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9 Fascinating Website & UX Stats for 2019

Fascinating Website & UX Stats
2018 showed us how effective can UX be for a business. Starting from a smart personalization to web connect accessibility, UX plays its part everywhere. And that’s why this field requires innovation at a constant rate. Joseph Toth here says, unnamed And this is pretty obvious. If a company can’t match up to the expectations of its users, then it’s quite confirmed a thing that it is going to lose its user base. And yes, this refers straight to the fact that the profitability will deteriorate. So, I hope you can easily get the importance of UX for any such company. So, if you want to be out of the box, let’s go through these stats that I’m about to introduce you with.

75% of the Website Visitors Judge a Company by Their Website

landing page You may deal with the best team possible in the entire world but if your website is not up to the mark, you could even lose almost 25% of your potential clients. Yes, you read that right. Almost ¾ of the website visitors tend to judge a company and base credibility depending upon the website design of that particular company.

53% Is to Leave Your Website Just After Waiting for 3 Secs

Almost half of your entire mobile user base will disappear from your website once they find your website lagging. If your website takes more than 3 secs to open up, this is a sure thing to happen. No matter how good content you create or how great tech geeks work in your company, if your website lags in the loading speed, your users will judge you in such a way. And the worst part? You can even help it. And to be precise, the percentage is 53. The more your website lags, the higher goes the abandonment rate.

59% of the Visitors Prefer an Amazingly Designed Website

People vary and so do their choices and preferences. TBH, 41% of your entire website visitors prefer to visualize a simpler design, while 59% of them prefer an eye-popping design. I guess it is better to go with the majority. So, it’ll be better to go with an elegant design to make your website visitors stay, which is an important aspect when it is about conversion. product description

56% of Website Visitors Desire Information Regarding Products and Services

Now tell me what do you visit a website for? For valuable information regarding something you’re seeking, isn’t it? Almost 86% of the lot, surveyed, told us the same. People do visit websites for noteworthy information. So, I’d recommend you to stuff your website with such valuable information. And there are perks. If you are successful in such a task, you will gain a strong visitor base who’ll come repeatedly to your website if they discover your website as a strong resource base. But also make sure, such people don’t see hard times finding such piece of content. Which refers to the fact that you need to look at the UX as well. 

Just a Single Percent of Audience Deal with Website Sliders

Crafting the best landing page or website homepage might not seem to be a difficult task, but in reality, they are. It is crucial to know what features to include and what not to. Creating the best UX for enticing your website visitors depends highly on this. And TBH, only a single percent of the visitors does click on the sliders appearing in your website. And this makes it pretty clear that if your website isn’t good enough in UX related stuff, a single slider or some other plugin is going to do no good to your business. rhodos

94% of the Crowd Won’t Even Look Up to an Outdated Website

What do people expect visiting the website of a company? Obviously, something eye-soothing, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Would you encourage an outdated website? No one would.  “The company which can’t even take care of its website is definitely not capable enough of taking care of its clients.” Yes, this is what people would feel after having a look at your outdated website. Yes, an outdated website can make you lose potential buyers. And the prior most reason is the cut-throat competition. Try to match up with the current website trends and you are ready to rock!

70% of SMEs Miss CTAs

CTAs have a wide variety of useful content. People come up to your website and provide you with their emails just to fulfill their requirement of knowledge or to seek help. Now if you don’t add CTAs in your web content then how are you supposed to expect that your visitors will progress further in the funnel? No, they won’t. And the sad part is that a humongous 70% of total websites out there miss out the CTA buttons in their website and are definitely missing out a lot in their business and profit. ozisti

50% of e-Commerce ROI Comes from Smartphone Users

It is an inevitable fact that in a few years the number of smartphones is definitely going to exceed the entire human population. And just for such craze of smartphones, every business out there is going mobile. And to be honest, this is not a wrong decision at all. Talking about e-Commerce businesses, half of their entire revenue gets generated from smartphone users. And this means that such websites should focus even more on getting more mobile responsive. What will happen if you have created a stunning e-Commerce website but it doesn’t open properly when opened from a smartphone? It’s almost similar to being useless. Don’t you think the same? Think again, you’re losing 50% of your customers in this process.

People Take Around 0.05 Secs to Create an Opinion About the Design

How much time do you take to make an impression after visiting a certain website? Scientifically speaking, not even an entire second. And to be precise, the duration is almost 0.05 secs. Where grabbing attention is the main motto, you just can’t risk losing a whole lot of your potential customers, would you? So, it’s better if invest in setting up such a stunning website that is capable of grabbing the visitor the moment the person sees it. This is very important in the long run, trust me!


The hype related to website and UX design is pretty obvious. Yes, it is. This part is helping companies in creating their first impression on the website visitor. And businesses do understand that as they have been investing more and more in this particular section to get that eye-popping reaction from their respective potential buyers. So, what’s your take? Do let us know.

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