEO.

It allows you to have complete control of your website and handle everything according to your wish and choice.

But if you are looking to start blogging for the first time and discuss your ideas without diving much into the technical details and complications, Blogger is more suitable for you. It is free and easy to work with and requires no extra knowledge in advance to operate it.

It might come with limited features and themes but is best suited for amateur bloggers. You can learn many things here at the start of your writing career. 

So, it isn’t about which platform or website is better, but about your choice and what suits you the best. Both have a set of pros and cons and are good in their ways. It eventually depends on you what your ambition is behind blogging. Are you doing it as a hobby or as a content writing career? And when you realize it, you have the answer to whether WordPress or Blogger is better for you.

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