Someone once said that death is part of life. We cannot but agree with this fact. Sooner or later, it occurs to all of us. We can never be ready for it.
We feel the emptiness of our souls when someone we love passes away. In such cases, organizing the funeral and calling all relatives and friends you want to invite for the ceremony is one of the last things you want to do.
Fortunately, you can rely on the help provided by companies providing funeral services. The worldwide web is the first place all of us refer to while looking for the needed services.
Every business owner looking forward to making their companies’ services more findable should run their official websites. If you need a ready-made web design solution for a company representing funeral services, the Beacon WordPress theme should be the best choice for you.
This ready-made WordPress design is exactly what every funeral services provider needs to launch well-designed and professionally optimized web resources that can share people’s burdens on such difficult occasions and offer the required services and goods.
Besides being loaded with all the essential tools and features needed for building topic-specific websites, it also features professional support, detailed documentation, and regular uptakes that ensure your site always remains up-to-date and safe.
The Beacon theme is made with the Elementor page builder and features an impressive elements kit, which you can use while customizing the theme’s design according to your needs. Using the Elementor page builder, you can apply any changes to any chosen page or layout style while working in the intuitive drag-and-drop dashboard.
Ready-Made Funeral Services

The theme is already loaded with ready-made sections to present the services provided by your company. Upload them with your content and forget about the need to design the respective elements of your site from scratch.
Obituaries Module
The Beacon theme is pre-loaded with the obituaries module, a must-have element of funeral services websites. It lets you create and manage obituaries and fully integrate them into your existing WordPress website in minutes.
3 Ready-Made Homepages
Launching a fully personalized website gets easier when choosing the perfect design for your site’s front page. The Beacon theme is bundled with a collection of three ready-made homepages suited for such topics as Cemetery and memorials, Burial services, and Funeral services. These designs are ready to be modified code-free using the Elementor page builder.
Online Booking

The. Beacon theme is loaded with a page dedicated to providing your clients with your company’s contact details. It’s the place where they can check out Open hours, contact details, addresses, Google maps, as well as get in touch with your company’s representatives using a working contact form.
Blogging Features

There are two ready-made blog styles available in the theme’s download package. You can also take advantage of flexible layout options, 20+ post animations, customizable blog feed, related posts section, etc. You can also display post vies, likes and shares on pages of your blog.
eCommerce Features

The Beacon theme is ready to be used for eCommerce purposes as well. It features full compatibility with the WooCommerce and elegro Crypto Payment plugins. There is no need to design categories and product pages from scratch because all the essentials are already available in the theme’s download package. For the users’ convenience and with the purpose to generate more sales, the theme also includes cart, checkout, and wishlist functionality.
Plugins Compatibility
The theme is designed to be fully compatible with all the major plugins and extensions for WordPress. Most free and premium plugins are supported. Thus, you can integrate your site with Slider Revolution, Advanced Popups, Contact Form 7, GDPR Cookie Consent, ThemeREX Addons, ThemeREX Updater, and WP GDPR Compliance.
Feel free to tweak the fully editable structure of the theme’s pages according to the specific needs of your company. The theme is loaded with all the essentials needed to make your site perform to its fullest and deliver a seamless site browsing experience to your audience.