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Top 10 Statistics Every CMS Developer Needs to Know

CMS developer

Content Management Systems are the most compelling these days, but the developers must have good knowledge of the CMS web development. All the CMS developers need to be more than simple code-generating sound workers. We’re now expecting lots more from our digital life, and it’s these people who create it. You will find exciting facts such as various estimates, surveys, and experiments; it’s believed that there are 2B+ websites online today which is beyond huge. Numerically speaking, as per a survey report by Netcraft, 1,673,535,333 CMS websites are functioning.

The secret is very different and unique. The reason behind 2B+ sites available online on the web is all with the grace of the software which we call Content Management System (CMS)However, it isn’t this single thing that makes one a remarkable developer at a Custom CMS Development Company, and it’s mainly never the capability to analyze XML or optimize code, it’s a fantastic assortment of skills that one can’t learn in the books on writing code. They’re a small something extra.

Why outlets like this? Because development matters a lot, but developers of CMS web development company are too often entrusted to a diverse world, not always of their creation. This never functions. Development – anything technical – every time prospers when those come with an option to comprehend more than just the code. Hence, what do the best CMS website development company need to know? Here are all the necessary things we see absent from the eyes of too many CMS Developers.

CMS developers

Top 10 Statistics Every CMS Developers Needs to Know Are

Only Coding? No power to the site

Nowadays, we can see ourselves that coding alone has not remained that much compelling. Everyone creates sites, some of the code but you don’t have to. It’s no longer only the nerd who can develop websites, apps, and features.

  • Breadth and depth

Developers at a CMS Development Company need to be better in two different ways: breadth and depth. They have to know the breadth and scope of human communications in their team and with the things they create. They have to understand the depth and complexity of the system they’re functioning with, down to the OS.

Also, it isn’t the just developers of web development outsourcing companies who should be reading this thing; if you’re working with WordPress theme Development Company in India or any other nation, you should ask for more from them. Ask for the presentation from them about the complete design. Ask for the explanation in a sketch, a picture, and models of the people who could be using it.

The Biggest Limitation

Well, everything and everyone has got a particular limitation. The same is the case with the developers. Although they are very proficient at their jobs, the time is God. To become efficient cms developers, the codes alone are not enough. You need to upgrade yourself to be techier and much, much, much more human. If a developer wants to provide the best cms website development services, he or she has to design like a human rather than a coding machine to create the best CMS website for the users.

CMS developer

What the Internet Says

Googling for ‘vital web development knowledge’ carries out what you’d suppose. Framework skills, x-browser, CSS and JS. They make a list of frameworks you must know, platforms you must be writing for and latest trends you must be focusing. There are many media platforms. They’re the things we create with, but they aren’t that provides the project success.

We see many times developers providing WordPress Development in India or other countries are understanding the complete gist of the system, explain every feature of the API and the CSS technology and yet produce something irrational.

  • Understand the medium

Developers of CMS Web Design Services, just like one and all, need to know their medium – but they should also understand the customers, be it the end users, the CMS development team or the developers themselves. Developers need to thoroughly consider how the medium fits into the production environment and how people use it.

Although, these cms website builders provide your project a significant boost and change the step of the project, without which you’ll find non-tech staff gets trapped in mind-numbing detail that overspills from the tech team.

Tools and Technologies

Tools and Technologies

The list of the materials that we use includes the usual CMS’, programming languages and browsers, but also, a bunch of the tools that the developers themselves did not remember they were using. Aspects like Build tools, git for version control and CI hardly appeared during the interviews but are equally important. The popular ones would be shown but often without substantial experience. 

These tools are significant for the quickening of project development. Hence, it would help if you assure that your CMS web development team is equipped well with far more productive toolset than just the language, CMS and a couple of frameworks.

You need placement, testing, CI, a firm version control, and you have to comprehend the essential ideas of these rather than just a few lessons.


These extra tools and tricks suit precisely into what people are calling ‘DevOps.’ These flies in the face of two additional silos: production – which keeps things working, and development – which creates new things. Developers who provide CMS website development services without production skills sometimes develop code using a configuration or features not yet on the stack, and that goes irrational from the production perspective.

These small details can build severe delays, worsening by the trend for sending the server management overseas. 

  • Understand the stack

DevOps is a massive area in itself, including unremitting deployment and lots of automation. This is a comprehensive summary, but the significant things developers have to comprehend are the stacks on which they work. It seems quite irresponsible tossing it off to the server admin. You must understand the effects the platform has on your code.

  • Handy tools

Googling for ‘DevOps’ provides you a right concept of the tools these people use which is actually about the shipping software and keeping the project competent. They mainly focus on automation, deployment, and making the pipeline from developer to production environment run as fast as possible. This style of development will provide you the CMS web developers who always work better with each other as well as the departments and agencies.

If the developers are using a third-party API, they will be able to find out the hassles coming from the opposite side. While working with the server admin, developers get to know what all do they want to be installed and how the website will function on the server.

Fixes? Can Your Developer Do That?

CMS developer

Only Coding knowledge won’t take you any forward; being a CMS web development service provider, you need to have detailed knowledge and excellent skills of debugging and testing which is hardly mentioned in any of the tutorials or books. To fix websites or applications, a developer needs to have empathetic problem-solving skills which do not end on directly debugging the codes.

  • Debugging

Debugging does not end on the codes as said previously but it starts from there. It requires effective problem-solving skills to find and resolve the issue. Despite several debugging techniques available out there, one needs to understand this simple thing about debugging; go through and find the irrelevant part and solve the problem from there.

Sometimes a simple command to making the page printable can save the user from quite a big hassle of wasting lots of hours on only getting the prints.

  • Testing

Coming to Testing, it has remained a blind spot to the developers still after the invention of several tools. Try keeping website’s or app’s footprint small; use tools if necessary such as Unit Tests, Load Testing and many others. Let it be the task you assigned to the developer, but make sure you know that it works as neat as desired rather than just putting hands on hands and hoping that everything is well.

What Users Want

Just understand what the people around you are trying to do. Enjoy the program – love the art of indenting CSS files correctly, or optimizing an app – but remember that it’s all for the determination. Knowing what your audience want, helps you show the best of you; and it is the most crucial thing to consider if you are a developer working on CMS web development.

Having the exact knowledge of what the app users might want, helps the developers build useful software and apps increasing the business profit.

  • Competition

While thinking about providing the best services, it is somewhat every developer in the market is up on toes to do. With the updates nowadays available, the internet is programming our lives, in which it has become quite easier to understand for the developers what could audience want.

It has become even more competitive at the same time as this ease is increasing the numbers of CMS web developers in the market providing the cutting edge solutions. Along with understanding the market, it is entirely necessary to stay updated with the present and the coming trends in the technologies as developer providing CMS web development.

A skilled developer is the one who can line up the latest trends with the challenges to attain the best solution. When you quote for a project to a client, you will be preparing the idea presentation based on the user demand; however, you need to mention what all technologies you will be considering in the CMS web development to justify your quote.

Still, developers have full control over everything they develop. Sometimes, the database seems to be the reflection of the mess the real world has; but, that is what the developers and the database admins are specialized at, dealing with the messes.

Drawing and Writing


Drawing is the straightest way of communicating what the product will look like. Developers should be able to draw their ideas on an online whiteboard, paper, and beer mats. A genuinely skilled developer will be able to draw a sample of the design on the paper, print the screenshots and scribble to communicate the intention well. Never trust a developer who nods to what you say pretending to have understood you.

Failing in the prototype rather than in the design is a much cheaper defeat. To err is human; thus, make many mistakes to see all the worst case scenarios possible and then find the best one to help you triumph.

Enjoy What You Do

So what if you have to spend 9 hours to solve a single problem; enjoy it. The foulest side of a developer or any professional can be seen by their lethargy towards achieving the team target. It sounds more promising only while starting the project, but if you don’t complete it in time, your laziness will cost you a client. Enjoy your work as you chose it.

Whereas we see CMS web development and app development is still a current profession, but the skills a good developer needs are expanding the room for themselves. Businesses can and are expecting more and more from the developers, and they should do because the higher the demands, the sooner the developers will come out of that attic.

The sooner the developers come out, the better the results begin to achieve from the creative process.

Stay Clear and Precise

To bring this to a pleasant end, I am adding one last thing in it. I would suggest you stay sharp and find the competition. The worst case of any defeat or the downfall is waiting in isolation. It’s not enough only to understand the market and the user demand, and design to please them; you need to be clear and precise with your thoughts as well as a developer.
Don’t hide behind that cushion after completing your courses and education; unless you compete, you will find yourself only being unbeatable.


Hence, it is better to choose a custom CMS web development company that will guide you to perform the uninterrupted tasks in the CMS web development with ease and efficiency. Also, this step can increase on the benefits a business can get from having a CMS website.

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