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How Proper Use of Colors in Web Design Can Induce Particular Emotions

Color and Emotion

Visual artists are widely known for using visual patterns and colors in intriguing and unique ways. Today, this skill is used by a range of new and established businesses across industries. Web design, in particular, has recently started incorporating distinct color patterns due to their emotional registers. And because colors are dynamic in shades and combinations, the skill of color usage can always be improved and developed. 

No modern business can sustain without a quality website. This makes web design services in high demand throughout the world. A website that converts and sells guarantees the steady flow of new visitors, quality leads, and loyal customers in due time. Web design and development agencies and self-employed web designers continuously search for innovative ways of developing better designs for their customers.

While some of the most visible parts of these ways include clear navigation, quality copywriting, and the use of relevant viewing patterns, all of them involve the appropriate use of colors. Color is an essential part of virtually any design imaginable.

Knowing how to use color to one’s advantage can help web design and development agencies create websites that nurture specific emotional responses and actions on the part of visitors. This leads prospects to provide contact information, or, hopefully, even make a purchase. 

Below, we will look at some of the color theory fundamentals and how specific colors affect human emotions.

A Few Words about Color Theory

Since colors can take weeks or even months to explore; we are going to stick to the dimensions that are particularly useful for user interface (UI) design. We can divide color theory into three significant parts in terms of web design: 

  • Contrast. Every color shade has an opposite that creates a contrast more significant than any other color in the palette. Usually, designers take advantage of color wheels to look for each color’s opposite; 
  • Complementation. Naturally, colors aren’t always each other’s opposites. In other words, complementary colors enhance each other and accentuate their best. So, you can say it’s the opposite of contrast. For example, purple complements green; 
  • Vibrancy. Every color evokes certain emotions and moods. For instance, bright and warm colors, like orange, red, and yellow, are likely to trigger alertness and overall activity. At the same time, darker and colder shades, such as blue, green, and purple, induce relaxation and tranquility. News websites frequently use large and red graphic elements in their UIs to boost alertness. This approach is often used by the media when presenting breaking news and similar content. 

In other words, when it comes to web design, color theory is a lot more than just a guide to décor. The proper application of color can have game-changing effects on any business.

Before you start utilizing color therapy it would be wise to progress at the basic drawing principles, you could start from smaller things like drawing a nose and focus on more complex sketches so you can ignite your full potential while burning that candle of creativity inside your eyes.

Vibrancy: Color and Emotion

Color and Emotion

The link between emotions and colors is unquestionable. Furthermore, research on the effects of color in human psychology started back in the Middle Ages. So, you can say that we humans have a somewhat extensive understanding of color. In general, every web designer can benefit from this knowledge because the correct colors help create the right mood and atmosphere for the sites they create. 

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that different cultures around the world perceive colors differently. In this article, we are reviewing the emotional correlations of colors primarily applicable to Western cultures. 

  • Purple: Luxury, Mystery, and Romance 

The color purple, which is historically associated with royalty, retains the tone of luxury and decadence. This color suggests extravagance and wealth in general, making it a popular choice for luxury and fashion goods. The chocolate brand Cadbury, for example, applies this association to candy. Lighter shades, like lavender, are considered romantic, whereas darker shades provide a luxurious and mysterious feel. 

  • Black: Edginess, Power, and Refinement 

Black is the strongest neutral color. It is on nearly every site. Black suggests a range of different emotions, which depend upon the colors it is paired with. This potency, despite neutrality, makes it the right choice for long blocks of text, however, as a primary color, it can give the impression of edginess, sophistication, or even evil. 

On most websites, black creates an instant feeling of sophistication and timelessness. The sense of elegance is especially strong when paired with white font and set against a minimalist layout. 

  • White: Freshness, Simplicity, and Integrity 

In Western cultures, white is associated with freshness, innocence, and simplicity. Minimalist and simplistic websites most frequently use it as a background. By drawing the least attention of all the colors, white is the best for accenting the other colors on the page. The white background usually helps to draw attention to other crucial elements on the page. 

  • Gray: Formality, Melancholy, and Neutrality 

Although in certain situations, gray may seem brooding or even sad, it is nevertheless a popular choice for traditional or professional designs. Nonetheless, one of the most significant benefits of gray is in varying its hues – changing the shade can give you a customized mix of properties from white and black, a powerful tool in skillful hands. 

  • Ivory: Clarity, Comfort, and Grace 

In terms of emotional response, ivory shades are slight variations on white. It is perceived warmer than white, making it more comforting, yet it still exudes the same complimentary minimalism. Ivory should be used in place of white to soften the contrast between it and darker colors. 

  • Beige: Boost the Traits of Neighboring Colors 

Beige is the wildcard of all colors. Its primary use is drawing out other colors. On its own, beige is dull, though this is sometimes an intention – it can symbolize humility. It will take on the characteristics of the colors around it, therefore making it an interesting design tool. For these reasons, beige is almost always a secondary or background color. 

Darker shades of beige create an earthy, paper-like texture, while lighter shades feel fresher. In this case, lighter shades around the brand name, which darkens outwards, creates the feeling that the restaurant is a fresh modern take on earthy cuisine.


Proper Use of Colors

Understanding how colors affect a website’s mood and emotion is crucial to creating compelling designs. Whether you are a self-employed designer or work in a web design agency, you should be able to use colors with aesthetic precision. But it is also essential to know the emotions they will evoke in visitors when they arrive at the site. Your choice of colors should be in line with whatever your client sells or provides to their audience. At the same time, you have to be flexible and adapt to market trends. Take this information and apply it to your projects. Do additional research and expand your understanding of color theory.

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