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How Does WordPress Take Blogging to the Next Level

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If a few decades ago, you’d tickle your creativity and develop your writing skills the old-school way using a pen and paper or, in some cases, a typing machine, nowadays, it’s significantly easier to do that. 

Many of the electronic devices we use these days feature a word editor to help us with that. Not to mention that there are many apps dedicated to such activities. Whether you blog out of passion or as an extension to your business, reaching your audience has been considerably simplified thanks to the latest technological achievements. 

WordPress has almost become a synonym to blogging. Launched more than 15 years ago, the content management system is used by millions of sites, which translates into posts published every second. 

There is a variety of reasons why many businesses and bloggers have resorted to this platform and if you’re new to this and still not sure about what CMS to use for your own blogging or business, here are some of the features that make WordPress a popular choice.


No Bucks Required

When it comes to blogging, especially when you do it just as a spare time activity, you think of the money involved in getting your posts published. With WordPress, there is no money or hidden fee involved. 

The fact that you get to write your thoughts and share them with readers worldwide is one of the first things that come to one’s mind as far as why this platform is used by so many people and you can do that for free. 

Plus, being an open source platform, it will give you the possibility to change the source code in order to meet your specific needs. This will help you save more sense, if you’re into coding yourself, you will be able to alter the code without hiring web designers to launch or maintain the site. 

The platform is also known for being user-friendly and this means that it’s not difficult to get acquainted with the way it works. Running your own blog using WordPress doesn’t call for experts to do that. It is a platform that was designed to enable people of all ages and skills to publish their ideas and do so easily.

Ease of Use and Flexibility

If you’re new to content management systems, rest assured that WordPress will make it easy for you to start your blog. It is easy to install and can be used right after installation. Plus, the various features and extensions it provides make it flexible enough to meet the needs of bloggers and businesses alike. 

Moreover, the huge selection of themes and plugins available for this platform will make it considerably easier for you to customize your blog or website and create one that will match your needs. 

If, for example, you’re into blogging about music and you want to write more about music instruments, the myriad of WordPress features and themes will help you build a blog according to such needs. 

Once you’ve chosen the themes and plugins, you can start to do your research about, let’s say, the most popular ukulele models. By finding out more first, you will be able to create quality content that will get you more readers. As for the visual side of your blog and its functionality, WordPress has you covered. 



Although WordPress is heavily used for blogging, it is also preferred by many businesses out there. This makes it a target for hackers, the very reason why the platform is constantly updated to prevent unwanted events. 

Of course, there are measures you can take yourself to reduce the risk of being hacked. For example, you should download themes and plugins only from trusted websites. You may think that nobody would hack your blog yet people with bad intentions may find your website the right door to other important information such as your bank account. 

Several People Involved in Your Business? No Problem!

WordPress has also gained its popularity and appreciation due to the multi-user capability it provides. If you want to use it to publish constantly and allow several people to do that, worry not. The platform is equipped with everything you need to run it smoothly even when there are several users involved. 

The CMS was designed to enable you to assign different roles to different users. Therefore, the platform can be used by the super admin, admin, editors, authors, contributors, and subscribers. Every role offers access to specific activities, which means that if you have a team involved in your project, it won’t be difficult to know who does what and how. 

publish an article

Publishing Made Quick and Easy

The ease of the publishing process itself further adds to the pros of this CMS. Once you’ve written your new post, you can quickly publish it with just one click. Furthermore, there are several apps that will allow you to post your content regardless of your location and the platform is mobile-friendly so you can easily publish even when on the go. 

If you use it for business and your agenda is quite full, you can spare some time by scheduling your posts. Consider the time of the day that drives the greatest traffic and schedules your posts to be published in the time frame of your interest. 

Stay in Touch with Your Readers

Another great thing when employing WordPress is that you can build a community by using its various features. The comments section will enable you to communicate with your readers while some of its other features will make it easy for you to share your content on social networks. 

What’s more, if you use the content management system for your business, you can easily add testimonials to your site. Various plugins designed specifically for such needs will make the entire process convenient. 

There is also a variety of e-commerce solutions that will help you turn your site into a digital store. Therefore, WordPress is more than blogging, it is a great way to get your business online and make money.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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