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How to Enable/Disable Sticky Header with Elementor

Sticky header

This guide will show you how to enable/disable a sticky header with Elementor. This type of header  stays at the top of your page while scrolling. You can enable or disable the sticky header behavior by following these steps:

  1. Open the header Layout  by clicking Edit with Elementor on the frontend.
  2. Locate the section that contains the menu element (or any other section that should have the sticky behavior) and click on the Edit section button:

       3. You need to switch to “Custom Layout” and select Fix/Don’t fix for “Fix this row when scroll” option (depending on what you need). Fixed section will be visible when scrolling the page.

       4. Save the changes by clicking “Update” button at the bottom of the page. 

Notice: Please make sure that option Hide fixed rows is disabled in the Theme Panel -> Themerex Addons -> General. 

         You are done! This is everything you need to make the header section sticky with Elementor builder on your WordPress website. For more details on how to edit Layouts with Elementor, please check the guide. In case you come across any difficulties, feel free to get in touch with the Support Team submitting a support ticket at the following link.

Video "How to Enable Sticky Header"

Below is the video that shows how you can easily enable Sticky header in your Elementor-based website without coding knowledge and special skills.

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