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Complete Guide to Make Your WordPress Website User-Friendly For Beginner

User-friendly WordPress website

Are you new on the WordPress website?

Whether you have a bunch of ideas in mind to create a user-friendly WordPress website but its more important to realize what type of website can give a competition to others. Well, this can be a situation and many of you might be passed. With this article, we will shed some light on the creation of a user-friendly WordPress website. Before moving forward, it would great if we start from the basics. 

Let’s scroll down.

WordPress: Under the founder of Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, WordPress first invented on the day, May 27, 2003. It is an open-source site-building tool based on PHP and MySQL programming languages. If we go forward then in a technical world, it is famous with the name called Content Management System (CMS). According to recent research, WordPress is powering over 75 million successful websites. Sources add that this content management system was evaluated by 26% of the world’s best ranking websites. Is it an amazing count? Another research says this fast-growing system will register several other websites under its category in the coming years. 

Here another striking question is, Why WordPress is so popular?

As we have discussed above that it has massive users across the world, it will make you fall in doubt that what is the reason behind its popularity amidst the developers and other creators? There is a mixture of factors that make it the user’s first choice. If we talk in a general way, there is no confusion to say that it is the simplest blogging tool. As it is a free source project, it permits all to improve or edit the coding according to their desire. In addition to this, it offers thousands of free plugins, themes, widgets, and other required tools. These features allow you to create a user-friendly WordPress website, starting from simple blogs to a portfolio to e-shops to a job board. It is very reliable as it supports all hosting platforms with PHP and MySQL. It does not end yet, CMS is consistently upgraded with its new version along with better security and overall performance.    

Apart from this, there are Fully WordPress Managed Hosting Services that make it user-friendly. 

What Is A CMS?


CMS is an abbreviation of a content management system. Generally, it is a software to generate, accelerate and publish digital content. At the same time, it can support multiple users to work in collaboration. The content management system allows uploading videos, images, maps, your code, and other relevant stuff.

Under the shelter of a content management system, there are two components that work incredible.

  • Content Management Application (CMA): It refers to the graphical user interface (GUI) that authorizes a user to edit, publish and remove the content whether they have any knowledge or experience of HTML or another programming language. 
  • Content Delivery Application (CDA): It is responsible for all the back-end services. It takes the authority to manage and deliver content after it is in the CMA.

Here are a few perks that designers and developers can keep in mind to focus on user-experience.

How Your Site Should Look


The first impression is the last. Likewise, it is more concerned about how your site looks. A user when first comes to your site, he/she must be impressed by their first existence on your website. In order to put the positive impression, here are some traits to make a WordPress website user-friendly.

  • White Space:

Developing a website means you have to focus on either white space or add of items. A plethora of images and videos seem messy whereas a healthy amount of white space around content or visual things makes a user breathe for a moment. Moreover, it allows them to scan the whole site in an effective way. White space adds professionalism to a website. Suppose a site filled with text, images, videos, and other items, it will confuse the user where to look or focus. On the contrary, a vacant space gives the time to figure out things appropriately.

  • Font Style/Size:

Font style and size are very critical aspects to create a WordPress website. If you keep it simple or plain you will get the superior benefits. Never use the font style that is hard to read and understand at the first glance of the visitor. Moreover, avoid the curly-cues and script. Adhere with a simple font that is universally recognized for the websites. For the best experience, differentiate the headings and sub-headings in different sizes. You can reach to reliable font style through the WP Google Fonts Plugin. 

  • Scannable Text:

Whether you have a lot to say, it will be wrong to overload the site with an abundance of text. Usually, the audience scans the text and if they find something alluring they click to read. By following the same pattern give preference to keywords and try to make short paragraphs, headings, sub-headings, bullet points and last but not least images to reflect the true meaning of your website.  

  • Recognizable Links:

It is very important to add links to your website. On web pages, add variable links and highlight them in different colors and underline to make them recognizable. On another side, make sure added links work when clicked. Most of the time, visitors get frustrated when they find broken links on web pages and it will down your professional status. Make sure users reach the final destination after clicking the link and you can use a broken link checker plugin to examine the broken links.

Speed Optimization

Web pages loading speed is an integral part to make a site user-friendly. If a user wants to explore your website in-depth they expect a high loading speed but if they find a website is running at a slower pace without any doubt, they will get frustrated at the very initial stage. So, it’s important to raise your mind to include precious things like avoid large size images or reduce the size of the images before posting on a website.



A user-friendly website is easy to navigate. Keep in mind, never go creative with the navigational menu because sometimes over creative work can lead to failure, so try to use a simple navigational theme. A drop-down pattern should be in limit because more drop-downs will not worth it. A menu should be in front, it shouldn’t anywhere. The menu that is added somewhere might be overlooked. This will hard to access and the mentioned content might be ignored. We understand, no business owner wants this to happen with their work so place navigation bar in a prominent place.  

Always stick with the rule, navigation should be on the top left side. Eventually, make sure a website must have a sitemap. Whether this factor doesn’t include to make a site user-friendly but it boosts your site’s search engine ranking. As a result, more traffic will divert to your website. There is a plugin called Google sitemap, it will help to create a simple and effective site map for Google webmaster tools.

Final Thoughts

The above-outlined website practices will guide a beginner to make a website user-friendly. Apart from this, Virtual Private Hosting plays an equal role to make a website effective and give user-experience. Therefore, in order to boost website traffic, it is essential to make a website user’s first choice by adding relevant things to it.

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