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Master Addons for Elementor

Best Elementor Addons

As its name suggests, Master Addons for Elementor masters over all WordPress addons. This is an exclusive collection of essential addons for your WordPress site.

There are many additional add-ons to get more flexibility in the website. Moreover, Master Addons comes with well established Elementor blocks. This plugin offers more than 30 free widgets. Plus, you’ll get many other extensive functions in pro version.

Moreover, Master Addons offers free support and updates. More importantly, using Master Addons you can adjust with 11 themes to design your website! Enough introduction written, now let’s dive deeper into this one of the best Elementor addons. 

In this article, I’ll take you through all functionalities of Master Addons. You’ll know the master addons for Elementor review elaborately. Plus, elements or widgets you get in it & how they work, where you can buy, difference between free & pro version and pros and cons of Master Addons.  

How Master Addons Will  Master Over Your Website?

master addons

Master Addons for Elementor is packed with numbers of widgets. All the widgets meet several functions that are essential to create a website. Just read below the article and you’ll know all its useful add-ons. With a lot of elements, your website will become attractive and a lot more reader-friendly. Let see how Master Addons can supercharge your website buildings experience.

All Features At A Glance

Master Addons Free Widgets:  

  1. Animated Headlines 
  2. Dual Heading 
  3. Advanced Accordion 
  4. Tabs
  5. Progressbar
  6. Tooltips
  7. Flip Box 
  8. Info Box 
  9. Team Members 
  10. Team Members Slider 
  11. Contact From 7
  12. WP Forms 
  13. Call to Action 
  14. Creative Buttons
  15. Changelog
  16. Creative Links 
  17. Image Hover Effects 
  18. Blog 
  19. News Ticker 
  20. Business Hours 
  21. Table of Contents
  22. Changelog
  23. Image Hotspots 
  24. Image Gallery 
  25. Pricing Table
  26. Ninja Forms 
  27. WP Forms 
  28. Caldera Forms
  29. weForms 

Master Addons Pro Widgets:

  1. Animated Headlines 
  2. Advanced Nested Accordion 
  3. Advanced Multicolor Accordion 
  4. Nested Tabs 
  5. Creative Buttons 
  6. Creative Links 
  7. Team Members
  8. Flipbox
  9. News Ticker 
  10. Image Hover Effects 
  11. Animated Gradient Background 
  12. Image Hotspots 

Master Addons Extension Elements:  

Besides the free & pro elements, Master Addons offers many extensions as well. Following are : 

  1. Particles Background 
  2. Background Slider 
  3. Animated Gradient Background 
  4. Mega Menu 
  5. Transition 
  6. Transforms 
  7. Custom CSS 
  8. Positioning 
  9. Relax 
  10. Reveal  
  11. Extras

All Widgets in Details

Here you’ll enjoy certain  widgets for certain purpose. 

No matter what website you have, either blogging or business, you must need right headline on the top. An Animated Headline plugin lets you make eye-catchy headings. No doubt, the headings drag anyone’s attention most.   So, you need this widget to create dashing headlines. Here, you can easily change or customize the headline as you wish. 
dual heading
Dual heading option is next to the animated headlines. This widget lets you get more than just a title. You can add different backgrounds behind your headlines. Along with this, dual fonts in the same headline is also available. Accordingly, dual fonts will emphasize certain words or phrases. What’s more, you can get dual colors with this add-on. Thus, you’ll be able to draw attention to certain words in the headline.  Another unique item you will get in this widget, highlighting option for any word or phrase.  
Advanced Accordion
Accordion addon makes any content more accessible for users. When a reader can see what’s in whole content at a glance, then the content gets more reader-friendly.   Advanced Accordion offers you to have a quick look to the content. Here you’ll get every content sorted under each Accordion bar. Plus, there are many customizable options available. Namely, you get collapse animation, column color, size and position. So, never hesitate to scroll around with the settings to find right sorting of your content.  

Tabs are very important for easy navigation on a website. You can use tabs widget for customizing a lot of options. Like, tab colors, icon images, font sizes, vertical or horizontal positioning, and so on. 

Notably, there are no limitations to create tabs. You can make as much tabs as you need. Plus, you can set tabs wherever you want. Including homepage, about us page, services page or anywhere else.  

This feature puts an intelligent touch to your website. By adding  animated progress bar to your site, you can highlight anything nicely. Accordingly, you can highlight various services or products [to show different areas of expertise.] In addition, Progressbar comes with different styles. Namely, Line style, bubble style, circle style. 

Tooltips add-on is essential for an interactive website. With this add-on you will be able to set up information fruitfully. Accordingly, a site visitor can click on certain image, text or icons. Again Tooltips widget help you to set more information to your site. 

In a nutshell, you can put any information very easily in your content. Thus, Tooltips can make your website far and more interactive. 

Flip Box is a cool function to highlight your services.  Plus, you can add a call to action button. Moreover, Master Addons Flip Box comes with a 3D effect. Again it offers huge variations. Like Flip box vertical, Flip box horizontal, Flipping Cubes, Fade, Cube, Diagonal and Rollover options and etc. 

Info Box comes in play to highlight important information on your site. No doubt, you need to show information smartly to get more traffic in your site. Indeed, your website visitor has not enough time to read everything. So, he would love go through important information in a colorful Infobox. Notably, Master Addons Infobox comes with dozens of styles options. 


An appropriate team members page is a must for any company website. Master Addons Team Members widget comes to cover your team member page elegantly.  

There are many templates available in the library. You just need to choose which template you like. Then all are ready. Soon after you can add names, images, descriptions, social site  information, and anything else about your members. Thus, Team Members is one of the best Elementor addons from Master Addons. 

This is another option to showcase your team highly. Team Members Slider add-on will bring your team member page with a slider view. Consequently, your website visitors can see all team members on the same page within a pack.

Plus, the visitors can get into the team members’ profile at once. Further, the add-on lets you change or custom  background color, slider speed, and other details however you like. 

contact form 7

Contact From 7 helps you to get a summary form on your website. This add-on contains name, message, email contact. This widget is highly customizable. You can customize field and background colors and other options. 

Ninja Forms is a great choice to customize the forms. This widget lets you customize any element or design in the forms. 
With this add-on you can add elements in WP Forms. While designing or displaying here, this add-on will help you. 

Call to action is one of the best Elementor addons for marketing. As you know, every website owner tends to make more leads to his pages. So, you need to attract your site visitors  with nice ‘call to action’. In this add-on, you get many call to action box saved. Plus, you can add images or icons in call to action box.

As usual, there are many clickable buttons in a website. Say, call to action button, any tab or other button. Creative Buttons lets your website visitors get an animated button. This widget works creatively.
  • Gravity Forms: 

You’ll able to get Gravity Forms for certain elements. It’s Premium feature with extensive customization options.

  • Caldera Forms: 

You can use this feature to add elements which are available in Caldera forms.

You can get elements designed for weForms with this add-on.

Regardless to speak, it is a must to put a title of your images. This add-on named – Image Hover Effects will surely beautify your website. Notably, 20+ amazing Hover effects are available here. Plus, there are many predefined styles. Moreover, there are plenty of customization. Like, Typo, Border, Background color, text color etc are easily customizable. That is to say, this add-on will help you to create photo galleries in WordPress. 


Blog posts are arranged attractively. It is essential for getting more traffic in your site. With this add-on you can create your blog without any hassle. Here you’ll get many options. Like, Select Grid, List, Masonry style and define columns. Moreover, typo for your headline, meta etc are also customizable.

News Ticker lets you showcase your site beautifully. Here you can customize id, type, last modified time, date of publishing, author, etc.  Moreover, you will get  many variations from content importer of Master Addons. 
business hours

This add-on offers 5 design preset for customizing business table. You can rearrange any content with Master Addons business hours widget. 

Table of contents is one of the most important elements out there. Your visitor can navigate in a single blog post. At a glance, the reader will get a sharp look-out of your contents. You can also customize any what you like.
This is another outstanding feature. It offers you to get timelines in your website. You can set up timeline layouts vertical or horizontal. Plus, you’ll enjoy different styling options.
If you want to showcase beautiful photos on your website elegantly, this add-on will help you to do so.

You will be able to get handy markers to highlight necessary information on your website. Image Hotspot feature is such an exemplary way to welcome new site visitors. If you use hotspots, then surely the visitors will keep eyes on your important information.  

You may need to lock some content on the website. This feature lets you select passwords, age selection, checkboxes, user roles to restrict content. 

Moreover, there are many more options to add in the restricted content add-on. Like, forms, images, text, videos, PDFs, and etc.  With these options, you will be able to reduce spam. Plus, you can hide sensitive information as well. 

  • Current Time: 

You can add current date and time at a certain  section of your website. Plus, automatic update is available here. 


This feature shows updates, improvements, and many important changes. Thus, it can show what’s new to your site.


This add-on allows you to search domains that are available. Entering a specific domain name, you’ll know whether it is now accessible to register or not.


You can customize tables with row/column options.

  • Search: 

No doubt, Search add-on is one of the most essential addons in a website. It allows a visitor to search & find what he is looking for.

  • Counter Up: 
You can add designed number counters in any  page with this feature. 
  • Countdown Timer:  

You can get a countdown timer to your site at ease. 


Offers a handy navigation menu to the website. Importantly, you’ll get the Navmenu highly customizable for your design options. 

Pricing Table is essential for displaying pricing information in your site. This feature can show discounts or anything else you need to showcase.
Adding creative links, you can create connections with other websites. 

Master Extensions

Besides its addons, there are some extended functions of this best Elementor addons. It comes with: This add-on sports an animated background which shows particles moving within it. Importantly, the add-on comes with different colors, sizes, shapes of these particles. Moreover, you can make it more interactive using its elements. Plus, you will get color gradients effects in this add-on.   Background Slider is a cool background add-on for Elementor. It offers image and video sliders. Plus, the add-on is highly customizable. You can customize it in height or width. Moreover, you’ll get background color overlay that makes your site attractive. Alignment of the image is also customizable inside the slider.   Using Animated Gradient Background, you’ll be able to make a row background. Besides, you can easily customize its custom color palette. 
  • Mega Menu:
With this feature, you’ll be able to create a 100% responsive mega menu. Your Mega Menu will consist of rich in content modules and drop down elements. 
  • Transition:
Here you’ll get options to select from numbers of animations  
  • Transforms:
Transforms enables you to translate, rotate or scale items you need. 
  • Custom CSS:
  Help you to get your own custom CSS. 
  • Positioning:
This feature allows you to master over the design of your site. 
  • Rellax:
Get a parallax effect to your add-ons.   
  • Reveal:
Allows you to set content, element or features in a specific direction.  
  • Extras:
Extras add-on lets you set container maximum and minimum height and width. 

From Where You Can Buy Master Addons?

master addons prices

There are both free and paid version of Master Addons. You can get the free version downloading it from the  Besides, you can buy the pro version from the official site.

The price for a single site is $19 on official site. In fact, there are three pricing plans. Though all plans offer same features. But if you need to use Master Addons on more websites then you may need other pricing plans. Personal pricing plan can be used  for single site. Besides, you can use Business plans on five websites. Moreover, Developer license plan is for unlimited websites to use. 

Another interesting thing about Master Addons, you’ll get a 14 days money-back guarantee (When purchased from official site) Although you need to go through few conditions for getting refund. Furthermore, you’ get support for Master Addons in two ways: 

Free Trial

What’s more, you can undergo a 14 day free trial in the premium version.

Pros & Cons of Master Addons for Elementor:

As there are plenty of elements, there are plenty of advantages as well. Alongside, nothing is perfect. So, there will be some disadvantages too. Let’s know about them.  Pros
  • Reasonable price.  
  • You can enable or disable addons as you wish.  
  • Very easy & simple to handle.  
  • No coding skill needed. 
  • Premium version offers 14-day free trial option. 
  • Numbers of essential  elements to use. 
  • Money-back guarantee within 14-days! 
  • All elements are highly customizable. 
  • Often it becomes tough to get the free trial.  
  • Although 14 days money-back guarantee available, but it is under few considerations. So, read carefully terms & conditions to know better about this offer.
FAQs :

Let's Wrap Up Master Addons for Elementor Review:

Having numbers of free & pro widgets, Master Addons offers you a lot of valuable customization. Throughout the article, I’ve just tried to give you a full overview. Hope it was helpful. Please make a visit to aforementioned links for further query. 

Best wishes with best Elementor addons! 

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