A valuable tech innovation that has altered the way we work, communicate and shop is mobile apps. Apps for mobile devices have evolved over the years, and each year introduces changes and new trends. A lot of tech advancements in 2019 and this year have greatly influenced the app development landscape.
These technologies include Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, cloud-native apps, and so on. In the industry, the mobile app market is the fastest growing. With the ever-growing popularity of mobile applications, different device vendors and operating systems providers have launched their very own app stores.
The current tech advancement and trends have altered in a big way; from what it was a few years back. Today, apps target a focused and better objective. Despite the pandemic, we are experiencing this year, technology continues to look towards the continuous evolution of mobile apps in the future, particularly in 2021.
Smartphone App Designs in 2021
Several app designs are considered to disrupt the industry next year, with a lot more room for growth.
- Internet of Things
The growth in mobile devices builds numerous opportunities for the Internet of Things technology. The IoT is a network of devices that are interconnected, providing convenience and automated control to users. An example of IoT is the smart home technology.
Mobile apps could be used for adjusting the thermostat from a remote location, connect your fridge, lock or unlock doors, and home security systems.
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
After the release of the ARKit by Apple and the ARCore of Google, both iOS and Android app development have gained momentum. In all industries, including retail, healthcare, travel, and education, the demand for VR and AR apps is escalating. Mobile applications that leverage the technologies are building improved user experiences, helping businesses of all sizes, and shape boost sales.
- Mobile Wallets
This year, the number of mobile wallet users has increased. Various industries already are using technology to enhance both the business and user experience. The most widely used payment gateways and mobile wallets at present are Apple Pay and Google Pay. The goal in 2021 should be improved security and accuracy.
- Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning and AI is taking the mobile app development space to a new level. Integrating AI with mobile apps boosts user engagement, saving a considerable amount of money for enterprises through routine tasks automation. Chatbots additionally are changing how businesses and organizations interact with their customers through mobiles.
Chatbots make application services to respond quickly to the request of the clientele. The requests could include online shopping, food delivery, and transportation services.

- 5G Tech
Expect the 5G tech in 2021 to be one hundred times faster compared to 4G, with speed expected to reach 100 GBPS. Moreover, expect it to lead the data transmission standard with new radio frequencies, with 1.4 billion devices all over the world in the next half-decade.
5G is designed for compute-comprehensive apps, which include augmented and virtual reality, and 4K video streaming as well. Developers are able to leverage the technology for crafting features and designs that improve the performance of the business across industry verticals.
- Cloud-based Apps
At present, the revenue in the cloud services market grew by 17 percent, totaling to $266.4 billion. The scalability and flexibility of the cloud enable access and storing data fast in a more secure manner. You could furthermore integrate the cloud to application development, not just for saving on the development cost, but also to provide a better customer experience.
- Predictive Analytics
The tech predicts future events by analyzing huge amounts of data. the prediction is based on machine learning, statistics, AI, and data mining strategies. Organizations like Google, Apple, and Facebook already have integrated AI-based predictive analytics to boost the journeys of users across the User Interface and User Experience.
In 2009, Netflix offered a one-million-dollar award to anyone who could boost the recommendation engine quality by ten percent. Expect a surge of demand in predictive analytics in 2021 due to the growth of data, storage, as well as computing strength.
- Instant mobile applications
Instant applications are small software programs, which let users use parts of a native application without the need to install them on a device. Moreover, they’re native containers that have access to the hardware of a device, don’t take up storage on it since they’re not installed.
For app demos, native apps come in handy. Demos give you a taste of an app’s complete version before downloading. The applications reach to the target audience, persuading them to install the entire app.
- Beacon tech
Beacons are tiny transmitters. With them, location-based searching becomes seamless via sending Bluetooth signals to other devices. They are also indoor positioning systems elements. The tech could provide customers with a more personalized experience.
Expanding the customer base could be achieved with a robust mobile application and a Beacon device. Furthermore, it could also implement capable product display, and design clear mapping. Furthermore, beacons identify the target audience and apply personalized offers to prospective consumers.
Embracing Mobile Apps Trends in 2021
In today’s digitized world we are living in, mobile applications get more and more sophisticated. Every update of software and product version is leveraging new technologies. The result is a constant stage of advancement.
This however does not mean that you must be tempted to utilize all the tech trends. Rather, you could choose technology wisely. Keep in mind that new techs could impact the network bandwidth required, computing power, and storage capability.
In the wonderful mobile world, the growing integration of technologies has propelled people to expect better experiences when it comes to experience-as-a-service. The capacities of normal mobile apps are often the question they have in mind while establishing a clear demand for a personalized experience.

In today’s digitized world we are living in, mobile applications get more and more sophisticated. Every update of software and product version is leveraging new technologies. The result is a constant stage of advancement.
This however does not mean that you must be tempted to utilize all the tech trends. Rather, you could choose technology wisely. Keep in mind that new techs could impact the network bandwidth required, computing power, and storage capability.
In the wonderful mobile world, the growing integration of technologies has propelled people to expect better experiences when it comes to experience-as-a-service. The capacities of normal mobile apps are often the question they have in mind while establishing a clear demand for a personalized experience.
The billion-dollar industry continues to grow and continues to evolve, along with the changing needs and demands of customers, as well as the business requirements. Thus, for app makers who want to be on top, to be always on the competitive edge, it’s wise to leverage the top mobile application development trends for this year, in 2021 and beyond.