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Can’t Edit with Elementor


Common Issues

  1. Blank Page (White Screen of Death): A completely blank page appears while attempting to edit with Elementor.
  2. Gray Screen with Endless Loading: The editor shows a gray screen that never stops loading.
  3. Grayed-Out Widget Panel: The widget panel either remains gray or continues to load without displaying any content.
  4. Redirect to Live Page: Clicking on “Edit with Elementor” redirects you to the live page instead of the editor.
  5. Missing Edit with Elementor Link: The link to edit with Elementor is unavailable.

Possible Causes

The following issues may cause these problems:

  • Fatal Errors
  • Memory Limitations
  • Code Conflicts
  • Server Errors
  • Plugin Conflicts
  • Version Incompatibility

Note: To verify if a fatal error is causing the issue, request the PHP error logs from your hosting provider or check the error notifications sent by WordPress.

Solutions for the White Screen Issue

1. Check System Requirements: Ensure your system meets the requirements for running Elementor.

2. Check Memory: Temporarily deactivate a few plugins to free up memory and check if the issue persists. If this resolves the problem, contact your hosting provider to increase your WordPress memory limit. 

3. Check Elementor Loading Method: The white screen may result from how Elementor loads. Switch the front-end editor loader method as follows:

    • Log in to your WordPress Admin.
    • Navigate to Elementor > Settings > Advanced.
    • Enable “Switch Editor Loader Method.”
    • Click “Save Changes.”

4. Verify Back-End and Front-End URLs: Ensure that the URLs for the back-end and front-end match. Mismatched URLs can cause a blank page error. 


5. Resolve Plugin Conflicts: Deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro to identify any conflicting plugins. Reactivate each plugin one by one until the issue reoccurs, then contact the plugin’s support team for assistance.

6. Ensure Version Compatibility: If you’re using both the free and pro versions of Elementor, ensure they are compatible. Running an outdated version alongside a newer one can lead to conflicts. Update both versions to the latest release.

7. Clean JavaScript Code: If any JavaScript code contains the document.write method. It may delete existing HTML, causing a blank page. Removing such code should resolve the issue.

8. Clean Up Content: If you’ve copied content from another page, paste it into the Text Editor, switch to plaintext mode, and remove any unnecessary CSS classes or extra code.


Solutions for the Gray Screen Issue

  1. Resolve Plugin Conflicts:
    • Activate Safe Mode to check if you can edit with Elementor.
    • If Safe Mode works, deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro, then reactivate each plugin individually until the issue returns. Contact the conflicting plugin’s developer for support.
  2. Resolve Browser Add-On Issues: A browser add-on may cause a gray screen. Try switching to a different browser, such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.
  3. Disable the Preloader: If your theme uses a preloader, disabling it in the theme options or Customizer may resolve the issue. 
  4. Check Browser Error Messages: The gray screen might be due to X-Frame restrictions or cross-origin issues. To confirm, inspect the browser console for error messages. Change the X-Frame-Options from DENY to SAMEORIGIN, and contact your hosting provider for assistance.
  5. Switch Off Rocket Loader (For Cloudflare Users): Cloudflare users may need to disable Rocket Loader or add specific rules to Cloudflare to avoid loading delays with Elementor. 
  6. Clear Cache: Cloudflare’s cache may prevent your browser from recognizing updated versions of Elementor. Clear or deactivate your cache before updating the plugins.
  7. Ensure Version Compatibility: To avoid conflicts, ensure both the free and pro versions of Elementor are up to date, as with the white screen issue.

Solutions for Widget Panel Loading Issues

  1. Grayed-Out Widget Panel: If the widget panel appears completely gray, a plugin conflict might be causing the issue. Deactivate all plugins except Elementor and Elementor Pro, and reactivate each plugin individually to identify the conflicting one. Contact the plugin’s support team for further help.
  2. Text Editor Widget Grayed Out: If only the Text Editor widget is grayed out, consult the Additional Troubleshooting section of the Site Migration » Elementor guide.
  3. Endless Widget Panel Loading: If the widget panel keeps loading indefinitely, refer to the “Elementor Widget Panel Not Loading” guide for solutions.

Solutions for Inaccessible Edit Page

This issue is likely due to a plugin conflict. Follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier to identify and resolve the conflict.

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