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How to Change Services Icon in WordPress Theme

change services icon

This guide will show you how to replace services icon for custom posts in WordPress dashboard. Although most of ThemeREX themes include Services posts, please be aware that each theme is unique and may have different custom post types. So, let’s see how to change your WordPress icon.

Here is example of the icons that you can see on the front end of your WordPress site:

services icons

How to change services icon

In order to change services icon, you will need to navigate to Services tab and edit the post. Each post has Item options where you can set price, select linking product, Item’s icon etc. Please check this screenshot:

item's icon

Choose the desired service icon from the list and save changes to the post. 

If your theme uses another version of ThemeREX Framework (based on ThemeREX Utilities plugin instead of ThemeREX addons), the procedure of replacing an icon is different. Please check this screenshot for more information:

post options

Generally, fontello source files are located in the following folder:


If you want to view the list of all icons, simply open the following file in your browser:


If you want to expand the list of icons available in the theme, you may check this video tutorial for detailed instructions. It will help to understand how to change an icon in your WordPress and add new icons to your site.

That’s it! Now you know how to change services icons and can easily add more icons to the theme list. 

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