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Facilitating Psychological Research With Data Visualization App

data visualization

Data visualization is a business staple. Various graphic forms are used to showcase information which is then analyzed and acted upon. This has not only commercial but also scientific applications and that’s what we’re going to focus on in this post.

 Doing research without having the means to present its results would be far less impactful. My goal today is to show you how a custom data visualization tool can support the work of a research psychologist.

Catalog Your Tests

Psychology has plenty of branches and numerous methodologies, most of which still rely on pen and paper surveys. A major problem for many researchers in choosing the correct tools which will yield meaningful results.

 A great start would be a well-structured library of tests. The researcher would browse the catalog for tests that match their needs and use an array of additional filtering options to narrow down the results.

Cohesive Graphic Design for All Your Tests

graphic design

Most tests can be adjusted to the design patterns provided by the data visualization app in order to bring clarity to the respondent. GoJS diagrams will help you stay precise and get the most accurate answers possible.

Get Instant Stats

Getting reactions from your respondents is only a part of the research. You then have to process them. Your custom data visualization tool will come in handy when it comes to creating stats.

 The tool will allow you to present the results in a clear and concise manner, ready to be used in a publication.

Data Visualization in Psychological Research

Take a look below to better understand how custom data visualization could look like. The tool that’s been employed relies on the GoJS library for data visualization, which makes it capable of fitting nearly any niche.

The main component of a psychological research app would be its test library. The tests would be organized by categories. The results would be subject to filtering using both major and grainier psychological constructs.

In a separate tab, several test templates of varying design and complexity would be found.

The app would be equipped with an analytical tool that would calculate the results, present them using diagrams, and generate reports that would be easy to embed into an article.

Who Could Benefit from the App?

Most tests can be adjusted to the design patterns provided by the data visualization app in order to bring clarity to the respondent. GoJS diagrams will help you stay precise and get the most accurate answers possible.

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