Modern systems for organizing video conferencing are highly adaptable, versatile, and easy to configure. However, there are a few simple rules, shared with us by CallOut, to follow when preparing presentation events or meetings.
Recommendations for Organizing and Conducting Video Conferencing

A videoconference is an event that includes the use of a wide range of technical solutions, visualization techniques, and various kinds of information exchange. Accordingly, it requires careful preparation and control during the course.
To organize a video conference correctly, you need to think through the following points:
- goals of the conference and possible questions for discussion;
- selection and invitation of participants;
- distribution of responsibilities between moderators and technical staff;
- preparation of technical means of communication;
- preparation of the environment and appropriate conditions in the conference room;
- observance of ethical principles in relation to participants and between them;
- professional operational moderation and adherence to the event plan.
Plan your event
In the case of a multipoint video conference (with more than two people), a detailed scene will avoid delays when switching cameras or microphones. Competent organization of speeches will help all participating employees feel the importance of their opinions and will motivate them to speak out more openly and constructively.
Send invitations in advance
Inform everyone about the exact time of the beginning of the conference and do not forget to instruct about the order of authorization in the system and the order of speaking. It is also advisable to provide future participants with an event plan with lists of speakers, topics discussed, and questions on each topic.
Distribute responsibilities
any video conference requires the participation of not only the speakers but also the organizer, operator, and system administrator. Proper distribution of responsibilities and the participation of system maintenance personnel will help reduce the risks of technical problems and pauses during the broadcast. The organizer is responsible for organizational issues during the preparation of the video communication session and during its holding (sending out invitations, drawing up an event plan, advising future participants, monitoring compliance with the rules). The operator is responsible for managing communications, lighting, cameras, monitors, channel switching, launching applications, and so on. The system administrator is responsible for setting up, preparing, and maintaining the video conferencing system… He is responsible for protecting data transmission channels, communication stability, functionality, and accuracy of equipment settings.
Carry out diagnostics of the equipment
During the test checks, the quality of the equipment settings and the operation of the entire system as a whole, the data transfer rate, the compliance of audio and video signals with the specified parameters, the quality of information display on monitors, and so on are assessed. Most complex videoconferencing systems have built-in software and hardware functionality for self-diagnostics, so the check can be carried out quickly and without the involvement of additional personnel.
Prepare the appropriate external conditions
The volume of the room, lighting, background, environment – plays a role in the quality of image and speech transmission. A well-thought-out, ergonomic arrangement of video conferencing equipment will help avoid unnecessary fuss and inconsistency during the conference. These include equipment: screens, monitors, microphones, intercoms, cameras, and control panels.
Pay attention to all participants
The presenter of the video conference must maintain adherence to the schedule and plan, but at the same time motivate everyone present and give everyone the opportunity to fully express their opinion. It is equally important to monitor the rhythm and mood of the conversation, its content, and expediency, to monitor the ethics of the statements and appeals of the participants to each other.
Use all the possibilities to control the videoconferencing
Make sure that no foreign objects or people are present in the frame, turn off the sound in a time when other participants speak, control the direction of gaze (into the camera) and the location of the microphone when speaking, take into account the nuances of lighting, background, and distance to presentation materials … All this will help create an appropriate atmosphere and make the conference conditions more comfortable for the interlocutors.
The quality of the organization of a video conference can affect the opinion of the interlocutors about its organizers, and, consequently, on the decisions made. Therefore, before any video communication session, it is worth taking the time to check how accurately and in full you have taken into account all the listed recommendations.