The lives of all Ukrainians changed on 24 February 2022… That day millions of people woke up to the sound of the bombings. It’s been two months already since the beginning of the war. Let’s call a spade a spade. The “special operation” that the Russian Federation started on Feb 24 is nothing else but war again the Ukrainian nation, the act of genocide in Ukraine. These words may sound horrible and hard to believe. However, none of us and none of those people living on the territory of Ukraine could have imagined what they would have to go through and what they would face in the 21st century.
In such a difficult time, the whole world and many companies rallied with a single motive – to help Ukraine. Envato didn’t stand aside either and started to support creatives in Ukraine who have had their lives disrupted by the war.
- The company has loosened up the registration process for all Ukrainian authors.
- The payments to the Russian banks under the sanctions have been blocked as part of the same initiative.
- The company donated $100,000 to registered humanitarian charities.
- Besides, Envato has set up an Envato Relief Fund, which will provide immediate assistance to the Authors in Ukraine. It includes the $1M package for active Authors in Ukraine, equal to two weeks of their average earnings.
- They also provide Guaranteed Earnings for all active Ukrainian authors, Twenty20 contributors, and Studio service providers.
More is yet to come, and more companies continue joining volunteers to donate funds to innocent people affected by the war.
How It Started… How It’s Going
Imagine you live your normal life, go to work, do morning exercises, and do your everyday routine. In an instant, your life changes drastically. You wake up at 5 am, look out the window and notice that your neighbors start packing their clothes in the car, taking families and pets, and leaving nowhere.
On the first day of the war, you listen to the news, scroll through the news feed on social media, and try to find any explanation for the things happening in your country. Shock, fear, tears … there were many emotions that Ukrainians experienced at the end of February 2022. Two months later, many people have adjusted to the new reality. It’s scary to admit, but many people who live in front-line cities already know the sound from air defense work. They distinguish the sound from the fall of a shell or the work of the city’s defenders. They are not afraid of the sound of the air raid siren and can sleep in the shelter surrounded by dozens of other people they didn’t know before but who have become their good friends during this war.
More than 5 million refugees had to flee Ukraine. Overall, more than 10 million people were displaced by the war. These are mostly women with kids and older people. Most of them had to leave their homes and families, searching for a safer place. Most refugees fled the country without any clothes or even documents. Luckily, most civilized countries welcome refugees and provide shelters, food, clothes, and everything needed to live normal lives.

The vast majority of those who have fled the country — nearly 3 million — have gone to Poland, followed by other Eastern European countries like Romania and Hungary. Meanwhile, some refugees are already traveling back to Ukraine, despite warnings from officials that it’s not yet safe to return.
The Ukrainian people have been courageously fighting for their independence for almost two months. The whole world has witnessed atrocities and bloodshed in many cities and villages in the country’s north, east, and south. Every day the Russian army brings more destruction to peaceful Ukrainian towns.

We have already observed a huge number of murders in the suburbs of Kyiv and the consequences of bombing in the capital of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv, a huge number of villages and cities … Mariupol was destroyed by more than 90%.
The war is not over yet. Fights continue every day and night. We can only envy the courage of many Ukrainians. Just imagine, unarmed people in occupied Kherson regularly go to anti-war rallies against armed soldiers of the Russian Federation. Even though Russia is trying, by all means, to cut off the connection of Kherson residents with real news from Ukraine and impose its propaganda, people come out for peaceful protests with Ukrainian flags. They are shot at; many are intimidated. Nevertheless, people stand their ground confidently and support the idea of national unity. Similar situations are in many other temporary occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian army and people who have suffered from the military aggression of the Russian Federation now need support more than ever before. All Ukrainians who stay in the country and those who had to cross the border help the army and people living in the front-line cities as much as they can.

Volunteers from all parts of Ukraine, including ThemeREX team are raising funds to buy everything necessary for the army and for all the people that are in need. Many people collect humanitarian aid and send it to frontline towns and villages. Everyone supports each other in whatever way they can. Watching what is happening, we can only say one thing – the Ukrainian people have never been so united.

Volunteers from all parts of Ukraine, including ThemeREX team are raising funds to buy everything necessary for the army and for all the people that are in need.
In a similar spirit of generosity and support, you can contribute by choosing to donate your car, turning a personal asset into a valuable resource for those in urgent need.
Many people collect humanitarian aid and send it to frontline towns and villages. Everyone supports each other in whatever way they can. Watching what is happening, we can only say one thing – the Ukrainian people have never been so united.

We also welcome everyone who feels indifferent about the future of Ukraine to join our initiative to donate to help Ukrainians in this difficult time. Any amount matters. Your donation can save someone’s life!
Donate now! Stand with Ukraine!
All money will be paid to single account in the National Bank of Ukraine.
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