WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems, more than 34% of websites use it. Those who would like to have their content on it usually turn to programming experts, however, it is not so hard to make it alone if you have basic knowledge of the coding language. Here are the tips from IT-specialists you should follow before and during coding a WordPress Theme.
What to Start With?
First off, figure out what programming knowledge you possess. If you are a complete beginner, you can always turn to programming assignment experts from AssignmentCore.com whom you can pay to have your coding homework done according to your requirements.
WordPress theme is typically built involving many elements and patterns including the use of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, or JQuery. If you know this programming terminology, it is good and you may not need to worry about asking for help from other experts.
Then, you should have a clear idea of how WordPress works. Check it in Google or refer to YouTube videos. Now, let’s start the magic.
What to Have at Hand for a Theme?

To install WordPress locally, you should first have Xampp or PHPmyadmin software tool or any other hosting panel where you locate WordPress data. Using the hosting panel, create a database, and initiate the installation of WordPress into the database folder. You will need to fill in some required information including username, password, table prefix as well as database host.
Proceed with a theme. All users have two options such as creating a theme manually using coding or via automated theme builder. For beginners, it is much easier to use a builder, as it predicts the patterns, trends and you do not waste time on each and single task.
After deciding on the approach, you should have it all done via the wp_content directory, so create a subfolder there and name it Themes. Then, decide on the layout you will use. It concerns Header, Main Part, Footer, and Sidebar.
That’s pretty all and can be considered as a starter pack for creating your “art of theme coding”.
Tips for Beginners Who Want to Make a Superb Theme

Even the most professional programmer cannot live without Stack Overflow, it is the largest social network for IT-specialists who learn there and look for the answers on their tasks and projects. The same you may find answers on how to create a good theme without throwing money down the drain to others. Alongside this, follow the next tips:
- Check the depository of existing themes for WordPress. Of course, you may borrow some ideas for your content, however, exploring the variants will help you to understand what works and what does not work.
- Keep a focus. Many users have a beautiful picture in their minds but do not make it happen in reality. Prepare a clean-cut scheme in what colors, what plugins, or what font will look the best on your theme. If you cannot figure out this matter, Stack Overflow is again your best-friend for such inquiries.
- Explore images. Using search engines or social networks you may collect many pictures striking the eyes. Otherwise, you may create them with Photoshop. Please, remember that when you copy any images, it is worth acknowledging Copyright. So, you had better ask the owner about taking one for your theme or rely on websites that sell them to users.
- Find a testing environment. When students submit their work assignments or papers, they definitely check them for accuracy and logic, the same works with WordPress themes. WP staging plugin may help you see how everything works and looks. Otherwise, check for authentic WordPress hosting testers.
- Do not steal someone’s ideas. It happens when you code from scratch and end up having the theme similar to competitors or other bloggers. Programmers recommend reviewing the most popular websites made with WordPress themes and noting down the popular features to not repeat them or improve them to the fullest.
- Ask your friends or relatives to give feedback about the theme. Look, your theme may seem cool for you, and obviously you are a master and make everything that fits your taste. But, do not neglect the help of your friends who may tell how it looks and whether you should add anything.
Finally, secure your theme. The easiest way to do it is to remove the WordPress generator code. It can be found inside a theme tag — <head>. You may think it is not necessary, however, many users who have something against you or just have fun like this may attack your WordPress version. You do not need it, right? More protective measures you may also find with the official customer support team of this content management system or users who review them on YouTube.
One for the Road — Have Fun While Making a Theme

No themes can be considered good if they have been made without care or user-friendly design. For example, if you are a student and have the work assignment to create a WordPress theme, you should not leave it for the last moment and then make mistakes due to missed deadlines. First of all, you may rely on such programming experts, they won’t make you frustrated with expensive rates. Secondly, if you still have time in stock, spend a good time with your friends or on your hobby. Distract from routine and receive laughing fuel to start the coding easier.
Furthermore, if you do not want to be too banal with your theme, check the top trends for best WordPress themes, and always remember them. Why? To not repeat a single pattern that you can be sued for. Your client or professor will always appreciate creativity and will mark the work as done or even as surpassed expectations. Such a WOW effect is greater than any other feedback like — It is fine, good, okay, etc. When you make a theme for yourself, try to empower it with full commitment, so other people will also like the user-friendly design and practicability that does not distract the eyes.