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The Big Bang Greedeals Giveaway

Greedeals. Bringing together creative people all over the world

All over the world, creative people are developing products that you can use. WordPress themes, icons, fonts and software and lots of other goodies. The only question is: how do you find them? What those tens of thousands of creative people needed was one united shopfront, where they can show what they have and you can find them. And that’s why is here to share The Big Bang Greedeals Giveaway.

We want that so much, in fact, that we’re offering to give away to three people free software to a value of $2,500. And you can be one of those three lucky people! All you have to do is send us your email address and we’ll pop it into the draw. Nothing else. No commitment. You don’t have to buy anything or promise to buy anything. You don’t have to introduce us to your friends – though, if you do circulate details of the draw on a social network, you’ll gain extra “tickets” in the draw.

Is this a draw worth entering? Judge for yourself. Here are the prizes on offer.

Lifetime Access to Keyword XP Pro

Knowing what your potential customers are looking for, and how they’re searching, will give you higher visibility and better conversion. Keyword XP Pro will tell you.


Ranking high on search engine results gets harder all the time. This SEO Rank Checker Tool, to which we’re offering lifetime access, will tell you how well you are doing – and what you need to do to raise your score.


12 months free use of a market-leading, infinitely adaptable, mobile-responsive WordPress theme.

Legal Pages

A year’s availability of professional legal templates that will guide you through the maze created by increasing demands for online legal compliance and transparency.

Flipbooks get your message across

Flipbooks are THE thing in online marketing. They load instantly and show the visitor exactly what you want the visitor to see. You can stick with old-style pdfs if you like – or you can win a lifetime ShineFlip license and create the kind of flipbooks some people pay designers a small fortune for.

Android apps are the latest thing in online marketing

And Appock builds Android apps for WordPress sites as easily as children build Lego. Here’s a lifetime access Appock giveaway.

WordPress themes

Make struggling to build a website a thing of the past. This giveaway prize gives you lifetime access to 140+ WordPress themes.

Recover lost data

Anyone would welcome lifetime access to a tool that claws back lost data from Windows and Macs. This giveaway prize is Any Data Recovery PRO, and it does just that.

Help people find you with Google maps

Someone’s out there, driving or walking around, searching online through a mobile device for a business that does what yours does. Use this widget to put a Google map on your website and – hey presto! They found you!

You’ll look a long time before you find a giveaway collection as useful and valuable as that. Click here to get started!

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