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How to Fix Hard Drive Crash

fix a hard drive crash

Computer hardware gets more and more high-level and efficient to deal with common tasks and handling workload. But computer engineers and designers still struggle to add safety measures to prevent software or hardware failure as they can occur at any time, even in the most advanced computers.

Due to this unpredictability, certain failures can be devastating, especially a hard disk crash.

When a hard disk fails, its reason can be broken down into two on what caused it. It can be either a physical hard drive failure caused by the component’s compromised structure or a logical hard drive crash with corrupt data.

Physical Hard Drive Crash

Most computer parts, have circuits and chips communicating to one another through electric buses on their motherboards. On the contrary, hard drives have moving parts in them. Disks that spin inside the structure and transmit data to the system being read by the read-write head. With time, these moving components start to wear out. Due to this, the performance of the hard drive drops significantly, causing random crashes to occur.

But this is a single example of why physical hard drive crashes may occur in a system. With a closer look, physical storage device crashes can be broken down into these simple reasons why physical hard drive crashes start to occur.

  • Parts of a computer like your CPU, GPU, and even RAM generate a lot of heat inside the system. To effectively disseminate the heat from the components and keep the system cool and running safely, it relies on the system fans and cooling solutions implemented in it. If the cooling solution in question isn’t efficient enough, then the heat generated can cause thermal damage to the hard drive causing it to fail upon using it.
  • Electronic items are very sensitive to moisture as they are highly conductive. Any moisture collected up in parts of the system, especially the hard drive, can cause short circuits within the PCB and may also cause rusting between each component’s solder contacts on the PCB.
  • Hard drives consist of magnetic plates spinning and being read by a header, just like how a record is played on a needle. Mishandling of your equipment such as a laptop dropping or being tossed carelessly can cause damage to the delicate electronic parts in the mass storage device as even a tiny scratch from the header on it can result in failing to read data properly, then you need to fix the hard drive, not detected on your pc.
  • Power surges can cause hardware deterioration instantly with the moving parts in a hard drive reset suddenly, which may cause improper read/to write operations to be executed, corrupting the data stored in it.

Physical Hard Drive faults can further be diagnosed by your operating system not being able to read or recognize your installed storage media due to its failure.

If you hear a noise emanating from where your hard drive is located, be sure to properly distinguish the noise as it can also be noise coming from the fans of the system as fans produce a monotonous and hushed sound while your failing storage device may be producing a buzzing or beeping/crashing sound.

You can also monitor your computer’s temperatures to see whether the hard drive is overheating or if you’re cooling solution and fan in place are all working up to their mark taking out all the heat.

If none of these are the reasons, then instead of a physical hard drive fault, you may have a logical hard drive crash on your hands to fix.

Logical Hard Drive Crash

Even if your storage media’s physical structure is perfectly sound, it can still be a victim of logical hard drive crashes. When this crash occurs, the system may detect your hard drive successfully, and you would be able to use it, but the operating system would not be able to access data stored in it. The main causes of logical hard drive crashes can be.

  • Harmful files such as malware or viruses intercepting normal usage by corrupting data and sectors stored in it. These files can slowly spread throughout the entire stored data making it all inaccessible. Try to look out for files out of place with strange names or strange extension formats with them. If you find any, then that means your system is infected.
  • Logical crashes can also occur due to natural accidents or disruptions during certain processes, such as power outages during propagation or data formatting. An incomplete or wrongly formatted hard drive partition can cause things to go haywire and wipe out functionality.

Along with this, users may also notice other strange phenomenon acting upon their systems such as the sharp, sudden decrease in performance with their systems, data suddenly disappearing on its own from certain places in the hard drive storage to even the system straight up crashing and showing you the concerning blue screen of death if you’re on a windows machine.

How to Recover Data from Crashed Logical Disk

There are many ways and useful tools to fix a crashed hard drive and bring back all your lost data again, all from the comfort of your home, instead of going out spending countless amounts of money on technicians to get your data back once more for you. And just for that, we recommend you try out Recoverit Data Recovery, one of the most reliable and robust software guaranteed to recover any data from any failing storage media devices such as SD Cards and Hard Drives suffering from logical disk crashes available for both Windows computers and Macs.

To get started, all you need to perform is install the software on your respective Operating System and follow these three simple steps to get your valuable data back once more.

  • Choose your Storage Device in the program

Select which device is suffering from logical crashes from the shown list so that Recoverit may start the file recovery process for the selected memory media device

  • Scan the selected storage device

After selecting which hard drive or SD Card you want to proceed with, Recoverit will start scanning the drive for any data recoverable and present you with a list of found files. The scanning may take some time to finish depending on the severity of the logical crash.

  • Start recovering your lost data

You can now preview the retrieved files and choose which files and folders you want to be recovered by the software. After selecting your files, click on “Recover,” and Recoverit shall start getting them back for you.

Note: It is advised to save your recovering data on another hard disk or SD Card instead of the one being recovered from as this might cause overwriting of data making you lose your files and folders forever.

Wrapping Up

Finally, with these three simple steps, you then shall have successfully recovered your lost data through the power of Wondershare Recoverit. The perfect solution to opt to get your lost data back again with its easy-to-use User Interface and high success rate you will never be disappointed with Recoverit. Try out Recoverit today, available both for all Windows-powered devices and Macs for any hard drive, External Storage Device, or SD Card to restore your precious data.

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