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Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Choose React JS for Web Application Development

React JS

In 2019, React JS was named the most loved web framework by developers worldwide.

In 2020, React JS was being used by 8787 industry leaders.

In 2021, it is the most-used web framework with a market capitalization of 40.14%.

Even giants like Uber, Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Paypal are also using React JS in their digital solutions.

The trend is evident. React JS is on an upswing in terms of popularity and usage.
And in the upcoming years, React JS development is expected to grow even more.

But should you follow the crowd and choose React JS for your web application development?
Or should you place your bets on some supposed underdogs?

Well, there’s only one way to find out.
Dive deep into the what, why, and how of React JS, and make a judgment call for yourself.

react js

This guide will be the information resource you’d need to seal the decision. Here you’ll find:

  • A brief introduction about React JS for non-techies to know what they are dealing with.
  • The top features of React JS that make it so popular among developers and industry leaders. 
  • 3 reasons why you should choose React JS. (Just 3? Solid arguments are characterized by the quality and strength of the points made and not their quantity.)

Bonus content – The best way to hire ace React JS developers for your web app development needs. 

Let’s dive into it.

What is React JS?

React JS is an open-source Javascript library used for developed UIs for single-page web apps. It was developed by Jordan Walke, an ex-Facebook employee, and was formally released in 2013. 

But did you know it was used in Facebook and Instagram in 2011 and 2012 respectively? People at Facebook (Now Meta!) sure had an eye for identifying worthy technologies. 

The good thing about React JS is that it lets developers make changes to web apps without reloading the web pages. It also facilitates complex web app development by allowing the use of reusable components that easily be imported. 

In layman’s language, React JS does to web app development what a washing machine does to a pile of dirty laundry. It makes the process simpler, faster, and more efficient. 

Here are the 8 Crucial Features of React JS

AKA, features that make developers love working with React JS

  • Rich user-interfaces
  • Speedy learning curve
  • Reusable components
  • Quick render with virtual DOM
  • Clean abstraction
  • Data binding and code reusability
  • Single way data flow
  • Robust community support

Now, to be honest, all these are technical factors. Factors that make it an easy-to-use framework for developers. 

If you approach these features from a business point of view, they make little sense. For example, it would hardly make a difference for you if React JS is easy to learn or not. You’d anyway hire an expert with a considerable amount of experience, right? So whether they could learn React JS within a day or it took them a whole year, isn’t something you’d be concerned about. 

And what is it that you are concerned about? Just 3 things:

  • Quick time-to-market so that you don’t miss out on the first-mover advantage.
  • Cost-effective so that you don’t have to burn a lot of cash before making money with your web app. 
  • Quality of the solution developed so that you can deliver a feature-rich solution to your end-users. 

Another point that concerns business decision-makers while selecting a web framework or technology is the availability of adequate talent. No matter how good a framework is, if you cannot find a developer adept in that, you won’t be able to leverage it. But, we’ll discuss how you can hire dedicated developers later. Let’s first check how React JS fares on the 3 points that concern you the most. 

react js

Why Choose React JS for Web App Development?

React JS

The top 3 reasons to choose React JS for your next web app development project are:

  • Quick and risk-free web app development 

Would you switch to an application similar to WhatsApp today? No, right? You started using it when it was launched and now there is no need for you to switch to another app; unless of course if WhatsApp is actually leaking your data.

Similarly, if you want people to use your solution, you have to beat your competitors at it. 

As mentioned before, React JS lets developers reuse components. This reduces the time-to-market by speeding up the web app development process. Moreover, React supports a wide range of codebases and can be easily combined with ongoing projects without risking the project. 

  • Responsive, SEO-friendly, and testable solution

The React Framework automatically optimizes the regular functions and thus displays responsively on any device. 

Usually, JavaScript isn’t the best choice for businesses that aim to rank higher on Google (which is basically all the businesses today!). This is primarily because JavaScript loads internal data dynamically. This is not at all SEO-friendly. 

But because React JS uses a Virtual DOM (which helps render data like a web page), the load speed increases, and so does your SEO score. The fact that React loads only relevant data based on user requests makes it even faster.

And as if that wasn’t enough, React JS also comes with native testing and debugging tools. This ensures that before your web app goes live, it can be tested rigorously and debugged completely. 

  • Scope for updates and feature enhancements at no additional cost

When using React JS, developers can write code in JavaScript as well as modem JSX. This gives your developers more room for getting creative, which ultimately translates to a better-designed web app for your business (if you find dedicated developers, that is!). Opting for a React Native development service can be a strategic move for extending your web application to mobile platforms.

And then there are the reusable components that can be integrated to create complex, more powerful components. It is like being offered a set of delicious ingredients that you can either relish as it is or combine to create yumm-azing meals. 

Also, because React is backed by the team at Facebook, regular updates and community support ensure that you can request feature updates in your web app and stay competitive today and in the future as well. 

Bonus – React JS cannot just be used for web app development. React JS and its mobile counterpart, React Native can also be used to develop native-like mobile applications. So once you have a React developer onboard, they can deliver both web and mobile-based solutions.

Hiring React JS developers - The Simplest, Most efficient, and No-fuss Way

If you are still reading this, it is logical to assume that you are convinced of the capabilities of React JS. The next step for you is to hire dedicated React JS developers, which brings us to the next logical question, 

How do I hire React JS Developers?

Here are your options:

  • Spend a lot of time, money, and effort in hiring React JS developers in-house. 
  • Take a leap of faith by hiring freelancers and then risk getting your web development project abandoned in the middle. 
  • Hire ReactJS developers from India through talent connect platforms. With this, you get the opportunity to hire from the top 3.5% of talent in India and save up to 40% on cost. Plus, no hiring hassles involved. 

While hiring in-house and freelance employees makes sense in specific situations, recruitment for technical roles like React developers is best left to experts. 

Now don’t wait anymore, you know what React is, you know what it can do for you, you know how to hire the right professionals. The only thing that remains to be done is for you to visit a talent connect platform and make a request for recruiting a React JS developer. 

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