If you are a business owner looking to create a logo for your business, chances are you want the best logo. You might be working with a tight budget or looking for the most creative logo out there. A logo creation contest is your best bet.
Design contest websites can give you what you are looking for. But, if you don’t know how to write a logo design brief, you might not get the best out of it.
That said, most graphic design services can help you talk to a graphic designer through the design brief.
With this in mind, you need to have a clear logo design brief to ensure that your vision of your logo design comes to life.
So, this article covers short and straightforward steps you need to follow to create a logo design brief.
What is a Logo Design Brief?
A logo design brief is any document created by a client to a designer. It is any document that provides information a logo designer needs to create a logo.
A typical logo design brief will cover;
- Fundamental information about the business.
- The business’ desired design style.
- The deadline for the completion of the design.
- The projected budget for the design.
Your brief must be as straightforward as possible because any obscurity could result in a final logo design that’s off the mark.
Steps for Creating a Logo Design Brief
Provide information on your business
The first step is to give as much information as you can about your business. Your company name, what you do, who you are, who your customers are, your company culture, etc.
Here are some tips for creating the most information for your logo brief;
- Provide the name of your business.
- Include your business slogan in your design brief. If you have a business tagline, you should also include that.
- When writing your business name, if there is any specific capitalization in your business name, make it clearly stated. For example, ‘Dunkin Donut’ and ‘Dunkin donut’ could be two completely different things.
- Whatever your products or services are, include the details, how your service works, etc.
- Ensure to include whatever brand values, company culture/image you want your designer to reflect in the logo design services.
It is important to know that there is so much that goes into designing a logo, so include all the details your designer needs to translate your vision correctly.
Describe your desired logo design style
There are many different logo design styles out there. Some of them include; vintage, minimal, skeuomorphic, and flat. You need to communicate the ones you are interested into the designers.
You might need to perform a little technical research for this step, but this step becomes easier once you do.
Ensure that you touchpoint on the following points when developing this step;
- Color: Here, you can suggest the colors you want to be included in the logo design. You can be general or specific in your selection. An example of a general color selection is blue, black, etc. An example of a specific selection is RGB or CMYK. You can also include a picture of the colors you want in your logo design if you want.
- Your design inspiration: You can communicate your design inspiration through a mood board maker. In the mood board, you can add pictures, color palettes, logo inspirations, elements, etc.
- Specify your logo format: There are different logo formats your designers can use when creating your logo. But, to make sure you get the perfect logo, add your logo design format to your brief. You can add a specific design format or a couple of suggestions for your designers.
Set a budget and a timeline
Finally, you must add a timeline and funding to the brief. Budget and timeline are essential components of a designers’ decision-making, so include them from the very beginning.
Not only will this help designers decide if they want to go ahead with your project or not, but it will also help you weed out the unserious designers from the bunch. In setting a timeline for your designers, make sure;
- You consider the time they could need to bring your logo design specification to life properly.
- Ensure your set timeline is realistic, not to make your designers feel rushed or feel like you are unreasonable.
- If you are in a time crunch and don’t think you can give your designers enough time, then it is best to use an online logo maker in the meantime.
Remember that your logo design may require several revisions until it is perfect–at least close to perfect. So, give them enough time to plan and design your logo effectively.
While for budgeting, you have to be completely transparent in your design brief. Here are some steps for going about it;
- Instead of paying your logo designers per hour, pay them per project and beforehand. This will give them more of an incentive to work on the project.
- If the designers insist on getting paid per hour, insist on a time estimate.
- Clearly state the number of redesigns you can ask for and whether or not you include it in the overall project price.
- Even if you are on a tight budget, try to make your prices are competitive as you can afford.
In total, make sure you are sincere and open with the compensation attached to your logo design. But remember, you get what you pay for, so keep that in mind if you are paying a below-market rate.

In conclusion
There you have it, the three important steps on how to create a brief. While the above levels perfectly encompass steps for creating a logo design brief, remember that your brief doesn’t have to be perfect. However, the more information you give in your brief, the easier it will be for your designer to create your design.
A strong design brief will also reduce the number of revisions your designers will have to make, and the faster you end up with the wholly designed logo.
That being said, if you struggle with creating any form of briefs, you can hire a professional writer from sites like Writing Judge.