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Internet Tips for Improved Web Browsing Experience

Web Browsing Experience

The internet offers a great deal of entertainment, research, and learning experiences to users; it’s about how you perceive the information. You must be spending a lot of your free time browsing the internet, ensuring to use it as smartly as possible to gain the best information available on the web. 

This article elaborates on some proficient tips that will help you save a lot of time while enjoying the best web browsing experience. 

Learn New Shortcuts for Efficiency

The first thing’s first. Shortcuts make your life Command, whether they are while driving or while working on your computer. For example, press Ctrl + L in Windows or Command + L on macOS to directly enter the website URL in the address bar. Alternatively, Hiit Ctrl + Q in MS Word to remove the paragraph’s formatting, or press Command + Q on macOS to quit the program you are working with.

Change Your DNS for Privacy

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is responsible for translating recognizable web addresses or URLs into actual server addresses over the internet. DNS is usually provided by your internet service provider, but you can easily change it for a faster internet speed and improved privacy while browsing the web. Google DNS and Cloudflare are among the best DNS options available today. 

Choose a Default Internet Browser

safari vs chrome

A number of web browsers are available to give users a variety and ease of access, but many of us are only aware of Google and Safari, used on Windows and Mac, respectively. If you need to know more about Chrome or Safari, check out

However, you should also give a try to other browsers such as Vivaldi, Brave, Puffin, and Opera for better privacy and speed.

Add BookMarks for Ease

Browser bookmarks help you track stuff that you might find helpful on the web while allowing you to revisit it instantly. Starring a website makes it easier to get back to later as you do not have to dig into your browsing history to find the article you were reading. Bookmarks work across devices, and if you are signed in using the right account, an article that has been bookmarked on the computer can be accessed on the smartphone or tablet.  

Install a VPN for Encryption


 VPNs or Virtual Private Networks encrypt your connection to the web and allow you to create a secure connection to another network. You can use VPN for accessing a region-restricted website or safeguarding the browsing activity from unauthorized access on public WiFi. Using a VPN, your PC, tablet, or smartphone is connected to another server or computer somewhere on the internet.

Browse in Incognito Mode

If you browse in incognito mode, none of your site data, browsing history, cookies, etc., are logged. Any activity that you perform during your browsing session is not displayed in your internet browser, so other users on the same device cannot track or view your activity. 

Websites use cookies to deliver a more personalized experience which is good but sometimes annoying as they follow you around the web, so you can avoid it using incognito.

Keep Your Software/Apps Updated

Well, this is something that you should take care of to enjoy a seamless browsing journey. Not only must your browser be updated, but all the applications and programs that you use on your computer have to be updated with the most recent versions.

The updates are necessary to improve the overall performance, fix potential security holes, and get the benefit of the latest features introduced by the operating system or application developers.

Explore the Website Information

browsing the Internet

While using Chrome on the desktop, you can view the detailed information about the website to see the cookies that it might be storing. Click the icon left to the URL of the website that you are accessing to view the details about cookies and specific permissions that the site has requested. 

Sometimes a bad design or inappropriate technology leads to user experience and similar concerns due to development mistakes, so you can avoid such sites.

Use Strong Passwords

Both Safari and Chrome warn you on recognizing weak passwords, i.e., if you are using short passwords or simple to recognize passcodes. Safari even warns you if you are using simple passwords for multiple accounts since this can cause security issues and may pose a threat to your personal information. 

To take a look into your passwords on Mac, open Safari, go to Preferences, and select the Passwords tab, and you will find a yellow exclamation mark next to the passcodes that need attention.

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