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SEO and Web Design Must Be Integrated for Better Results

SEO and web design

SEO integrated with web design is the most systematic way to develop a site as this reduces effort and labor in content development and optimization. Else, if SEO and web design are done separately, then it may take months to get the site ready.

Buta parallel approach towards all three, which means website design and coding, content designing, and search engine optimization, when all done hand in hand, can help get the site ready fast, and you can launch it quickly. If the website is for a business, then you must get it ready soon. And then you need to find a service which offers all these together and works quickly.

How Is SEO Integrated Into Web Design?

SEO and web design

When a site is developed from the scratch, then the site content is planned such that content can be aptly fitted. And content for the site is planned such that the content gets integrated with on-page SEO elements from the beginning. Actually, already written content, which never contained targeted keywords in right density and placement, is of no good use for the site development. Such content is needed for the site which is balanced with the right density and placement of all needed keywords. This is the first rule of on-page SEO.

Also, there are many other site elements, media files, etc., which all must be rightly optimized so that the site is well visible to the search engines. And aligning them the right way, modifying file properties of media files the SEO specific way to make them optimized, all depends upon the timing of placing the content. On-page, SEO and SEO and web design of the website should be integrated into the process of the development. 

What Happens When You Try to Do SEO after Completing Website Development?

SEO and Web Design

It’s an interesting question many website owners come up with while they are hiring web designers to work on the making of their site. Actually, SEO is much interlinked to content. In fact, on page SEO fully depends on how your condition and design the content as per optimization rules and policies. Therefore the availability of the right content along with the aid of the designer who would place that contains the best way on the web page is a must.

Problems that May Come Up When the Content Developer, Website Designer and Coder, and SEO Expert Are All Different Teams

If the content is available, and the SEO expert is also doing the job, but the web developer is absent. Then the content may not get placed the necessary way. The visual impact of the content may get impacted and lessened.

Again when the website is sent to the SEO expert with both the design and content ready on it, then the job of the SEO expert may get much tough. That’s because the expert has to imply the on-page SEO rules on the readymade content which increases effort and editing a lot. Moreover, the right placement of heading, files, and media, etc., as per SEO policies may not be that lucid for the expert due to the background coding, etc. of the site. And this may be a limitation for some SEO teams. Hence, it’s best that both content and SEO related works are done on the site, right at the time of development and coding, and graphical enhancements of the website.

You Will Still Have to Hire an SEO Expert for the Ongoing Optimization Process

The job of an SEO expert does not end at on-page SEO completion. There are many more jobs for the SEO expert, which continues throughout, and 24/7 as long as the website is live and working. That’s because every time a new web page will be added or created, and every time an existing web page will be edited; the content will have to be edited, revised and optimized for the best visibility.

Besides, there is another branch of SEO, which is off-page SEO and is equally important as the on-page SEO practice. In off-page SEO, the website’s content is supported over the internet by creating many keyword-targeted small and big contents everywhere to point to the main website through inbound links. And this job cannot be done unless you have a dedicated SEO expert appointed for this round the clock. Moreover, even if the website is never edited in many months, yet off-page optimization of the site has to be continued to keep it visible in searches, and this requires continuous ongoing link building process. And these can be best handled by an exclusively dedicated SEO team.

A Combination of SEO Experts and Web Developers Does the Best

SEO and Web Design

If the question is of continuous ongoing on-page SEO on a website which keeps on getting new pages added to the database, then you will have to hire a team containing SEO experts and web developers with content writers. A complete team only can manage a website which is continuously getting updated, upgraded, and optimized. Hence, you must see to it, that you get a dedicated team for the work. And this is where web developing services with the complete list of website services comes into action.

How to Select a Web Development Service?

Selecting a web development service can be done in several ways. If you personally know people who have got their website developed, and if they are pretty satisfied with the outcome, then you may simply ask them for reference. Else you may look into online forums, discussion boards, question-answer sites, etc. for recommendations without sponsored ads. Review sites like Tayloright give an insight into most topics, and you may get envisioned by those too. Lastly, you may see sponsored ads also. And never forget the first page of the Google search results in this. Amongst all, try and select services which are local to you, in case you will be targeting local or demography specific SEO sooner or later.


Getting web design and SEO services from a good web development team is essential, but more important is to stress on SEO team in that, because this is the department you would need the most in the longer run.

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