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AI and Machine Learning WordPress Plugins

It is pretty evident that every website-owner will like to upgrade his/her website consistently. Who will not like to have a fully furnished and smart website? To accomplish such an objective, many people are using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in their WordPress websites. If you intend to do so in terms of your website, there are many stupendous AI and machine learning WordPress plugins to help you out.

Out of a wide array of such WordPress plugins, not all of them work in a same good approach! You’ve to choose only the smart ones which can really give you some excellent amazing experience. Which are those fantastic AI and machine learning based WordPress plugins? Just read on!


AI and Machine Learning WordPress Plugins

Akismet is one of the most common AI and machine learning WordPress plugins which always comes pre-installed on every website. It has used artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect various unwanted spams. This awesome plugin has been used by millions of websites over the time. Akismet has upgraded up to a great extent during the past a few years to identify all the spams which have been submitted by Google bots.

Moreover, Akismet is definitely an upgraded version which can make use of its artificial intelligence to detect even such spam comments which are manually submitted by actually human users. All in all, it is a really commendable one!

After the Deadline


Of course, After the Deadline is an individual WordPress which can really do a great work with the help of its machine learning technology. It is also available as a part of the JetPack plugin suite which is totally empowered by artificial intelligence. This stupendous grammar checking tool lets you analyze your writing and enhance the readability of the same. The niche of this plugin is pretty diverse while it supports British, American and Canadian English. Also, this is not the end! There’s even a limited support for French and German languages.



WatsonFinds is one of those unique AI and machine learning WordPress plugins which uses IBM Watson’s cognitive artificial intelligence to make sure that the emotional impact of your content is great. The technologies which are used in this plugin help you to improve the user engagement of your content up to an extreme level.

The WatsonFinds plugin when gets activated, it adds an icon to your WordPress post editor. While being clicked on it, it will bring up a popup with the emotional score of your content. Just based on the words that you choose and the entire context of the data, this plugin will show you such insights which will reveal how your content may feel to your human readers.



This recommendation engine is definitely one of the best ones there which have its working principle based on artificial intelligence. Also, the machine learning capabilities of Recomendo is something which obviously deserves a ton of applause.

This plugin is absolutely compatible with various multilingual websites which use WPML. Also, it is best suited for such online stores which use WooCommerce.

Live Chat 24×7


If you are having such a website which needs a constant customer support, this WordPress plugin is perfect for you. It uses artificial intelligence to offer a virtual agent for your website. In case, you are a start-up and can’t afford to add a live chat option to add to your website, this bot can perform the basic tasks like pointing your users in the right direction.

All that you need to do is just sign up for a free account on the website of the plugin. You can even train it in such a way that it can serve the users in the best possible way while responding to their queries. To generate more leads for your online business, this awesome AI based WordPress plugin is something incredible!

Yes! Artificial intelligence and machine learning have created such an amazing impact on the aforementioned AI and machine learning WordPress plugins. Aren’t these WordPress plugins worth opting for? Don’t wait anymore! Just opt for them for your website and you will definitely end up adding some of the most unexpected thrilling features in your website. Upon choosing, these high-tech AI and machine learning WordPress plugins will prove to be a boon for your website!

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