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7 Awesome Tools for eCommerce Companies

eCommerce tools

eCommerce is fast becoming the way forward, with more businesses turning to online sales, from startups to large companies. As the market evolves, so does the technology, offering a wide range of tools geared towards increasing sales and making daily processes a breeze. You may have heard of well-established tools like Magento, Shopify and BigCommerce, but there is so much more out there to enhance the experience or compete with them. No matter what you sell, here are 7 awesome tools that can help your eCommerce business thrive.



This is one for the Amazon seller, a must-have software solution to get daily operations streamlined. InventoryLab is third-party software that utilizes Stratify and Scoutify to create fulfillment by Amazon shipments when needed. Further, the direct links to the Amazon database allow for rapid barcode scanning. If Amazon is the route you’ve traveled, then this is a great choice.



If you use multiple online stores, it can be quite a handful to manually link each one to your social media platforms. Outfy links to all of your sale stores and posts across all of your social media. You can create and schedule the posts you want Outfy to use.  If something isn’t working for you then the smart analysis tools will help you change your strategy.


Gatsby is a simple app that connects to your sales site, analyzes your socially active customers, regardless of their fanbase, and reaches out to encourage them to become brand advocates.  If you’re at the helm of a startup or trying to get more social outreach, and want time to spend on other areas, then this handy app will be perfect.



This is an email client with eCommerce at its heart – perfect for creating automated messages, product recommendations, newsletters, and chasing down shopping-cart deserters. Gain a better understanding of who is engaging with your emails with click-tracking technology. You won’t be left in the dark, as SmartrMail has an extensive customer support base, with training videos for ease. 



This is an extremely useful tool that lets customers buy now and pay later over installments or at a later date. You may be thinking about the risk of customers not paying and the loss of monies, but rest assured that regardless of how the customer chooses to pay Klarna will always settle as agreed. It’s easy for you and could lead to increased sales from customers who need a cheeky advance before payday.


With the uprise of chatbots, Chatfuel will support you in creating a bot tailored to the needs of your business. Your customer base will be smoothly guided through choosing products and making end purchases. Connect with the billions of users across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger to increase your sales, generate leads, and automate FAQs.

Lucky Orange


Generating site data and using it to improve your business can be overwhelming, so this is where Lucky Orange comes in. They will help you effectively analyze site visitor data and find useful information, like when customers get confused and they leave your site. With this knowledge, you can plug the gaps to create a smoother site. Taking out the headache of data analysis will leave you with time to focus on more important areas.

These useful apps just offer a peek into the world of eCommerce tools. The best way to decide on the right tools for you is to read some reviews and trial a few and see what works for you – the chances are that your investments will be made back in generated sales.

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