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Basics of WordPress Security Tips for Beginners

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]WordPress is one of the most popular and fastest growing Content Management System (CMS) available today. However, security can be a major concern with WordPress sites which makes it important to protect your website from hackers and other related attacks. No doubt, WordPress offers a host of interesting features with plugins and other superior capabilities, but it is still highly vulnerable from hacker attacks.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced professional, you need to follow the right practices to secure your WordPress website. Here we have shared some of the best tips that can help in boosting the security of your WordPress website and optimize your website.

How to Fortify Your WordPress Website to Ensure Greater Security?

As per W3Techs statistics,WordPress powers 30% of the websites which is far more impressive when compared to other CMS. One of the biggest reasons behind its popularity is the fact that it’s free to download and use along with been an open source platform that can be easily updated and upgraded based on your requirements. There are over 500 new websites developed daily using this platform and there have been 32 new versions since its inception.

With the number of security issues on the rise, it’s important to secure and strengthen the security of your WordPress website using some of the key steps which we’ve discussed below:


Choose Quality Hosting Provider

The best way to keep your site secure is by having a reliable hosting provider who can provide multiple layers of security for your WordPress site. Additionally, this can help you to enhance the speed and performance of your website. On the other hand, cheap hosting providers can prove to be disastrous and must be avoided at all costs resulting in loss of valuable data and URL pointing elsewhere.

Most of the reputed web hosting providers will offer additional security features and benefits with access to support 24/7 and malware scan which is a key to the security of your WordPress site.

Use a WordPress Security Plugin

It could prove to be cumbersome to keep a check on the security of your website for malware and unless you are truly proficient in coding practices, it may be difficult to identify the malware written into the piece of code. Especially for beginners, it’s recommended to use WordPress security plugins that can take care of your site’s security, monitor your website 24/7 and scan them for malware and other security issues.

sll certificate

Use SSL Certificate

SSL is important for all websites in the absence of which the data between your user’s web browser and the web server is delivered in plain text format easily accessible by hackers.

SSL certificate helps to encrypt sensitive information before it is transferred between the browser and web server. This makes it more difficult to read any information and makes your WordPress site more secure in the process.

In case, if you have multiple domains, then SAN SSL certificate allows website owners to manage multiple domains while protecting sensitive information on your website in a single certificate. It is ideal for big organizations that need to provide security for different primary domains along with the domains listed under them. SAN SSL certificate offers greater flexibility and allows you to secure multi-domains and provides 256-bit encryption along with compatibility for most browsers.

Have a Strong Password

Password is a key to the security of every website and unfortunately, it’s the most overlooked aspect among many website owners. In case you are using plain passwords such as “123456.or abcdefg”. Then you need to change them immediately. They might be easy to remember but at the same time, it may not be difficult to guess such weak passwords. Most of the advanced hackers may be able to crack such basic passwords and the security of your website might be compromised easily.

Use letter, symbols and alphabet combinations including special characters to make your passwords stronger.


Restrict Login Attempts

WordPress allows users to login as many times as required which may sometimes compromise on the security aspect of the website. By limiting the number of login attempts, users are allowed to try only for fewer times, until their account is temporarily blocked. This helps in preventing any brute force attack by hackers as they might get locked out and loses out the opportunity to complete their attack.

For this purpose, you can install the WordPress login attempt plugin which can help to protect your website and make it more secure from hackers.

In a Nutshell

WordPress security is one of the most vital aspects of your website to prevent hacker attacks and it’s essential to keep a backup for your WordPress website for this purpose. By following some of the tips which we’ve shared above, you can strengthen the security of your WordPress website and manage most of your security concerns. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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1 Comment

  • Haseeb Ahmad
    Posted Jul 19, 2019 at 10:49 am

    These are wonderful for beginners. Especially a right webhost & limit login attempts.

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