A successful social media campaign is not as easy as one might expect. According to WP Dev Shed, brands are competing with one another to gain more followers and gain a larger market share in their respective industries. And the competition is quite fierce if a business wants to establish itself on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other popular SM platforms.
Starting from scratch is difficult, but there are multiple examples of brands that succeeded despite the odds being against them. If you wish to have the odds for you, not against you when managing social media business accounts, the tips below should prove to be quite useful.
Offer Giveaways
Whether a social media profile is successful or not is usually judged by how many followers it has and what the post engagement is like.
When it comes to engagement and attracting new followers, hardly anything works as great as giveaways.
Social media users are happy to participate in giveaways that ask them to like and share posts. The more people engage, the more the giveaway post will snowball and gain traction.
As for what you can give away, the price range may vary depending on your niche. You could design custom hoodies and other merchandise with your brand elements on it and give those away. Coupons and discounts for purchases are other good ideas.
Sell Directly on Social Media
Roughly 71% of shoppers believe they will get a better deal online than in stores, which is one of the primary reasons why you can find integrated online shops on Facebook and Instagram.
Some social media users may be reluctant to click on a link that redirects them to a landing page when they are browsing through potential products or services they would like to purchase.
However, having a button that lets shop directly on social media simplifies the process and encourages more people to shop on social media.
The gimmick is still relatively new, but you should not underestimate its effectiveness. Try it yourself and see whether the feature improves your social media marketing.

Collaborate With Influencers
Influencer marketing is one of the backbones of social media campaigns these days. Brands are inclined to work with influencers since they bring great results, even if the pay might be a bit too much at times.
A-tier celebrities have loyal followers that buy into pretty much everything an influencer has to say. Thus, if you have someone like that endorsing your goods or services, you can expect to get quite a few customers and fans for your social media channels.
It is also worth mentioning that a brand does not have to limit itself to just top influencers with millions of followers. No, collaborating with micro-influencers is just as effective even if they do not have as many followers. Your main concern should be the overall engagement rate, and micro-influencers have that.
Respond to Followers
Showing that you care about your followers is another important aspect that some brands forget. If you have to hire someone who can respond to questions and other comments on the social media content, do not hesitate to do it, especially if the posts are getting a lot of engagement and it is too difficult to respond to everyone.
Show Exclusive Content

Exclusive behind-the-scenes content could also work in your favor if you have some neat stuff to share with your followers. You could tease upcoming releases and other news related to your brand. And while it may not drive sales or improve website traffic directly, it will still help with improving overall social media results. And if nothing else, it will be a different type of content for you to post.
Focus on Quality
Speaking of social media content, keep in mind that you should focus on quality. There is no need to spam people’s feeds with random posts every hour or so. No, a post or two once a day should do the trick. In fact, you could share content less frequently if you feel like it.
The problem with quality is that keeping it up might be quite difficult, particularly if you operate in a niche that has limited options when it comes to possible content creation.
If you run into creativity problems, hire a content creator who can provide enough ideas for posts.
Stick to a Schedule
Once you establish your content quality and frequency of posting, make sure to stick to a schedule. After a while, social media followers will build certain expectations that you will have to meet.
Scheduling posts in advance is one of the ways to ensure that you do not miss a deadline. When someone expects to see a new post at a particular hour, you better not disappoint them. Missing a day or two is not the end of the world, but if the schedule becomes all over the place, you can expect that followers will lose interest and may even unfollow your channel.