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Top Tips to Use PDF Efficiently


Today, PDF has emerged as one of the most popular file format conversion software because of its amazing benefits. A few years back, it was difficult to share documents and files on various gadgets. Now, with the use of PDF, the experience of file sharing got a lot better. In fact, PDF is acknowledged as a universal file format software because it enables you to save time and money in sharing documents. Here, in this feature, we will guide you through a few top tips to make the most out of this software:


If you don’t know, you can use SEO to identify the specific keywords in the PDF document when it is posted online. So how do you do it? All you have to do is, open the file in Acrobat and select “Document properties”. Next, you have to enter the PDF title and keywords. Once you’re done with it, the file will get ranked organically. This will eventually be healthy for the long-term exposure of your document on the web. Visit to learn more about this feature.



Are you willing to determine the page size of a PDF document? To do this you need to take your cursor to the bottom, which is the left corner of the window. Next, you will be guided about the page size within seconds. It is important to determine the size of the page because it will have an impact on the documents that you are willing to convert. Secondly, when you get to know about the page size, it is easier to navigate several changes in the file while it is being formatted.

Edit and Commenting

One of the leading features of the PDF file is its ability to mention the comments while the document is being edited. For your information, you need the full version of Acrobat to make the most out of all the available tools. However, even if you don’t have the full version of the PDF, you will still be obliged to edit and comment while formatting your document in PDF. Furthermore, the instructions for use can also be recorded in the email.


All of us know that a finding tool helps us in searching for a word or the content that we want. However, have you ever required the last version of a file as crisp as when it was sent? This happens only in PDF. Open your document in PDF in Adobe Acrobat. Next, you need to select the document and click on compare documents. You will be guided through the visible changes that were made last time when you used a file.

Multiple Size Pages

use of PDF

If you don’t know, there are various sizes of the pages in PDF. This is helpful for publications that need to make changes to the size of the pages very often. You can also spread a single page over various pages. Furthermore, if you want a different size for every page, this will be done as well. This feature is beneficial for documents that are infused with media.

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