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Top 6 Benefits to Convert HTML Website into WordPress

A decade ago, designing the websites with static HTML code validation might have looked cool for the web developers, but now, the story is completely different. Today, if you are still following the traditional way of designing a website on HTML, there’s a high chance that you may struggle to compete with the websites that are more compatible with today’s search engines. Furthermore, if a website is coded with HTML frameworks, it can get slower with time.

So, what should you do?

Well, in most cases, the developers choose to convert their static HTML websites to WordPress themes sites which not only improves the functionality of the website but also makes things more dynamic (literally). If you are a website owner who has limited knowledge of web development or maybe just starting out as a web developer, you should know the major benefits that you can get when you choose WordPress over HTML. 

Here are 6 reasons why you should convert your HTML website into WordPress website right away.

Easy to Work With


More and more website owners are now willing to turn their website into a WordPress themed site primarily because it makes things easier for both the developers and the users. There are plenty of additional plugins and themes that simplify the job of web development. In fact, there is a plugin store on the official page of WordPress, from where you can choose and install the necessary plugins to your WordPress site.

Furthermore, the themes available for the WordPress sites offer an aesthetic touch to the web design as well as the plugins. They even make it easier for the developers to add definite features to the website. Since the WordPress platform is not very technical, it is an ideal choice for those who are still learning how to develop a functioning website.

A Dynamic CMS

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Standing in 2018, the HTML sites do look a bit outdated in comparison with the WordPress sites. Firstly, an HTML site contains a static design. On top of that, they also include a number of pages and multiple lines of hard code. In fact, each of those pages on the HTML site is equal to an HTML file with the same layout and design. So, you can understand how much one needs to work.

On the other hand, the WordPress sites are easy to develop, manage and update, which gives them an advantage over the static HTML web design. Since WordPress was initially developed for content publishing, it comes with many embedded functions. Interestingly, these embedded functions make the site highly dynamic and most favorable for website creation.



Even though a lot of people still use HTML websites, in today’s date, it is wiser to choose a WordPress platform for the website. As you might be aware of, it has become essential for the websites to comply with the search engine requirements. While the HTML websites struggle to perform on the lines of search engine optimization, the WordPress is created to embrace the search engines.

Due to this amazing feature, all the posts, categories and pages on the platform can be optimized for the search engines quite effectively. Notably, the WordPress platform also facilitates site crawling, allowing the search engines to gather relevant information and show them up in the user queries. Also, it is quite easier to achieve a higher rank in the search engine queries with a WordPress site.

The Community of Developers

community of webdevelopers

Another impressive thing about WordPress is the availability of a vibrant community of web developers, who provides continuous support to the newer WordPress users to understand the functions. Being an open-source platform, WordPress allows the users to keep contributing to the platform. These hyperactive web developers even release new updates continuously to keep everyone updated about the current happenings in the world of WordPress. HTML does not come with such a concept.

Interestingly, the communities even organize online and physical meetings among their members. So, if you have just shifted to the WordPress platform, these meetings and interactions with experienced developers can help you learn a lot of things about WordPress. Usually, someone or the other stays online on these communities throughout the day. So, if you face any problem while working on your WordPress site, you can ask for the necessary essay help from the experts.

Freedom to Customize


There are very few web development platforms that offer as much freedom as WordPress when it comes to design-based customization. Even though the job of theme customization may often seem difficult, but in most cases, it’s absolutely easy to execute, as long as you are in touch with the amazing WordPress community. In short, you can customize the website as per your requirements when you are working on the WordPress platform.

The WordPress websites even allow you to modify both the functions and the appearance of the website as per your preference. There are plenty of themes available on the WordPress theme gallery. Not just that, you can even choose the themes which allow you to make further customization. You also get the choice to select from the free varieties as well as the premium ones.

Availability of a Myriad of Plugins

wp plugins

As mentioned earlier, you get the option to choose and install a number of plugins to your WordPress website to make it more feature-rich as per your requirements. However, you will be surprised to know that this open-source platform offers thousands of plugins that are available for free on the WordPress page. The HTML websites do not have a similar plugin store to match.

When you convert your HTML site to WordPress, you do not only get to improve its appearance with the customizable themes, but you can also improve the site’s functionality using the plugins. If you’re looking for a plugin that is still not available on the WordPress gallery, you can develop it yourself, and upload it to the gallery for others to use. As you may realize, the majority of these plugins are developed by the WordPress users like you.

Final Words

Currently, it has become a norm for the web developers to choose the WordPress platform for their websites over static HTML, and now you know why. The WordPress websites are not only advanced in terms of features and appearances, but they are also superior to HTML websites when it comes to search engine optimization.

Well, there are a few characteristics (low requirements and little to no maintenance) of HTML websites that you may not find in the WordPress websites. However, in today’s online space, which is dominated by search engines, owning a WordPress website can benefit you in a number of ways.

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