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Email Marketing: Emerging Trends to Survive 2020 and Beyond

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Can we be honest with you? There have been times when people predicting email marketing trends were talking about the death of email. But that has not become true. Digital email marketing is more vital in 2020 than ever. People love reading their mail, and a smart email marketing strategy can nurture the existing client as well as start relationships with new prospects.

Whether you sell gardening tools or run a novoline online game, your company can benefit a great deal from well-composed emails. So buckle up, as we go through the main email marketing trends to follow in 2020 and beyond. Let’s get started.

Artificial Intelligence Helps You To Filter Customers

Yes, it’s true. And don’t worry. Artificial Intelligence is not something evil that plots to take over the world. It’s here to help you with your email marketing automation. You can even think of it as Automation Intelligence if you want to. This is how it works: Artificial Intelligence helps to bring together a segment of your mailing list with the relevant content. This works best when you have a brand with lots of different segments of audiences and a wide selection of products. The traditional ways of segmenting are not needed anymore as Al offers you ready-made patterns for getting the right content to the right people. With the right email marketing tools, you can easily analyze and optimize your campaign across all channels.

Relevancy is everything when it comes to effective marketing. People love reading emails that talk about issues that matter to them. Staying relevant is the best way to avoid getting your emails filtered as spam.

Sounds good? But wait – there’s more.

Al also helps to optimize the send-time of your emails. You don’t have to figure out the best times to send out your emails yourself anymore. Al can do it much more effectively (and quicker) by analyzing your emails’ open patterns. Even sending out product recommendations for existing customers can become much more accurate with the help of Al. And more accuracy means more sales.

Email marketing automation can be used in all stages of your customer’s lifecycle, and most email marketing software these days includes an element of Al.

Now, let’s look at one of the most important channels for marketers to increase sales in 2020. Believe it or not, it’s often overlooked. What are we talking about? Being mobile-friendly.

If You Haven't Already, It's Time to Get Mobile

By now, you’ve probably heard about the importance of reaching your customers through their mobile phones. It may seem obvious, but many marketers are still not using this tactic in their campaigns. The benefits of email marketing through phones can be enormous when combining emails with text messaging. It’s shown to significantly increase conversion rates. The thing is that some people prefer to engage with your message via email, while others prefer a text message. Some people prefer to get both. To reach all of these potential customers, make sure to accommodate all the different channel preferences.

Needless to say, if your email directs people to your webpage, this site should be easily accessible via a mobile phone. There’s nothing worse than clicking a link that directs you to a page that looks messy on a smartphone screen. Check out the book of ra webpage for an example of how a mobile-friendly site should look and feel like.

You may be wondering if anyone has the time and will to read sales emails from the phone screens? The reality is that people don’t often have time for it. But bear with us, because there’s a solution. The long sales page can be presented as an entertaining video. It is easier to consume a video than to read a text, so using a sales video can be a

perfect addition to your marketing email. It gets your message heard.

Speaking of hearing your message, in 2020, it can also be taken in the literal sense.

Voice Interaction Is the Future

The popularity of voice search is making companies come up with new marketing strategies these days. Google, Siri, and Alexa are improving their systems all the time, getting more accurate in providing people with relevant content. To further enhance customer experience, many marketers are also looking into engaging their clients with audio content. 

This means that the old email marketing templates will not work as well anymore. The copy in emails now needs to work well not only for the reader but also for the listener. The basics of copywriting would remain the same. You’d want to aim for a conversational tone, etc. But when searching for keywords for SEO, you’d now have to think about words that people are speaking to the search engine rather than typing. 

A unique approach like voice-emails is a great way for a company to distinguish itself in 2020. As it’s a relatively new area, this year will be all about experimenting and coming up with unique ideas to use voice to drive more sales. 


Are you ready to take your email marketing to the next level for 2020? Get your messages to pass the spam filters by creating relevant content for potential clients. Getting the right copy to the right people is easier than ever with automation services. Make sure your texts are readable on mobile phones as well. And even better – make sure your texts can be heard. Experimenting with voice emails can give you a much needed competitive advantage in 2020. So give it a go. Trust us, and you’ll be glad you did. 

What did you think of our article about emerging email marketing trends in 2020? Did we give you enough ideas to rethink your strategies? Did we miss a key trend for this year? Leave comments below, and we’d love to hear about your marketing efforts. Your opinion is important to us! 

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