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Four Common Cloud Security Mistakes to Avoid

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The internet is changing. Where once you would upload software through a physical drive onto your hard drive, now most software packages can be downloaded on high-speed internet and plugged into existing cloud-activated resources.

The rise of the cloud has given rise to a parallel boost in productivity in offices across the world – but it’s also rendered older cybersecurity solutions obsolete, as cloud infrastructure is wildly different from that used by older firms. Here, we’ll look at the four mistakes that are often made when dealing with cybersecurity on the cloud.

Remote Access

One of the benefits of cloud computing and cloud-based software is that you can access it anywhere. This has meant that many companies have been able to continue almost as normal, as millions of workers stay home from the office in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

However, there is a downside to remote working. This is that individual laptops, computers, tablets, and phones, connected to individual internet servers at the homes of your staff members, may not be as well protected as your office computers. As such, you need to be extra sure to ask all your employees to install cybersecurity features on their personal computing hardware.

Cloud Security

There are different forms of cybersecurity for different daily challenges. For instance, twenty years ago, the focus was very much on preventing malware intrusions into your network’s server. This could prove to be catastrophic for all computers and files in your company. 

Today, the focus has changed wholesale – to CASB, the Cloud Access Security Broker. This system has been designed by the techno-whizzes at McAfee and helps to ensure that the bridge between physical systems and cloud-based systems is well-guarded. It’s a crucial part of any modern company’s IT infrastructure.

Lack of Responsibility

cloud security

You’ll see this time and again when smaller and medium-sized companies experience a data breach: the buck stops with the CEO or the business owner. Why? Because they’ve failed to hire a data protection officer, or a head of cybersecurity, to whom they can delegate the technical task of protecting data. 

This is a simple process, but it can do the world of good. Not only will a designated professional workday and night to keep your data and your cybersecurity safe – they’ll also keep your firm’s reputation for security squeaky clean, which helps attract customers.

Individual Error

Finally, there’s nothing more damaging than one individual, with full access to your network and your files, behaving irresponsibly online. Whether this means leaving important services logged on when using a public computer, or failing to protect their own devices, this is a huge risk to cybersecurity for firms across the world.

The only way to truly protect against this particular risk is to encourage your staff to behave responsibly when using your business tech at home or in cafes. Furthermore, special cybersecurity training, aimed at your team, can help them recognize the dangers in their online behaviors before it becomes an issue for your firm. 

These four tips are crucial to understanding the weak spots in your cybersecurity apparatus and how you can overcome them. 

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