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To Be a Speaker or a Host at Envato EuroTour – TRY BOTH!


Summertime is the best and the most long-awaited season of the year that everyone is planning so thoroughly in order not to miss any precious moment, go on holiday, have a good rest, and stop working for some definite or indefinite period 🙂 !

Western Europe has always been considered one of the most desirable places for a getaway, and that’s basically what our team thought when we decided to take part in Envato EuroTour 2018 and headed for Amsterdam!


It all started when we saw an invitation for series of meetups across Western Europe held by James Giroux and Aaron Rutley from Envato Team and were excited to meet them as previously we were just bombarding each other with letters and craved for cooperation! Besides, it was another great opportunity to go sightseeing and visit van Gogh Museum!

Guest Experience at Envato Meetup

Envato Team

  • Date: June 7
  • Place: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Speakers: James Giroux (Envato), John Walker (
  • Attendees: 19 people
Amsterdam in 3 Days

Once the decision to go was made, we packed our things and found ourselves in the beautiful capital of the Netherlands the next day. Our team was really looking forward to meeting Envatians and authors and share our experience and learn lots of cool new stuff within the community.

The meetup was planned for the Day 2, and we had plenty of time to see the places and get acquainted with James Giroux and Aaron in person. So in our 1st day in Holland, we were happy to see how welcoming and enthusiastic they were about the meeting and that was completely mutual! We were not only eager to share our  Envato experience with them but to reveal all the secrets of our business and production as well. And that’s where the magic started!

Amsterdam envato Meetup

During our meetup with Envato team, while sharing a drink or two we managed to establish a really strong personal connection with them, learned all the industry insights and discussed the best strategies for the further development. We made quite a strong impression on James and Aaron and promised to present all the workflow and techniques we use in our work in Kiev!

ThemeREX Team

The next day the actual meeting with the authors took place, where in a friendly manner we had the chance to talk about current trends and news, to ask questions and to exchange our contacts! It definitely was a day to remember!

John Walker, the head of the marketing dept at ThemeREX was a keynote speaker at the meetup and delivered a speech, outlining the current development strategy of the company and made some predictions concerning the WordPress industry in general.

All agreed that the rise of Gutenberg was close and that it would have a major impact on the market of WordPress Themes. However, the future of the stock seems uncertain due to the fact that the actual date of the release of the heard round the world WordPress editor is still questionable.

So, get ready for August, when you will be able to see Gutenberg with your own eyes and test it, of course!

Being a Host at EnvatoMeetup

ThemeREX Team

  • Date: June 13
  • Place: Kiev, Ukraine
  • Speakers: James Giroux (Envato), Henry Rise (
  • Attendees: 189 people
Home in Kiev

If you think that one meeting with Envato Authors was enough for us, you can’t imagine how mistaken you are, as we took part in one more session that was arranged in Kiev! Here we really could do justice to our colleagues and friends and host the event with more than 200 attendees! We were extremely glad to see that James and Aaron were accompanied by one more Envato specialist Stephen when they showed up in our office for the meeting with ThemeREX team and did our best to present all the innovations we use in our workflow and find some time for Q/As!

Kiev Envato Meetup

Next day was the day of Kiev meetup, which turned out to be very friendly and informative as all the authors were willing to support one another, to share the knowledge of the future of the industry and to contribute to Envato community itself!

ThemeREX Team

The Envato presentations and roadmaps were followed by the speech, given by the ThemeREX CEO – Henry Rise, in which he described the challenges of being Power Elite Author on ThemeForest and welcomed all the newbies by giving them lots of tips and answering all the inquiries.

Henry RiseLots of expectations, challenges, and fears of what the future holds for us were surpassed with ease due to the fact that Envato team were ready to reach out to the authors all over the world letting us be heard, understood and guided.

Kiev Meetup

Final Thoughts

All in all, communication and information are those things that really help each business grow within the stock and ensure everyone that the changes are happening now and the best is yet to come!

Envato Meetup has the right to be considered one of the most important events in the field of website themes, graphics, video, audio, photography, and 3D models. Lots of attendees finally had the chance to get all the answers they wanted, although some of them are still behind the curtain and we’ve got some aces up our sleeves as well.

That’s why ThemeREX team is thinking about arranging an online session or a webinar for sharing some of the insights we keep to ourselves!

Let us know what you think about it and would you be interested in taking part in it? Should we get rid of the fear of Gutenberg together?

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