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Updates About the Google Image Search Algorithm

Google Image Search Algorithm

Lately, Google seems to be rolling out many new updates right from its operating system Android to Android Studio 3.2. In last week’s article, we covered the release of Android Studio 3.2. Google has been making efforts in order to improve the Android Studio so that the developers can work efficiently.

The new features will help the android app developers and they wouldn’t have to waste time behind grade build. Developers will be able to focus better on developing good mobile apps. The major update about Android Studio 3.2 was fresh features like a new app publishing format, ability to generate App Bundles, Android 9 Pie functionality, and a What’s New assistant.

The search engine giant has made it official that a new image search algorithm update has been released which will help improve the overall quality of Google image search. The new Google image search algorithm is set out to improve the quality of the image search by considering factors like the freshness of the content, the page authority to decide the position of images, image placement on the page etc.


But How Often Does This Happen?

The core algorithm update is released daily by Google. But compared to that, the Google image search algorithm is updated far less. The latest update that is announced by Google was presented in different phases over the previous year. Users did complain about the duplicate and spam images appearing in the Google image search algorithm for a while. The algorithm update was awaited for a long time. Now that it is available, the image search will definitely improve.

Two Major Changes Announced to Google Image Search Algorithm

  • The major ranking factor for the image will be the relevance or the authority of the webpage.
  • Only those sites will be prioritized where the image is both higher up on the page and central to it.

What Does Google Have to Say About It?

In the official release of the update, Google says that the image algorithm revamps worked out over the last one year. Google also added to the statement the new algorithm will choose quality images only from pages that feature quality content.

The images that are part of a website that has a high page authority will definitely rank above the ones that are from other decent pages. If you are looking for a particular product, the site supporting that product will most likely come up. Google will also be promoting content that is fresher. So you will end seeing a site that has added updates recently.

Google ranking

How Will On Page SEO Filter Images in Google Search?

Another major revelation made by Google image search algorithm update is that the placement of the image will be a prime deciding factor in whether an image will be chosen or not and will decide the fate of the image in the search ranking. Google said that it will be prioritizing more on images that appear in the start and middle of a blog and article. This means the feature images will be given the utmost priority in the Image Search algorithm, according to the new update.

How Exactly Does Google Image Search Functions?

Google image search usually functions by either searching for related images that are depending on the search query that is entered by the user or Google will analyze the image that is uploaded by you, which is the Search by Image Option.

  • Image Crawling. Google will crawl the image at exactly the same time it starts crawling a web page. Here, the Google bots would visit the websites and retract data that is offered to Google by the websites. While doing this, Google peruses the data from those images.
  • Creating an Index. Google will then start developing an index for the image search. This index consists of the collection of the data that has been retrieved from the millions of pages available on Google. All the data recorded about the images is then further deposited in Google’s Databases.
  • Image Search is Worked On. Now the image search is actually going to come into action. The search query by the user is analyzed. Based on the Google image search algorithm factors, Google will rank images for that particular query.

The Issues That Were Fixed Here

  • Google will now start to demote duplicate images.
  • This new update will fix a problem and offer better contextual images because here the image placement also matters.
  • A deleted image also crops up at times when a user tries to view it outside the result page of Google.
  • The first images in the search result are spams. The new update will help in eradicating that and instead of those images, it will put up images that are relevant in the top positions.

image search

Ways to Be Able to Rank in the Google Image Search

  • Submit images that are high-quality and unique for the web.
  • Use file names that are more illustrative.
  • The image must be central and positioned on the top of the page or the blog.
  • Contextual images are also very helpful; for example, showcasing photo canvas prints and wall art can enhance relevance when paired with appropriate content.
  • Add image description along with the Alt text which is also valid.

Several New Updates

Recently, a lot of new updates have been given out by Google. In the Android 3.2 version, a new app bundle is available, a new energy profile has been released with the Android Studio 3.2, the JetPack will provide developers with several new libraries and tools to build apps. Other features are Reference Tracking, AMD Processor Support, R8 Optimizer etc.


With this update of the Google image search algorithm that has been released, the image search will definitely be much more useful and relevant. This algorithm will now help show content that is fresher and much more useful and relevant for the users.

This update in the Google image search algorithm has taken factors like the authority of the website, quality, and relevance of the image in consideration. This new update will keep the website app developers and mobile app developers on their toes.

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  • Ankit Mishra
    Posted Dec 15, 2018 at 5:50 am

    thanks for telling us about change of google search algorithm.

  • Digital Marketing
    Posted Dec 20, 2018 at 6:20 am

    I am obliged for this informative article. image search also has its algorithm to get ranked. this is important in search ranking factors. this update will help to look image importance and plan accordingly. keep sharing.

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