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The Ultimate Guide to Dynamic Application Security Testing


As the digital age continues to grow, so does the cyber threat landscape. Traditional testing practises can be difficult and inefficient sometimes. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a newer security assessment technique that has been proven to provide more accurate results in the long run. This article will cover everything you need to know about DAST from an introduction to its benefits and finally tools and a checklist to help you perform it on your own.

What is DAST?

DAST can be defined in many ways but at its core, it is the practice of testing an application while it is running. This differs from traditional security assessment techniques which usually involve static analysis or assessments at the end of the development process. Because of this, DAST benefits from a much more accurate and complete view of the application.

Pros and Cons of DAST

Just like any other security assessment technique, there are both pros and cons to performing DAST on your applications before you go live with them.

Pros of DAST:

  • More accurate results
  • Reduced costs due to earlier detection of vulnerabilities
  • Greater insight into how the application works
  • Tests for vulnerabilities that may not be present in the source code, as it is executed against the live system.
  • Can be performed on web services and APIs which can be difficult to test for with SAST or IAST.
  • Can be used to test systems locally as well as remotely.

Cons of DAST:

  • Cannot be used on every type of application
  • Time-consuming than other techniques
  • Can be difficult to use on applications that heavily rely on dynamic content
  • It requires a hands-on approach by security professionals
  • There’s a greater chance of the application crashing during testing.
  • Costs could further increase due to multiple iterations.

Types of DAST

There are two main approaches to DAST: Automatic and Manual.

Automatic DAST: This type of DAST makes use of automated tools for testing. This is generally considered to be more accurate than manual approaches and can be run on a larger number of applications.

Manual DAST: This approach uses human testers to manually test the applications. Generally, this is less accurate but can be used on more complex applications that automatic tools might not be able to handle.

Why is DAST important?


DAST has proven itself as an effective security assessment technique because it is used to find vulnerabilities at every stage throughout the development process of the application making it a more accurate method than other testing approaches. This means that you will have a much better understanding of your applications before they go live, which could save you from having one or more costly security incidents.

Benefits of DAST

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are a few other reasons why you should consider using DAST for your applications:

  • Early detection of vulnerabilities means less damage in the long run
  • Rapid identification of insecure coding practices
  • Not dependent on the programming language used
  • More accurate results compared to other techniques
  • Fewer false positives
  • Prior in-depth knowledge of the application is not required

Top 5 Tools for DAST

There are many different tools available for DAST. However, not all of them are created equal and some will be more suited to your specific needs than others. The following seven tools are a great starting point for anyone looking to get started with DAST:

  1. Astra Security Scanner –  This is a great tool for identifying vulnerabilities in web applications. It can be used to scan both static and dynamic content as well as identify malware and other security threats.
  2. WebInspect –  This tool from HP is used for both manual and automated security testing of web applications. It can be used to find vulnerabilities as well as perform other tests to ensure a high level of security.
  3. Burp Suite Pro –  This is an advanced penetration testing tool that can be used to carry out manual web application assessments. It can be used to find vulnerabilities in web apps as well as perform a host of other actions on the application being tested.
  4. AppScan – This tool from IBM is used for automated security testing of web and mobile applications. It is useful for finding vulnerabilities as well as several other security risks.
  5. OWASP ZAP –  This is another great tool for manual web application security testing. It is easy to use and can be used to find a wide range of vulnerabilities in web applications.

Checklist for Performing DAST:

  • Identify target applications for testing by identifying services and assets that need to be secured
  • Develop a Threat Model for each application
  • Plan the test by identifying what needs to be tested and how it will be done
  • Conduct the tests by using the appropriate tools and techniques
  • Evaluate results and take action where necessary before proceeding to further development
  • Repeat the above at every stage of SDLC

Bear in mind that DAST should not be your only form of security testing. It should be used in conjunction with other techniques such as source code analysis, penetration testing, and vulnerability scanning to get the most accurate and comprehensive results.

Summing it Up

DAST is an important security assessment technique that should be used to find security vulnerabilities in every stage of the development process.

Using DAST can help you understand your applications better and ensure that they are secure before going live, which could save you from many costly incidents in the future.

DAST also has many benefits to offer including earlier detection, cost-effectiveness in the long run, greater insight into applications before they go live and better results compared to other techniques.

However, you should not rely on just one security assessment technique as this will give you a false sense of security.

When used in conjunction with other techniques, DAST can be an extremely valuable part of your overall security program.

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