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What Are the SEO Benefits of Social Media?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most companies tend to think of their social media marketing efforts in somewhat of a vacuum. They focus on the number of followers they draw, brand awareness, and the sales they can attribute directly to social media campaigns. However, there is another minor, yet convincing, the advantage of developing as well as maintaining a strong social media presence that sometimes goes unnoticed: Improved search engine optimization. Here are a few ways that your social media presence helps your brand rank better in search engines, and how you may capitalize on them.

Thankfully, there is one thing we appreciate for sure: Social media marketing influences SEO in other, more concrete ways. In today’s landscape, social media requires to be another piece of the puzzle in your business’s marketing plan, managed to drive attention towards the SEO Services activities that we comprehend work.

Here are key ways social may be utilized to do this:

social media

High-Quality Inbound Links

Social networking sites are some of the most common on the Internet, as well as one of the key factors that search engines utilize to determine rankings is the prominence of sites that are linking to your business. For search engines, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, as well as other sites with marvelous volumes of traffic are among the most credible sources. So if you have plentiful links coming from them to your website, it will aid drive up your rankings.

To capitalize on this, you must make sure you include links to your website from the static information on your social networking profiles, such as your page description or about section. You should also make sure which your posts have links back to your website whenever possible. Just make sure to have a balance with posts that do not contain a link. Otherwise, you risk appearing overly self-promotional.

Audience Growth

This might be obvious to most, but it’s still worth mentioning the intrinsic power of social media to build and expand your audience.  A strong social media presence will get you where your people are, whether they’re on a regular commute or just scrolling their feeds at home. Plus, social influencers aren’t about to die anytime soon as they promote your brands to audiences that trust their opinions. And the more people recognize about your product, the more visits you’ll get on your site.


Brand Authority

Less technical, but no less powerful. In an age of ‘truthiness’ and fake news, it’s paramount that consumers can trust your brand. Having a comprehensive social media strategy may produce exactly this, positioning your brand as the thought leader in your industry, and naturally building trust. Consistently making this image will lead consumers to incline towards your product next time they are in a buying cycle.

Social Media Has Its Benefits

Whether or not Bing or Google count social metrics as direct ranking factors is somewhat of a moot point. Social media including SEO should be working together, sharing content or utilizing engagement metrics as data for future content creation.

Lest we forget, businesses may advantage from revenue generated directly from social media regardless of its influence on search rankings. Social media campaigns should be focused primarily on generating their success, with SEO considerations as a secondary (but still important) consideration.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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