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How To Use Instagram to Find Great Web Design Ideas?

instagram inspiration

A brilliant way to find the best web designs and bright ideas is to visit Instagram. First of all, it is a free inspirational tool that encourages to create and to share. Moreover, this network gives the change to all talented minds that are willing to showcase their designs to be recognized. And you can get heaps of web design ideas from social media profiles of the best designers and web studios. All you have to do is learn where to look for what. 

Mobile-first Web Design Era

UX Design

Good quality web design is usually associated with UX (user experience). And the best way to craft such a design takes a lot of research. Not mentioning the fact that enhancing and defining UX, are the demand of the modern day.
Of course, there was a time when only UI (User Interface) design was the main feature. Now all the designers should be ready for this change.

Nowadays, desktop and mobile users, who surf the Internet day and night using their smartphones and tablets might have different and more sophisticated demands. And it seems that only UX design may fulfill them. How did all happen? We may presume that it is all influenced by the way people started to browse the Internet. This change can be characterized by the altered technique of clicks, gestures, swipes, and scrolls. And it is safe to say that the new generation of devices has brought this change.

Hence, web design that lies in the core of building of the websites needs to be crafted more thoughtfully. Designs today are therefore UX-based first. Of course, it is not only UX but UI style gives us a complete pleasure of using the Internet.

Web Designers Look for Inspirational Ideas


Every designer looks for inspiration. As you may not have lots of creative thoughts coming to your mind on an everyday basis. All you have to do is to feed your mind from external resources. This way you will be able to blend all these fresh ideas into a perfectly unique design recipe of yours. Good design always impacts the mind and help you generate innovative ideas. Basically, that’s why all artists and designers tend to surf through blogs and sites.

Hunting for Good Designs

UX designs

Instagram has become a widely-used tool for sharing vivid and bright content due to the image-based interface. Users post their web design ideas and messages and snaps. This image sharing platform possesses many other features. Among them you may find commenting, posting, cross-platform sharing, hashtagging, filter applications to images, chatting and more. All the above mentioned makes it an option for instant sharing. That’s why designers also choose Instagram to release their new design prototypes and tell the industry and people what’s going on with their work.
Designers use Instagram like their design lab studio to exhibit and showcase fresh ideas and creative thinking. And that is why Instagram is the best place to hunt for such fresh and new, advanced and innovative designs.
Most UX based designers invest much time to showcase and market their designs on Instagram.

Why Web Developers Share their Designs?


A freelance web designer or a web studio often roll out website designs that should be marketed to the target audience. So, it is both sharing and marketing for those companies that have already taken the advantage of Instagram.
This particular type of Instagram content has a great value and can come in a great use. Also, you may use Pinterest as it becomes extremely popular nowadays as well. This may help you find some of the industry influencers to look up to.

Become the follower of the classy UX designers! To start with this web design hunting for high-quality UX designs, you will have to enroll to Instagram first. And then you will have to find the profiles of popular and successful designers. Grow your Instagram followers and become a fan of the profiles that inspire you. This will help you keep track of the latest publications. In time if you find it fascinating to have a huge amount of followers then find out more to buy Instagram views from Thunderclap.

Concluding Notes

Instagram accounts may come with many nice surprises. Each day you can get fresh ideas of new designs, and you may implement them into your own to feel more creative. Besides, you will get the chance to showcase your own web design ideas and grow your fan base as well. All you have to do is to set up your Instagram portfolio and start contributing to the community.
Thus you will start using this same platform to inspire others, create your brand image, and fetch client contacts and more.
Social sharing comes with endless possibilities.
You may use it for popularizing and branding your identity, designs, and ideas.
So, take action and don’t hesitate to start using it!

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