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Ready-to-use Website by Themerex Studio

ThemeREX is a professional team specializing in WordPress theme design and web development. We have created over 1000 projects in recent years offering a wide range of services, which vary in the level of complexity. This guide is about creating a website from scratch and it will be helpful for both beginners and advanced users who want to save their time and order Ready-to-use-website offer. It is based on our experience and we would like to share it with you.

1. Choose a Web Hosting Provider

Choosing a web hosting company is the first major step in creating your future website.

Why is it so important to choose a good hosting plan? The answer is very simple – it plays a principal role in the website loading speed.

Let’s say you have an online store. An average website visitor doesn’t want to wait a lot of time till the site is loaded. Thus, having a slow website performance may lead to losing your future customers and profit.

A slow website performance may also result in a low search engine ranking, which is quite important.

Here is the list of the minimal requirements for ThemeREX themes:

  • max_execution_time 600
  • memory_limit 256M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

If you haven’t chosen a hosting company yet, we recommend the following providers:

You may also order Website speed optimization service from our company. Our professional team will analyze your website and improve the loading speed within 24-48 hours.

2. Choose a WordPress Theme

If you fixed on using a WordPress engine as a platform for your future website, the next step is to choose a WordPress theme. Certainly, choosing a theme is very important. The theme includes the following components:

  • design (styles, colors etc)
  • supported plugins (if you want to sell online, you’ll need to install a WooCommerce plugin, for example).

To choose a proper theme for your website, you should spot the following things:

  • Theme topic

Each theme has its features and functionality. For instance, a Real estate agency website should have property posts and a search that will allow the users to easily find the desired property by filters. WordPress engine doesn’t cover such features, so it should be either included in the theme or added with an additional plugin.

  • Page builder

The number of bundled plugins depends on the theme. Page builder plugin is crucial as it’s a tool for creating and editing posts and pages and you will constantly use it. We use the most popular and user-friendly plugins such as WPBakery page builder and Elementor.

Some of our themes do not include any 3rd party page builders and are created with Gutenberg editor – a native WordPress builder.

Please note that if the theme demo content is built with a specific builder, it can’t be edited with another one. Although, if you really liked the theme design built with the WPBakery page builder, we can convert it to Elementor editor. You may find more information about this offer here.

  • Frequency of updates

Most authors update their themes as often as possible, however theme update is a complex process and depends on many factors. If there were no updates for some time, it doesn’t mean that the theme is not competitive.

3. Major features

As we mentioned above, the availability of some specific plugins allows creating a website with the desired functionality. First, you should decide what features are crucial for your website and how they can be implemented. They can be either built-in theme features or added with the 3rd party plugins. At the same time, we can’t guarantee 3rd party extensions to be fully compatible with the theme. It doesn’t necessarily mean that these additional plugins won’t work at all, but you may face minor issues that you will have to deal with.

We strongly recommend discussing such questions before purchasing a theme. If you consider one of ThemeREX themes, you may use the following ways to contact us and ask Pre-sale questions:

4. Mockup

To save your time, you may check a live demo of the theme you consider purchasing to get an overall idea and examples of pre-made pages. Alternatively, you may hire a professional designer to create a mockup of your future website.

Many online services offer a library of professional mockups and an option to generate your mockup.

Here are some examples of such websites:

5. Website Content

As soon as your mockup is ready, you will need to start preparing website content, which consists of:

  • text
  • images
  • color scheme
  • animation

Please be aware that a large number of animation and other visual effects may significantly increase the memory consumption, which might lead to unwanted issues. On the other hand, using animation will make your website dynamic and catchy. Just don’t overload it!

6. Quick Checklist for Ready-to-use-website

  1. Website logo
  2. Website name
  3. Company address
  4. Company e-mail
  5. Social links
  6. Color scheme (2-3 accent RGB colors)
  7. List of pages
  8. Page content (text and images)

As soon as all that is ready, just purchase “Ready-to-use Website” service and get your website done in 5-6 business days!

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