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Selenium Python: Dynamic Scripting And Test Automation

Selenium Python

Maintaining the robustness and performance of web applications is critical in the dynamic field of software development. Test automation provides a structured method to assess these applications’ functionality, efficiency, and overall user experience. Among the numerous tools available, Selenium Python is particularly notable. 

This open-source framework is widely recognized as the standard for testing web applications due to its adaptability, durability, and strong community support. Selenium allows testers to automate browser interactions, mimic user behavior, and validate outcomes in a controlled environment.

Yet, as web applications evolve to be more complex and interactive, more than conventional test automation methods might be required for handling dynamic elements and situations effectively. This is where employing dynamic scripting with Selenium can be particularly beneficial.

In this blog post, we aim to thoroughly explore the use of dynamic scripting in Selenium, specifically through Python. To help new and veteran testers improve, we will discuss advanced techniques, share best practices, and give real-life examples. 

This guide is meant to help you get the most out of Selenium for dynamic test automation, making it easier for you to deal with the unique problems that modern web apps offer.  Join us as we dive into the powerful features of Selenium with Python for dynamic scripting.

Explanation Of Dynamic Elements and their Behavior in Web Applications

Dynamic elements in web applications refer to parts of a webpage that can alter their attributes, content, or visibility based on various triggers, such as user interactions, server responses, or external changes. 

These elements are distinct from static elements, which remain unchanged while a webpage is active. Dynamic elements adjust and update in real time, posing specific challenges for automated testing processes due to their variability and unpredictability.

Here’s a description of various common dynamic elements and how they function in web applications:

  • Asynchronous content loading: Many modern web apps use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to get data from websites without restarting the whole page. It means webpage parts, like lists, tables, or specific sections, can dynamically appear and update independently without initiating the usual browser page refresh events. Test automation scripts must handle these asynchronous operations appropriately to interact with dynamically loaded content effectively.
  • Dynamic Visibility: Certain elements may appear or disappear on a webpage depending on user actions or the application’s logic. Examples include pop-up windows, dropdown menus, tooltips, or modal dialogues that occur under specific conditions. 

Test automation scripts need the capability to dynamically find and engage with these elements to test user interactions and functionalities effectively.

  • Dynamic Attributes and IDs: Web developers often generate dynamic IDs or attributes for elements to maintain uniqueness or facilitate dynamic behavior. These attributes may change with each page load or session, making it challenging to locate elements reliably using traditional locators such as IDs or class names. Test automation scripts must employ dynamic strategies for locating elements based on changing attributes or context.
  • Content Changes: The content inside elements like text, images, or form fields can dynamically alter in response to user inputs, server replies, or external influences. For instance, search results, live updates, or error messages might be updated dynamically, bypassing the need for a complete page refresh. Test automation scripts are required to verify the accuracy of such dynamic content and manage any changes effectively during the testing process.
  • Interactive Elements: Modern web applications often incorporate features like sliders, drag-and-drop interfaces, or components that can be resized to improve the user experience. These elements can display dynamic responses to user inputs. 

Test automation scripts must be specifically tailored to handle these behaviors accurately, ensuring they can faithfully simulate fundamental user interactions.

Setting Up Selenium web driver with Python

Here’s an overview of Selenium WebDriver with Python:

  • Setting up Selenium WebDriver: You should install the Selenium package and webdriver for the particular browser. 
  • You can communicate and control your web browser through these WebDriver executables, which sit between your Python code and the browser.
  • Setting up Selenium WebDriver: Once you’ve done that, you can set up versions of WebDriver for any browser you want. For instance, you can use the webdriver to make a Chrome WebDriver instance. Google Chrome() constructor. This instance represents a browser session that you can control programmatically.
  • How to Get to Web Pages: Selenium WebDriver lets you access web pages by giving them URLs or clicking on links in code. You can access a specific URL or use find_element_by_link_text(text) to access an element. Use click() to click on a link with the given text.
  • Web Elements: When you work with Selenium WebDriver, you will encounter different elements. These could be radio buttons, dropdown lists, and input areas. Use locators such as ID, class name, and XPath. You can also click, type text, make decisions, and send forms.
  • How to Handle Pop-Ups and Alerts: You will come across pop-ups and alerts by web apps. These are primarily to display information or for queries. You can have Selenium WebDriver take care of these pop-ups for you. For example, you can use switch_to.alert to move the attention to an alert and accept() or dismiss() to accept or remove the alert.
  • Taking Screenshots: Selenium WebDriver lets you take screenshots of web pages while tests run, which can help you fix bugs or make test reports. The get_screenshot_as_file(filename) method lets you take a picture and save it as a file.

Strategies For Handling Dynamic Elements

Dynamic elements pose unique challenges in Selenium test automation due to their changing nature based on user interactions, server responses, or other external factors. Effectively handling Dynamic aspects is crucial for ensuring the reliability and accuracy of automated tests. 

Let us take a quick look at some tips and tricks for using Selenium test automation with changeable elements:

  • Use Explicit Waits: Explicit waits are meant to stop your script from running until and unless a particular condition is met. This is very helpful for dealing with changing parts that might take a while to load or appear on the page. 
  • You can make sure that your script waits for the dynamic element to be ready for contact before moving on by using WebDriverWait and Expected Conditions like element_to_be_clickable,visibility_of_element_located, or presence_of_element_located.
  • Dynamic Element Locators: Instead of using IDs or class names as your only static locators, you should consider using dynamic locators like XPath or CSS filters, better at adapting to changes. XPath phrases can target elements based on their properties, places, or connections to other components, which means they can work with constantly changing elements. CSS filters are also solid tools for targeting objects based on their properties or position in the DOM’s hierarchy.
  • Retry Mechanisms: Add restart options to your test scripts to handle situations where changeable parts might not be available immediately or sometimes fail to load. 
  • You can set up a loop with a timeout and try to find the dynamic element several times inside the loop or until the timeout is hit or the element is found. This helps improve the robustness of your test scripts when dealing with transient issues related to dynamic elements.
  • Take care of AJAX calls: Many current web apps use AJAX to change information on the fly without reloading the whole page. You can use JavaScriptExecutor to wait for AJAX requests to finish or look for signs of AJAX activity on the page to handle dynamic elements loaded asynchronously through AJAX calls. Once the AJAX request is complete, you can interact with the dynamically loaded elements.
  • Dynamic Element Identification: Identify patterns or attributes of dynamic elements that can be reliably used for identification. This could include data-tested, data-qa, or custom data attributes added specifically for test automation. 

By leveraging these attributes, you can create more stable and resilient locators for dynamic elements that are less likely to change between application releases or versions.

  • Page Object Model (POM): Use the POM design pattern to create reusable page objects that hold the functions and relationships of dynamic parts. By separating the details of element locators and interactions into page objects, you can create test scripts that are easier to manage and change as the application changes.

Dynamic Scripting and Test Automation with Selenium in Python

Selenium Python

Dynamic scripting in Selenium with Python enables testers and developers to automate interactions with dynamic elements in web applications. In this section, we’ll explore various aspects of dynamic scripting and test automation with Selenium in Python:

Understanding Dynamic Elements

  • Dynamic elements in web applications are those whose attributes, content, or visibility change dynamically based on user interactions or server responses.
  • Examples include dropdown menus, AJAX-loaded content, pop-ups, and dynamically generated IDs or classes.

Challenges in Test Automation:

  • Traditional test automation approaches may need help to handle dynamic elements effectively.
  • Test failures, synchronization issues, and difficulty locating dynamic elements are common challenges testers face.

Strategies for Handling Dynamic Elements

  • Use explicit waits: Employ WebDriverWait with Expected Conditions to wait for dynamic elements to become clickable, visible, or present.
  • Dynamic locators: Utilize XPath or CSS selectors to target elements based on their dynamic attributes or relationships with other components.
  • Retry mechanisms: Implement retry logic to handle intermittent failures due to dynamic element loading delays.
  • AJAX handling: Wait for AJAX requests to complete before interacting with dynamically loaded content.
  • Page Object Model (POM): Organize dynamic element interactions into reusable page objects for better maintainability.

Selenium WebDriver Setup

  • Install the Selenium package for Python using pip: pip install selenium.
  • Download and configure WebDriver executables for the desired browsers (e.g., Chrome WebDriver, Firefox GeckoDriver).
  • Initialize WebDriver instances in Python scripts to automate browser interactions.

Dynamic Scripting Techniques

  • Use dynamic locators: Craft XPath expressions or CSS selectors to locate dynamic elements based on changing attributes or positions.
  • Handle asynchronous operations: Wait for dynamic content to load using explicit waits or AJAX handling techniques.
  • Data-driven testing: Generate dynamic test data programmatically to simulate various dynamic elements scenarios.
  • Page Object Model (POM): Use page objects to hide how dynamic elements interact with each other and make code more reusable.

Testers can make their automated tests more reliable and sturdy in dynamic web settings by learning to use dynamic scripts and Selenium in Python for test automation. It is always possible to make the test automation process efficient and effective. 

All you need to do is know the right strategy and implement the steps to achieve this efficiency level. One platform that makes this task a lot easier is LambdaTest. It is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that lets you run manual and automated tests at scale with over 3000+ real devices, browsers, and OS combinations.

This platform will help you test more scenarios by running your tests on more than 3,000 desktop and mobile browsers.

With LambdaTest, you can simultaneously test Selenium on hundreds of browsers and OS combinations. Parallel testing with Selenium Grid online shortens test cycles by multiple folds and ensures a faster go-to-market launch. This helps get feedback on the quality of the apps quickly. As a result, it speeds up the time needed to release it on the market. 

With this platform, you can scale your Selenium testing to meet varying needs, whether a small project or a large organization. There’s no need for hardware maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution.

It also provides protection for sensitive data. It also ensures compliance with industry regulations while providing testers complete peace of mind. 


Dynamic scripting and test automation with Selenium in Python are the two things that help testers and developers effectively manage all kinds of challenges that come with dynamic elements in web applications. Throughout this exploration, we’ve delved into various strategies, techniques, and best practices for handling dynamic elements and optimizing test automation workflows.

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