With the expansion of the enterprise, the increase in the staff, and the client base, more and more careful control of business processes is required. It is precisely for this reason that large companies and holdings increasingly decide on the need to develop software that would significantly optimize their work.
Types of Custom Software Development
In order to improve the efficiency of large enterprises, we can distinguish the following main types of custom software development:
- Development of application software for partial or complete automation of business processes.
- Development and maintenance of web services and applications with various functionalities
- Development and implementation of systems for online sales of goods through mobile applications or websites
- Creation of information systems for company employees and business partners
- Development of software for order processing
- Creation of accounting systems to automate and improve the efficiency of trading activities.
- Maintenance and scaling of projects.
Benefits of Creating Custom Software
Today, one can note the growing interest in creating their own software among representatives of large businesses. This is especially true for industrial enterprises and the financial sector. However, in our time of high technologies, even a not so large-scale business seeks to improve the quality of work and customer service by creating additional services. Automation of processes allows you to get quite significant advantages:
- Own software is a significant competitive advantage, especially if it is aimed at improving the quality of customer service.
- High-tech tools for automating business processes can significantly increase profits, as well as reduce costs and save company funds.
- The software developed for your company can help control the work of employees and improve the efficiency of workflow management within the enterprise.
- Technical support of the software will ensure the smooth operation of automatic systems.
Software Development Cost

Creation and implementation of software to automate business in an enterprise is not a fast and time-consuming process. First, you need to understand the scope of the project, as well as discuss specific details and find out the customer’s problems that the program must solve.
Therefore, in order to announce the final price for the creation of software, we can only receive initial information from you and discuss the details of the project. The term of software development depends on the same details.
The work is carried out in stages, the first results of the software with basic functionality can be seen in a couple of months (change the term if this is not the case). At the next stages, we will continue to refine the program and expand the functionality.
Stages of Custom Software Development for an Enterprise
Our specialists take a responsible approach to the development and creation of both large and simpler projects. Step-by-step work allows you to speed up the process, keep it completely under control, maintain productive feedback with the customer during the work, and, if necessary, adjust the program.
So that you understand how custom software is created, we will tell you about the main stages of our work.
- Before starting a project, we agree with the customer on the problem that the program should solve. It is this problem that becomes the foundation of all work.
- Further, we try to give the most detailed description of the capabilities that the developed software can provide, in other words, we stipulate the functionality and draw up a clear technical task.
- Starting to work on the program itself, our specialists make up a framework – the architecture of the system, which includes: a general description of the future program, the main components, data storage method, interface organization, an initial performance assessment, a description of the security system, and scalability.
- Then comes the detailed design, that is, the development of the program at the initial level. At this stage, various options and methods of project implementation are compared, methods and classes are designed. When creating large projects, this stage is especially important and responsible.
- The next step is coding and debugging the program. Surprisingly, as you can see, this is far from the only stage in software development. And it is the presence of all the previous moments of work that determines the quality and speed of the project.
- After the program code is ready, you will need to debug and test the functionality. If the software assumes the presence of several components, each is tested separately at the beginning.
- When testing is complete, specialists integrate the components into a single complex and then test the entire system. This stage allows you to identify and eliminate problems with the interaction of individual software components. A system performance and security test is also mandatory.
- After the completion of testing and full debugging of the program, we are ready to present the result to the customer. We fully accompany the stage of implementation and launch of the software, and, if necessary, we optimize and expand the functionality.
The highly qualified technical staff of our Digital Agency works with the development of software of any complexity, guaranteeing a long and stable operation of the software. I, Maxim Metelev, the head of the agency, personally accompany the design at all stages and am ready to guarantee maximum quality and efficiency.