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Starting Your Own Green Living Blog Step by Step

Green Living WordPress Blog

Are you a person who has a special interest in the environment and wants to spread this positive to more people? Creating an environmental blog would be a great idea. This will both help you share your green living insights with more people while increasing your personal income through advertising or affiliate marketing. So, what are you waiting for? Why you don’t start your own green blog right away.

Here, we will cover step by step, how to start your green living blog using WordPress the easiest way.

Choose a Domain Name

This is the first step to starting building any type of blog, whether it’s a green-living blog or reviews blog. The name of your blog holds a lot of power and potential with the purpose to keep readers thinking about it. Choose a domain name and make it special, and you will engage with readers. All you need to do is make a great first impression when readers read your domain name. If it is boring or boring, you will be forgotten.

Choose a WordPress Theme for Your Green Living Blog

After choosing the domain name, the theme for your green living blog is equally important. It is like inviting guests entering your home and admire your house with unique, elaborate, and minimalist designs. This will leave a good impression on your readers and their ability to stay with your green-living blog. So, choosing the Theme for your blog site is very important. 

You can choose from a free theme store online, but you know, what is free is not really free, sometimes it does not meet your specific requirements. Support from theme providers is essential for beginners. Therefore, you can refer to the premium WordPress theme templates for better design, better optimization, and above all, receive timely support from the supplier. You can also refer to some of the following green living blogs before choosing a theme suitable for you such as Ecopict, Treehugger, The Zero-Waste Chef, Grist…

Create Great Green Content

green living blog

The most important step in blogging is to create and manage great content. If you build good and useful content for readers, readers will come to you without the need of online tricks as you have read.

Post about your favorite eco-friendly products or advice on living a sustainable lifestyle, and talk about what’s important to you. Your true passion will spread to your readers, which takes us to the next step.

Building the Following

If you build a truly great blog, readers will come. It may take time, but they will do that. Optimize your blog so that your posts rank high on search engines like Google. You will have more opportunities to build a loyal following.

Make Money from It

make money from it

When your green blog site has a full following, you can make money from it. You can contact to place Google ads on your website. You will receive money through each impression and mouse click. In addition, you may be contacted by brands to promote them or you can actively contact them to market them to receive commissions.

In promotional posts, you can place affiliate links to know that someone on your site went to that store to shop from your site.

For example, promote an eco-friendly product like eco-friendly skincare products. Then you will receive a commission if someone buys from your site via an affiliate link.

Keep Building Your Green Living Blog

The final step to optimizing your new blog is to maintain it. Google loves this and will rank you high. What you need to do is update your blog, post regularly, and give your readers the great content they have come to expect from you.

Final Words

Follow these things, and you will have a successful, and profitable blog during this meaningful job. If you’re ready to create a website or blog that really shines, start doing it right away.

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