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Learn How to Record Calls Made on Google Meet and Zoom


Whether you are using Google Meet or Zoom, you know that recording the calls made on those platforms is very important, especially if you are involved in a project meeting.

With the commencement of online productivity tools, it has become much easier to record and transcribe the meetings that you conduct on Google Meet and Zoom.

 One of the best tools to consider is the Notiv note-taking tool. With this AI-backed tool, you can automatically record everything in the meeting through your Google Meet and Zoom accounts so that you and your meeting participants can really focus on the meeting.

Recording the Calls Made on Google Meet and Zoom

If you are still in the middle of it, you will need to know the real reasons why recording the meeting has become more important for online meeting participants nowadays.

Provide Peace of Mind

The meeting should be valuable and progressive. No one wants to waste their time and energy coming up with useless topics. The voice recorder feature in the Notiv note taker google meet will keep everything valuable. You won’t miss a chance to catch up with the topics of the meetings.

 It gives everyone peace of mind since they won’t get lost along the way.

Keep Meticulous Records

Record keeping is a staple item in a project meeting. If you don’t have the records of a meeting, it is just the same as losing the progress of your project. But as you know, everybody is busy with the meeting, so it is impossible to take meeting notes manually with perfection.

 If you need a complete record of important meetings, you cannot go wrong by relying on the Notiv app to conduct them. 

The app will start recording and transcribing your Zoom or Google Meet meetings in real-time. It does the tasks in the background so that you won’t get distracted when you are interacting with the other members of the meeting session.

Record Calls Made on Google Meet and Zoom

Back-Up All the Information

In fact, the meeting results can be important information that you will want to keep for the sake of your project and business growth. You will want to back up the information securely for future use. The recording of Notiv saves the audio, video, and text of the transcription file that you can store wherever you want. You can also save it in the cloud. The choice is yours. Whenever you need it in the future, you just need to retrieve the files again.

Improve Collaboration

The use of the Notiv app for recording calls in Google Meet or Zoom comes with tons of valuable perks, especially for the collaboration quality within your internal team. In the long run, it will also have a positive impact on your sales and marketing. You can actually keep everyone on track as long as the information is transparent and interoperable. And only the Notiv app can help you maintain such high quality.

 In the meeting, there is a bunch of information that you and your team don’t want to miss. It quickly provides engaging interactions between you and your team.

Make the Meeting Better

Using automated note-taking software like Notiv, the conferences that you’ve held will be much better than before. The recorded meetings allow you and your team to improve the quality of the meetings in the future. You can easily go back and review the output of the meeting.

 Looking back at the past meeting will help everyone to prevent unnecessary repetition or anything else in the future.

Recording the Calls on Zoom with Notiv


With the Notiv app, you are able to record the calls and everything in your Zoom meeting session. You could sync the scheduled Zoom meetings with the Notiv app. With Notiv, you can capture your meetings and conversations through the apps. Then the app transcribes everything so that it will be easy to find any important thing in the app. 

In order to use Notiv to record the calls in the Zoom app, you will need to install and activate Notiv first.

 The Notiv will show you all of the scheduled meetings.

 First things first, you need to add the meeting to your Google or Microsoft calendar. Ensure that the particular link is already in the title, location, or description field.

 Then you will want to turn the Notiv on. Then ensure that you have toggled the Notiv on for the meeting. The default is that the auto-join is on. So, Notiv will automatically join the meeting.

 There you have it. Notiv will detect the command and will join the meeting and start recording the calls once you begin the session.

 Notiv will be there on time. In fact, some of the meeting participants might be later than Notiv. After the meeting ends, Notiv will process the recording and you will get a notification email with the subject “Meeting Ready” when the recordings are ready.

Recording Calls on Google Meet with Notiv

The same thing goes with the Google Meet call recordings.

It is so easy and straightforward to record the calls in Google Meet with Notiv.

 The first step is to add the meeting to your Google or Microsoft Calendar. Ensure the meeting is on your calendar. The invite link can be in the title, location, or description field. This will allow you to join Google Meet in no time.

 Make sure you have the Notiv on so that it can record everything automatically. The default is on.

 Then you just need to wait until the meeting starts.

 Once the Notiv is turned on, it will automatically join the meeting once the session begins. Then, it will record and transcribe all of the things that happened in the meeting. You can watch Notiv Join with your Google Meet meeting session.

 Notiv’s joining with Google Meet is a bit different from the other apps. It will dial in as a participant.

 Notiv will be there on time. Even if there is no one yet to arrive at the meeting, it will be there to start recording. Once your meeting ends, Notiv will quickly process the recordings. It won’t take a long time to wait for the process to finish. When it is ready, it will send you a notification email called “Meeting Ready”.

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