With the development in the world, all the things have been digitized. Education is the most important thing in human beings’ life. But due to certain circumstances, some people lack from achieving a proper education.
Occasionally people miss most of their important exams as they were not able to make it on time.
Nowadays people get a bit of relief as by the means of digital systems one can get the privilege of conducting their exams through remote proctoring.
Emergencies can occur anytime like occasionally people get stuck in the remote area, where it is totally impossible for the people to sit for the exams. So with the help of online exams, one can easily take the exams from their location itself.
Online exams have gained a whole lot of popularity these days as there are several benefits one gets by enrolling themselves in these exams. In times of emergency online exams have been the savior for most people.
People are enrolling for online examinations and achieving success by passing the exams. Most people have successfully completed their exams through online means.
Types of Online Proctoring Exams:
One can have the benefits of three types of proctoring exams, which are extremely beneficial for the people and they are:
- Live proctoring
- Auto proctoring
- Recorded proctoring
All these exams are similar but some features differ from one another.
Process of Remote Proctoring Exams:
- The main things needed to conduct the exams are a good quality net connection, the audio and the video system of the gadget has to be of the finest quality. The computer user should have the facility of a webcam.
- The process is extremely simple and can be handled from anywhere by anyone having the knowledge of using the gadget.
- The links or the login id of the individual are provided in advance and one has to make use of it during the time of exams.
- When the login id gets connected the software verifies the identity of the candidate through various identification proof provided.
- By the means of video connection the supervisor can connect with the candidate.
- Furthermore the guidelines of the exams provided inside the link, most often the supervisor selected for the online proctoring exams are not connected to the faculty members.
- Most of the times the video of the exams are recorded which can further be beneficial in detecting whether the student is cheating or not by keeping an eye on his behaviour.
- The software has essential features which disables the candidate to browse anything else while ongoing examinations.
- As many people enrol for the examinations the software used should have the capacity of handling a large number of people for examination.
Importance of Online Proctoring Exams

There are numerous advantages of online exams and presently it has become one of the foremost methods to continue with the educational and examination system. Some of the top benefits are mentioned below:-
- The primary factor for utilizing these methods is there is no need for one to be physically present for the examination. One can take the exams from any location they live in.
- One can give the exams at any preferred time and place after selecting the preferable choices, which can be considered one of the most sought out things during the exams.
- As it is all digital there are very few chances of making mistakes during the procedure.
- There is the countless number of facilities by which the invigilators can grab the person who is involved in cheating. The features like algorithms make it next to impossible for the candidate to opt for any such offenses.
- As each and every activity of the candidates is recorded one can easily identify the negative activities of the person.
- The invigilators involved in the process are extremely talented and skillful. The proctors have a good idea of handling the candidates through distance.
- While the ongoing process of examinations several photos of the candidates are clicked for any kind of further references.
- One of the best things is one cannot open any other browser while an ongoing exam process, if any sort of this activity is detected they take quick actions against the students.
- As soon as the exams get over the test screen gets closed so the candidates have to finish the exams on the allotted time.
- The method used by the invigilators is safe and secure and the personal information of the candidates cannot leak.
- The software has the ability to discover any sort of external devices like a pen drive or other digital devices connected to the computer. If in any circumstances these situations occur then the candidate can be immediately disqualified for the given test based on a valid reason.
- While conducting the normal exams many types of arrangements are to be made like arranging the examination hall, printing the question papers, selecting the invigilators, and so on. All these arrangements cost a good amount of money; hence with the help of online exams, all these costs can be saved.
- The best thing about appearing for the exams is as all the system is mechanically handled there is no scope for partiality. It’s an unbiased test without the interference of the faculty members.
Thus considering all the benefits it is one of the fair exams that can be conducted without any hurdle arising in between.
The facility like the exams can be given from any location without the burden of going out and being present in the exam hall. The candidates can feel at home and select the most comfortable place in their own sphere and take the test.
The online proctoring has been extremely helpful for the people staying in a remote location. They can easily connect and take the test without much burden.
These exams are beneficial for both the candidates and the supervisor as it is cost-efficient, saves time and energy of the people. Therefore with the gaining popularity, remote proctoring has become one of the fastest and easiest ways to attend exams.