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Six Steps to Improve Your Performance and Productivity


The core aim of any business is to have employees that perform and meet the goals of the company. Unfortunately, maximizing productivity among employees is a daunting task.  Let’s face it; there are many times you want to perform but often find obstacles hindering your way of success. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled this guide to give you some tips on how to improve your performance and productivity in just six steps. 

But first, we need to understand why performance management is important. 

So, here are the 6 steps to improve your performance and productivity.

Importance of Performance Management

Performance management lets employees know what’s expected from them and the steps they should follow to achieve company objectives. The process helps workers to focus on the core values of the business without deviating. 

Set Goals

Setting goals is the first step towards performing because you cannot start on a journey without a destination. Your goals should be realistic to avoid frustrations. With a clear outline of what you want to achieve, it’s now possible to concentrate on your goals. You can also use an affordable CRM software to effectively manage your team and increase productivity.

Ideally, goals are set to give short-term motivation and long term gratification. It’s also recommended that you write down your goals. Then, tick each goal when you achieve it. Writing down your goals is like creating a timetable to know what to do and when. 

When working on your goals, concentrate on handling one task at a time as opposed to multi-tasking. Handling more than one job leads to errors and wastage of time. You may have witnessed the guys who multi-task getting recognition from employers. However, the trend often leads to a compromise on the quality of work delivered. 

Either way, it doesn’t hurt to challenge your capabilities when setting objectives. For instance, if you serve 20 clients in a day, set a goal to serve 30. Get the drift? Yes, set goals that push you beyond your comfort zones.

Work Environment

Whether you work from home or in an office with other colleagues, your workspace determines your productivity. A positive work environment helps you avoid distractions. Remove all clutter from your desk and organize everything into a neat pile. A clean environment allows your brain to focus more, thus enables achieving more at the end of the day. 

As you organize your working area, you should also organize your phone and computer in a way that you can find what you need fast. Imagine a desktop screen that’s full of folders and files such that you cannot even locate a specific document. It’s irritating and wastes a lot of time, right? 

Other than neatness, you should have a proper chair and a standing table. Of course, you don’t want to deal with backaches after working. The comfort of your chair and table determines how long you can work without straining. 

Make Learning a Continuous Process

learning process

Learning should be an ongoing process or Continuing professional development (CPD) as you seek to improve your skills. Taking on a refresher course could go a long way to improving your performance and productivity. At work, be at the forefront of attending relevant training. 

These days learning doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. You can read free online courses from the comfort of your home. All you need is a smartphone and the willingness to quench your hunger for information.

Understand Your Weaknesses

Admitting that you aren’t good at everything takes courage, and not many people acknowledge weaknesses. Knowing what’s dragging you from attaining your goal is a great way towards restoring yourself. Identify the areas you’re weak at and find ways to help you improve. 

For example, you could find mentors or people doing well in the said areas and ask them how they do it. Most people are willing to help out where they can. You’ll be surprised how finding a mentor could help you perform better. 

Take a Break

Undoubtedly, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You need to take breaks to avoid burnouts. Only you can tell when your body has reached its limit. Don’t stretch beyond what you consider as comfortable. Burnouts are stressful and can render you unproductive for a long time. 

The good news is that you can even take short breaks in between work. During the breaks, you can play games on your phone or laptop. For example, the Lightning link offers a platform where you can play free slot games. If you aren’t a fan of online games, you can take a walk, or even take a nap as a way of rejuvenating lost energy

Employers also offer group therapy and team building sessions for employees to wind off from the regular work routine. Also, use your vacation days to relax and have fun. You’ll be glad you took a break because it will improve your productivity at home and at work. For instance, if you think your stress is too much and nothing works from unwinding, immediately consult professional therapists.

Performance Analysis


Productivity refers to the ability of a person or a machine to convert resources into products or desired output. When measuring performance and productivity, you have to consider your capabilities. 

The productivity formula equals output divided by input. However, the formula mainly focuses on the efficiency of machinery at the expense of workers. To maximize productivity at work, bosses have to put in resources to ensure employee capabilities are utilized efficiently. For example, training and proper performance management are some ways to realize full potentials of workers. 

Evaluation should be a continuous thing so that you’re able to know how productive you’ve been within a set period. For example, you could evaluate your achievements every week to help adjust your goals accordingly. 

Here are some ways you can determine your performance: 

  • Amount of profit made 
  • Sales 
  • Clients served 
  • Speed of service delivery 
  • Client satisfaction rating 

After evaluating your performance, create ways to motivate and reward yourself for the wins no matter how small they seem. Learn to become your own cheerleader and source of motivation. You’re the only one who knows the goals you set and how you intend to achieve them. 

It also helps to ask your supervisor for feedback on areas of improvement as well as insights on how to go about it. Of course, your immediate boss wants the best for you and is in a better position to point out where you’re making mistakes. If you’re self-employed, then a performance coach can come in handy to evaluate your performance and to guide on improvement. 

In conclusion, performance and productivity are essential factors of consideration for both employees and employers. Setting clear goals, finding a positive work environment, and making learning a part of you are great steps towards improving performance. Have you learned something from this guide? Please share your opinion or experiences with productivity at work. 

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